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Guest AusDarren

Hi, have you recently sat the PIFR exam?


I have just finished Vol 1 of Aviation theory centres PIFR text,


and am feeling confident..


Though I'd like to talk to someone that has been through the wringer so to speak..








I did the IREX a few years ago and would say that it was more difficult than the CPL.


Motivation to study was high though (and is high again on days like today when no flying happens due weather!) which always makes it easy.


I would suggest that if you do the PIFR you at least add one approach. Consider the CIR currency requirements as the minimum (really is a serious thing being in bumpy CU with rain belting down and trying to do a reasonable NDB approach).


I'm sure you'll enjoy the sense of achievement though. Great challenge to do well.



Guest AusDarren

Thanks for the comments Blueline, My game plan is to first pass the theory before I start the lessons, and then do the NVFR rating first, Then using PIFR as stepping stones.. and building proficiency level to CPL along the way..


And yes the sence of achievement will be sensational.


I still hope to Chat to anyone that has sat the PIFR theory exam. While much of the content of IREX will be similar, there may be some differences. Bluline are you going the the brief and BBQ on Sunday?


I'm planning on taking the Archer to the flyin at Penfield on Saturday. (weather permitting of course!)


Thanks for your feedback,








from what I remember about the exam (a while ago) you need to know all the "what if" scenarios (alternate requirements, nav aids, weather, lighting etc etc)


Track tolerance, reading and knowing TAC and ERC charts. Route requirements in ERSA, and those one way symbols on the routes.


Get a copy of the IFG (if you can). Very useful thing for study and flying.


As always practice exams are great to check if you are ready. I only have exams for the IREX. Might be useful if you want to try them - but I want them back!



Guest AusDarren

Thanks for the tips..


I'm booked in at ASL Werribee next Thursday afternoon..




Good luck on Thursday!


I'll bet your head feels like it has gone a couple of rounds with Mike Tyson when you are finished!



Guest AusDarren

Well another hurdle successfully cleared :-) I got 87% which I was happy with. Thanks very much Blueline, it helped. made me realise that you really do have to read very carefully.


the Aviation theory centre private IFR manual Volume one covered all the exam info well. Vol 2 is not required prior to sitting the exam.


Tip- Wear a watch that shows UTC as well as local time.


Also the Werribee testing centre isn't too easy to find. If you haven't been there before, allow plenty of time.








Well Done


Well another hurdle successfully cleared :-) I got 87% which I was happy with. AusDarren




  • 1 year later...
Guest cyrus

Does someone know the requirements in terms of hours of training for the initial issue of the P IFR by the way? -split between sim and in-flight training-


Thanks :-)





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