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Hey all,


After a hours and hours of reaserch and what not i have decided to build a H bird http://www.eaa.org/experimenter/articles/2010-02_hummel_bird.asp




Seems to be quite a "simple" build from what i have found so far, fair bit of suport from the designers from the looks of it, decent cruise and performance and sporty looks


This will be my first build and i dont really know much about builds but, i am builder and have done a few cars so i hope it is a matter of adjusting my skills


Keen to hear any thoughts or advice from people and im sure that when the plans arrive and the build starts ill have a million questions but i am trying to learn as much as i can on the net before they arive





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I don't know much about them but I reckon they look like a nice machine... See also the BK-1... No plans available as yet but worth contacting the designer... It seems to be a slightly larger version of the Hummel... My guess is that in building the Hummel you would have to design the cockpit arrangements to suit your individual size.







Thanks Windsor, I did have a look at the bk but quite alot of extra hours in the build altho they may just be being honest! but i do like the fact that they have the FULL VW. I think that if i had the $$ i would go with the hummel H5 tho but, i think the bird will be enough of a challenge to begin with




Another option... apparently Garry Morgan has a plan in the works for his single seat Super Diamond...




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THAT'S A NICE LIL MACHINE!!! But out of the $$ range for now, the Bird "can" be done for around $10k US so would be a bit more here i would think with freight and what not, This actually came from a mates idea to build a Volksplane so going to have to keep the dollars low.. but at least i will be back up in the air




Bit of a thankyou to John Harley form www.holbrookultralightclub.asn.au


I emailed him to see if he could get in contact with Dave King who has built a H bird with a Rotax (503 i think) seen here http://www.holbrookultralightclub.asn.au/news_page.htm John has passed on Daves details to me and said that i can contact him to discuss the build!!!!! got to love how friendly people are in aviation!!




The hummel is quite a slippery machine. when they have a 2-stroke engine the expansion chanber generallyspoils the low drag. I rechon a HKS 700 would be a neat engine with a C/S prop, though the Kiev is pretty good. Nev




be a great lil engine but i think the weight would be too much since there has been limited success with the FULL VW but will look into it




Plans are on there way from the states, been a busy week getting quotes for everything and sorting out a few methods. done a spreadsheet costing and with a new 45hp VW with DUAL, ALT, and start, a fairly well equipped panel, freight and a few other bits and pieces ill be looking around 15k. Thanks to Old Man Emu who has been real helpful with hardware and general knowledge. Have received the builders manual so have been going over that a bit just to get my head around it so the Research side of it is coming along nicely so now to have some material to start when the plans arrive




Good onya Ben i bet you're pretty exited to get started , i just noticed you are in Cairns , at the Ingham wings and wheels last year there was a hummel parked in a hanger im not sure if it lives there permanently but im sure a call to someone at the airfield should answer that .....just thought you may be interested .






Thanks for that corvair ill try to see who it was, there a two flying in Aus that i know of so might be one of them. and yea just a lil excited, Went on a bit of a tool bonanza yesterday, We all like a good reason to buy new tools! problem was then i needed something to use them with so i started my HX one tonner that was supposed to wait till the plane was finished, so now the garage is going to have two projects!031_loopy.gif.e6c12871a67563904dadc7a0d20945bf.gif




Are you going tailwheel ? Check your centre of gravity with the 4 cyl Veedub you might end up with a short nose or weight in the tail. Nev




Na Nev going TRI but, it will only be the "half" VW, I cant see any way that i can get a full VW up the fornt because of the weight




Here you go Ben , the builders name is John potts it was yet to have flown at the time of the Ingham wings and wheels airshow and it does look like its an Ingham local.










Cheers Jas, Ill try to track him down, I'm down that way allot for work would be nice if a could have a yarn and a bo peep



New 45hp VW, looking around 15k

Not quite sure I understand if this is to be a full VW, or a 1/2VW?

Or is this the anticipated total cost?


If it's a full 4cyl, with start and dual mags, it will be very heavy and as ugly as that black and yellow thing (sorry to the owner, but look at the front of that thing ah_oh.gif.cb6948bbe4a506008010cb63d6bb3c47.gif)


Next point, if it's to be a 1/2VW, you will be lucky to get 25hp out of it, really!


Dave King and Brian Gabriel before him could both see the only way to go is a 2 stroke.


You can probably get a reco'ed 503 cheaper than the VW(which will also be reco'ed), it will be lighter and it will put out 50+hp.


It wouldn't take a lot of work to clean up the exhaust setup.


The weight saving of a 503 would offset some larger tanks in the centre section to avoid CofG changes.


I've recently been trying to test fly a machine designed for a 503, that was fitted with a Revmaster, it's not looking good.


The motor feels like it's putting out about 40hp, and the aircraft came out a bit heavy.




The net result is minimal performance.053_no.gif.1b075e917db98e3e6efb5417cfec8882.gif


Just found another two stroke Hummel here in Oz; http://www.lmacrc.com/Photos/2006/Home Built.htm


I think some large side cheeks could hide the exhaust on one side, and the carbi's on the other side......


