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Guest Fred Bear

Well all in all, that's the Aussie Govt for you, raping the innocent person wherever they can. Happens all day every day.



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Guest bazmay

O.K. I will plead guilty here. I don't have the latest issue ERSA but I'm told by our local CFI that the gate code will be in the next issue in amongst all the details of the airport. At our airport it was even suggested to include it on the "beep back reply" you get when calling inbound. Daahhhh, how dumb is THAT, anyone can dial up the CTAF frequency and be given the gate code.






Your theory about the number to use doesn't hold up at Gladstone, but this morning without showing my card I asked an employee at the airport if the code was still XXXX and he gave me the number without any problems.


As far as the use of the card it is a purely revenue raising system. If you are convicted of a crime and hold an ASIC you are supposed to advise the powers that be. I would have thought that as soon as you get a card they woud be monitoring all court and police records automatically and keeping tabs on you. There should be no need to renew your card and pay the fee for a further check. What really pisses me off is the fact that I am considered to be checked and controlled but the politicians that make the rules have such low moral standards that they break the law and get caught with their fingers in the cookie jar. Oh dear I am becoming americanised!



  • 2 weeks later...
Guest John Mac

My ASIC expires July 07.


As a commercial operator Australia wide, I can't afford not to have one so I thought I would apply for a renewal with sufficient time so as not to be without a current one.


I was supprised that CASA through DOTARS turned it around in about 3 weeks. I was even impressed at such service until I noticed that my new ASIC expires on the last day of April 2009. Old one expires July 07.


So because one works within the spirt of the legeslation and applys early so as not to be working under duress or on crisis managment I have lost 3 months of an ASIC. They can only be renewed for the two year period, valid FROM the date of your last security check.




CASA blamed DOTARS and DOTARS blamed the Government but at the end of the day the applicant, trying to do the right thing, suffers a 3 month loss of service which you pay money for.


Posted for members information.






The Privacy Act must be frightening CASA a fair bit considering all those lost applications. Techincally they have to be able to produce the supplied documentation again on request, and face some painful fines when they dont.


Still, I guess if people dont have a receipt or otherways to prove that they sent the documentation in they dont have too much to worry about.




An update for ASIC holders and ASIC applicants. As mentioned previously in this thread, AUSCHECK a function of the Attorney Generals departments has been handed the task of running with the application processing.


In short form, they have a vision of a 2-3 day turnaround time for the approval process for ASICs, and then you need your card printed. The idea is for it to be completely computer driven, though how do you implement computer linkages into government organisation with any sensible form of red tap? Hence, the havoc that will be unleashed on July 1 will be nothing short of the farcicle that was DOTARS attempt on implementation of the ASIC.


In addition to this, the cost will go up to around $140. Thanks for that.


The long answer is this:


Applications will be verified by CFIs, including photos.


Applications are sent to RA-Aus.


RA-Aus staff will need to input the data into the Auscheck website


(room for input error)


Auscheck has access to a magnificent facility called Data Verification System which will holds everyone's birth certificate details, passport details etc etc, which incidentally won't be functional until sometime in 2008! so who knows what they will do till then??


If the applicants data does not match the data on the DVS, the application is rejected.


Otherwise, Auscheck processes the request and sends the application to AFP, ASIO and DIMEA (foreigners) electronically.


If all clear - a response gets sent to RA-Aus indicating successful completions.


This, together with the scanned image that RA-Aus has taken of your supplied photograph goes to the Card printers.


If the application is rejected, or you are a terrorist, you will be promptly visited by men in black and taken to another world (so to speak).


Renewals work in exactly the same way - without the ASIO check.


Sounds great, though the current state of Auschecks development leaves one scratching their head as to what will happen from July1.


Fun times ahead, lets hope you have your cards and they have the correct photos on them (have you checked yours?). We have had numerous cards back for our members that do not have our members picture on them...


Just another battle we have ongoing in the office.





Guest The Bushman

As a local Rec Aircraft Club that after some run around by the local council when trying to build and operate a club at the local Airport YBHI


and after some several council meeting and gaining no progress we deceided to locate away from them and so we built and maintain our own airstrip, with no landing charges and are going ahead in leaps.


The part that has now slapped the local council in the face was we were


approached by a state operated Sky diving club to operate at our Strip as the council rules were over the top and the main requirement was ASIC cards for all, including Public that Sky dive on the Day. WOW



  • 4 months later...

Hi Gang.


Cop this. Early March this year 07 we were planning a ferry flight (Gazelle) from the top end of NSW to Northam WA. and applied via RA-Aus for a "precious" ASIC card to access needed airports (fuel and the like) and the application sent, inclusive of the "then" required funds. The information, with receipt from RA-Aus, received quite soon thereafter was that, "as soon as the background checks were performed and the final paperwork was done the card would be mine" no time span was given. Flight planning was started in earnest and route segments were selected.


On this particular flight it was prudent, due to the distance, and the safety aspect of this flight that a number of airports were utilised, and yes, quite a few had restrictions placed upon them. So???. How to get fuel and vittles, without the hassles. A lot of telephone calls, to the "ERSA" listed airport operators, provided some of the solutions. Some of the replies were, PPL photo ID was accepted inclusive of proof of applying for the ASIC card. Thank you RA-Aus for supplying a receipt and a date when the application was in fact made. Some airport operators only wanted to know "are you a pilot" so, in some instances, even the operators are not happy about the impositions placed upon them. The point is that if you prepare your flight and do it properly, contact the proper people and get names, by at least contacting those people before you get there the hassles can be kept to a minimum (still a pain). The flight went ahead without too much drama, (you may have noticed by now that no card was received) and at one major reginal centre whilst refuelling the agent issued me with a visitors pass. At least the coffee was hot.


