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Hi Scooter181 098_welcome.gif.81ff07d492568199326e4f64f78d7bc6.gif congratulations on your imminent Ra Certificate, so tell us a bit about yourself.


Where are you located, where do you fly from, what aircraft are you training in, how old are you, will you be buying an aircraft etc, etc, etc.


We are like a large family on this Forum and just like families we like to share our experiences and help each other where possible, if you have 'common' sense, well that's ok,


but if you have a sense of humour that's even better.008_roflmao.gif.692a1fa1bc264885482c2a384583e343.gif







Guest davidh10

098_welcome.gif.81ff07d492568199326e4f64f78d7bc6.gif Scooter


We don't bite! Indeed there's lots of collective wisdom vested in the members here, plus we're interested in your experiences and opinions too.


Best wishes for completion of your Certificate.




Scooter Hi and welcome,


Lots of good info, advice and help available for the asking. Good luck in gaining your cert. 098_welcome.gif.81ff07d492568199326e4f64f78d7bc6.gif






Thanks for the welcome note everyone, I'm 42, live in Bendigo vic, training in a tecnam echo P92, have done aprox 3hrs solo at this stage, but i go up every week, so my hours are going up nicely. I will be buying within the next year or so, but not sure what yet. Maybe a savanah, gazelle, zenith, or even a jabiru. I'm always up for good advise to narrow down choices that are made. thanks guys. Scooter



Guest davidh10

I flew past Bendigo (overflew Raywood) a few weeks back, on the way to Goolwa, and while I was at the closest 13 miles to the North, I did listen to the Bendigo CTAF activity for a little while.


Raywood looked like they might be preparing gliders. It was certainly a good day for gliding. I was being chucked about quite a bit by thermals. Not long after I overflew Bridgewater, they put up some meat bombs. Melbourne Centre was trying to warn someone about flying into the active rocket range at Serpentine too. The area seemed reasonably active.




After watching for a long while I too have gone solo today , at 55 I was worried I may not be able to cut the mustard but under CFI Allan Jarvis and at the Yarram aerodrome it came together beautifully





After watching for a long while I too have gone solo today , at 55 I was worried I may not be able to cut the mustard but under CFI Allan Jarvis and at the Yarram aerodrome it came together beautifullyBRL

Onya! BRL!!



Guest davidh10

Congratulations BRL.


You are in good company. There's plenty of us have taken up flying after 55.




To all you Flying Recycled Teenagers....WELL DONE.107_score_010.gif.2fa64cd6c3a0f3d769ce8a3c21d3ff90.gif


Alan. (Recycled with only one through bolt faulty).



(Recycled with only one through bolt faulty).

Is that the one through your neck holding the head in place?008_roflmao.gif.692a1fa1bc264885482c2a384583e343.gif





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