Dont get me wrong, the half VW Hummels are out there and working, BUT, the good ones have no electrics, are hand start, and take off from 1000 ft of concrete.


I rest my case; Arthur.



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Not quite sure I understand if this is to be a full VW, or a 1/2VW?Or is this the anticipated total cost?

If it's a full 4cyl, with start and dual mags, it will be very heavy and as ugly as that black and yellow thing (sorry to the owner, but look at the front of that thing ah_oh.gif.cb6948bbe4a506008010cb63d6bb3c47.gif)


Next point, if it's to be a 1/2VW, you will be lucky to get 25hp out of it, really!


Dave King and Brian Gabriel before him could both see the only way to go is a 2 stroke.


You can probably get a reco'ed 503 cheaper than the VW(which will also be reco'ed), it will be lighter and it will put out 50+hp.


It wouldn't take a lot of work to clean up the exhaust setup.


The weight saving of a 503 would offset some larger tanks in the centre section to avoid CofG changes.


I've recently been trying to test fly a machine designed for a 503, that was fitted with a Revmaster, it's not looking good.


The motor feels like it's putting out about 40hp, and the aircraft came out a bit heavy.




The net result is minimal performance.053_no.gif.1b075e917db98e3e6efb5417cfec8882.gif


Just found another two stroke Hummel here in Oz; http://www.lmacrc.com/Photos/2006/Home Built.htm


I think some large side cheeks could hide the exhaust on one side, and the carbi's on the other side......


Dont get me wrong, the half VW Hummels are out there and working, BUT, the good ones have no electrics, are hand start, and take off from 1000 ft of concrete.


Arthur I agree with most of what you say so if someone can show me how to mount a R503 to my Hummelbird without having that pug-ugly exhaust system ruining the whole picture, I'll pull out the 1/2 VW and power a lawn mower with it. Whilst the Rotax-powered longer nosed H'bird presents and performs significantly better, that bloody muffler makes it look like a topless Pamela Anderson in a bikini bottom with road kill tied around her neck (IMHO). Cheers



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Arthur, It is to be a half VW, They come from Hummel engines in 28,32,37, 45hp, looking at around 5.5k delivered for the engine. Terry says that most guys are using the 37hp and are getting 100-110mph cruise and around 1000fpm and the 45hp is around 120mph so if that's the case i would be happy! Not to keen on 2 stroke, think that they work just fine in my bike tho!!


Just got off the phone to Terry from Hummel and the plans are on the way!! got some good info from him and he is going to forward some more on to me. He also said that there were a few in progress out here at the moment, would be good to see a few in the air! is quite a nice helpful guy too



how to mount a R503 to my Hummelbird

I cant find one of my good drawings to show, but I will try to explain;



This is a project I have on hold, that was to use a R503 mounted upright with the gearbox also upright, and having cheek cowls like a flat motor.


On one side is the carbi's and filter(s), on the other side is the exhaust.


These items are more or less in line with the prop shaft so the effect is quite neat.


More of this project at; https://plus.google.com/photos/113292981019876413104/albums/5194978509871592929?banner=pwa


I'll get back to it one day.





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  • 2 weeks later...

A lil bit of an update, Plans still have not arrived altho i have received the builders manual and construction DVD p1, have received all the quotes that i required and will wait for the plans before ordering. I got put onto a local LAME who spent years rebuilding old warbirds at mareeba, he invited me to his house the other day for a chat and what a nice and intelligent guy. He has retired now and was nice enough to give me a few bits and pieces as well as a loan of calipers as well as a few other things. He has passed on quite a bit of info and said that once under way i can contact him if i get stuck, he also has a local weighing company which in the end will come in handy!!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Plans ended up in Montreal some how before tracking ended (got to love the post service) so Terry has sent out a new set hopefully the arrive soon enough. This has however given me more time to set up the garage and collect a few more required tools for the build. I have now got my work table built and have bought and set up my air compressor, drill press, bench grinder, vice and an assortment of new pneumatic tools. Tool wise im now set up enough to complete allot of the build just needing some aviation specific items (clecos, rivet gun, rivet fan ect) and a welder. I found a local tool shop that stocks aviation tools which is going to save a fair bit of hassle when the time comes, the guy that has the shop is building a 701 and that's how he has ended up with the stock. Any way hopefully see the plans soon and get things underway



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Onya Ben , i can just picture you sitting on your bench twiddling your thumbs waiting for those bloody plans to arrive 086_gaah.gif.afc514336d60d84c9b8d73d18c3ca02d.gif






Lets just say its the cleanest the garage has been in a while!! luckily i have a HX one tonner project to keep my occupied till then!




The only other progress is, when i was speaking to Col the lame, He advised that even tho i was using the 2024 instead of the 6061 he still recommended painting it cause of the high levels of corrosion around cairns. He also said to work out exactly how and what you are going to paint it before construction and stick with it cause this will allow better priming solutions throughout the build. So what i wanted to know from anyone was what "top"coat is recommended and what primer


These are a few of the paint schemes that i like so far



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