Getting into an airport with a security rating (as long as they know you are arriving) appeares to be not as great a concern as it is made out to be.


At least after the ASIC card hassle (without) the flight went well and arrived back home safely, it was a great trip.






ps: Received a telephone call to say that my card has been approved and should arrive soon.



  • 2 weeks later...

Have you tried to renew your ASIC. I am in the process of doing mine now. It requires filling in the same forms as for initial issue and getting all the personal details and proof of identity. Then it costs $186, a saving of $10 on the original issue.


I cannot for the life of me see how it can cost tat much to do all that is required to renew. It will all have to be done again in another 2 years, but as it seems we may not be allowed into the airports with passenger services, we will not need an ASIC.




Does Mildura require an ASIC?




Do they really work. I forgot to display mine at a required aerodrome and even talking to aerodrome staff, nobody noticed. I didn't realise my error until I left the area.



I can assure you that ASICs do work. I haven't been hijacked even once since I've had mine. 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif


Do they really work. I forgot to display mine at a required aerodrome and even talking to aerodrome staff, nobody noticed. I didn't realise my error until I left the area.

Funny that, I don't carry mine all the time now when I fly into Jandakot, I just got fed up of hanging it round my neck, so I leave in my flight-bag now. I have never once been asked for it, even when passing through gates to visit friends hangers 'air side', and in March 08 I'm going to have to stump up the cash all over again to maintain this wonderful level of anti-terrorist protection.




I would like to put my two bob's worth in but I won't, all I will say is that the mental giant who thought up the idea of the ASIC must of had two private members <EDITED BY ADMIN - crude statements are not accepted>.






I would not have thought that it was a crude statement considering an ex Prime Minister of this country once used the exact word in the exact phrase, as I used it in my post, on a television interview in the United States, (R J Hawke).


Also the word is deemed judicially as a colloquial term.


But I suppose everyone is entitled to their opinion and if it is deemed crude in the context that it was used then so be it but I make no apology because in my view it wasn't crude only categorizing the author/s of the ASIC idea.


But of course as I am only a user of Flying Forums and I will cede to AMIN on this occasion.




Nothwithstanding, I still think that the Author/s of the ASIC idea were 088_censored.gif.2b71e8da9d295ba8f94b998d0f2420b4.gif's.




Having just downloaded the CASA 639 application form (yes all 8 pages of it) in order to renew my ASIC, I must agree that it all seems to be a total bureaucratic overkill considering that it has to be done every two years, complete with new photos (or at least not more than 6 months old) and then having to pay $186 for the "privilege" is obscene!049_sad.gif.af5e5c0993af131d9c5bfe880fbbc2a0.gif


Passports are valid for 10 years...why can't the ASIC be the same?


Having to pay almost $2 per week to maintain this card is totally unfair for recreational pilots......at least if you were working in the aviation industry, you could claim it as a tax deduction. :;)1:




When I went to Gladstone Qld courthouse with the 8 forms duly filled in I couldn't get my signature witnessed because I didn't have the explanatory forms with me. After telling the female JP I thought she was just trying to mess me around she got the senior male officer there and he couldn't witness my signature either for the same reason. He did agree to download the form from the CASA site and after 20 minutes wait he showed me the forms and said he needed time to read them. By this time a volounteer JP had arrived and I got him to do it all in about 5 minutes.


If the Court House officials are so inefficient I cannot see how the rest of the beaurocracy will make ours a safer world, all it does is provides jobs for beaurocrats and costs us too much money.


On a similar vein, why do pilots have to pay for all he required documents, and have to carry them in the plane. Imagine the uproar if all car drivers had to buy a copy of the Traffic Act and carry it in the car.




[ Imagine the uproar if all car drivers had to buy a copy of the Traffic Act and carry it in the car.


wouldn't be such a bad idea. comes with the "bling" plates



  • 7 months later...

Following on from my previous posts. I have written to our local MP who forwarded my letter to Anthony Albanese. The relevant minister, who writes that 50% of all applications are being turned around within 5 working days, and 95% within 12 working days.


Does anyone have any experience of these rapid turnaround times. Using the longer time it should take from posting the application to receiving your ASIC, 3 weeks.


I am a cynic and have been told so on this forum, but is my cynicism out of place here.




I wonder if the genius who dreamt up the nazi card, as that is really what the ASIC card is, managed a nice promotion, as this only benefits the govt.


If some bug eyed fanatic of BinLiner really wanted to use a light aircraft as a weapon, do you really honestly think they would go through the whole ASIC process first?




I'd better get off my soapbox before the MIB start kicking in the door, I guess. So much for the constitution.








To Bin longden, and other skeptics, the ASIC card is a massive deterent. I am sure that it is effective and will continue to be effective (especially as it gets more expensive) at deterring all manner of people from being pilots. Nev..



To Bin longden, and other skeptics, the ASIC card is a massive deterent.

Yep. Since the ASIC arrived, the compulsion to face plant the budgie into a garden shed has stopped. Who knows how many garden implements have been saved!:raise_eyebrow:






Got mine back yesterday (about 3 weeks) The staff at Fyshwick 10 out of 10 (as usual). Talking of photo's, a friend of mine, years ago had a daughter who flew for Ansett as a flight attendant. They swapped their ID. cards for a period of months and nobody noticed the difference, and believe me, they did not look the same. Nev..



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