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See you there, Vev. I'll be there with metalman.

Flying or driving, djp?


The cloud is on the deck here at the moment and I reckon we could have a fog in the valley in the morning.





Guest davidh10

All roads out of Yarrawonga are closed due to flooding, otherwise I would have been in Melbourne this weekend. Waiting for the low cloud to lift (< 500') so I can survey the floods from the air, particularly my son's place near Shepparton, to which we cannot drive. Even have a displaced threshold due to partial runway flooding.


Have a good time at the show, everyone :-)




Hi guys,


That crosswind was pretty nasty, wasn't it? Never seen so many go-arounds.


I took a few pix, and will put them up onto flickr in the next few days.


PS - never realized there were so many Ercoupes about down there.....








Thx Neil,


Look fwd to seeing your photos.


We have 3 Ercoupes at Tyabb (75% of the Aust fleet), all of our are 1946 415C models ... we didn't get to fly them yesterday as the cross wind was over our show display limit, albeit the limit is much lower than normal ops.


DJP ... love the old flick that Hans posted.







Hans and I were standing next to the runway waiting for you to arrive and demonstrate crosswind landing skill equal to his Auster days atYour preferred crosswind landing technique?']Your preferred crosswind landing technique?

Well,as you would have guessed, I didn't make it.


I got up bright and early and couldn't see the hill across the valley from home so I snuggled back for a little while then phoned the friendly weather man for advice.


He told me about the 25 knot westerlies that would likely ruin my day if I ventured down the Peninsula. It was calm at home, so I drove over to YCEM and it was pretty calm there, too. But I couldn't see Mt D or Steeles Hill.


A little later, the wind developed from the north then swung to the west and increased in strength. I got some practice in 10-15 knot NW which was enough for me... I'm an old pilot these days and not bold at all.


The Kitfox came back from Tyabb around 1700 EST and told me that he had some excitement when leaving... He started on the grass on the eastern side the bitumen, got whacked by the westerly when doing around 35 knots, and speared across the black stuff to the opposite side before levitating.


He has a 15 knot dem max xw compare to my 9 knots, so I'm glad I wasn't there to show everyone how not to takeoff in strong xw conditions. But I'm sorry I missed what sounded like a great airshow. I hope to live long enough to get to the next one:-)


You coming to YCEM next Sunday?




Hi guys,


Some pictures from the Tyabb Airshow on Sunday :-



Maybe someone else can fill in the gaps with the planes I did not get pictures of....







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Hi Neil,


Thanks for posting the photos .... you managed to get a shot of my little silver Ercoupe.







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