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Site Update has commenced


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Hi All


For a few weeks now I have been working heavily on the next site update. It has included a lot of research in the current offerings of forum software, the technologies they use, their level of development both current and proposed to bring you more/better ways of doing what you want and the future of this site with the initiatives we have planned.


This has all resulted in a solution for the site update that will not be ready for quite some time, many months in fact however work has commenced on what I believe is going to be something great for everyone towards the end of this year (2012)...it will be great that is if I can get your input at various times throughout its development which will only ensure that it IS great for you.


Some of the enhancements are:


  • As you create a post, a draft of it is saved every 60secs until you have posted it
  • Apart from the "Likes" feature, you can also add a reputation comment, up or down, of a post
  • A complete "Blog" system for you to have your own Blog with categories, pages etc
  • A "Post To Blog" feature where you can add a post that is in the forums straight into your Blog by a click of a button
  • A notice on posts if the post has been changed after 10mins of it being posted with a reason why it was edited by the poster
  • A "Quick Links" block at the top of the right column for you to quickly see how many PMs you have, to your Blog, to your Photo Albums, your Videos, your friends list and a link directly to the list of threads that you have subscribed to.
  • A dedicated Aircraft Section for everything about Aircraft including lists, ADs and ANs, Featured Aircraft, Rego Lookups and more all coming off a main section
  • Dedicated sections, like the Aircraft Section for Clubs/Schools/Events with a multi calendar system, Pilot Supplies with a new Classifieds/Auctions system, Pilot Resources, Media Section that includes the Video Library, Photo Gallery, News, Podcasts, Radio Listening and more
  • A new Video Library...the same one that is used on Aviation Enthusiasts that allows you to even browse YouTube from within the site and add videos to the library
  • A revamped and far more powerful specific "User Groups" System
  • A slightly revamped site style with more appealing rounded corners etc
  • An Article System that looks like a magazine
  • What's New is on the main menu and contains an "Activity Stream" so you can see what's really new across the whole site like new blog entries, new articles, new groups and public group posts, new events
  • What registered site members have been online in the last rolling 24hrs
  • A complete Help System that covers everything on the site
  • Colour scheme changes to reflect what country you are in
  • A better incorporated 'Instant Chat" function by using a new feature that shows if a user is currently online within the forums and their posts
  • and much much more especially in the area of "Resources" for you



The main reason why this update is going to take so long is that this current site is working well as it is so the difference this time is that there is no pressing issue to force a quick update so this new update can be completely finished before it needs to go live.


You can watch its development progress, read about what is currently getting done (even comment on what is getting done at any time) in the Development Blog that is on the development site at:


www.aircraftpilots.net (note that is the final testing site where components undergo their final testing)...so don't forget to stay up to date and comment in the Blog over there.



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A poll was done where only 22 people decided to vote one way or the other:




So if people don't vote or provide helpful comments then like the RAAus elections, you can't complain about what you get...that poll showed a 9% swing...besides you don't have to use the extra things but when you do then I will know it was worth it.


The current software was implemented for a reason, back when my health was a problem and I couldn't sustain the workload for YOU. however, the current software is extremely limited due to its infancy, the software itself is just over 1 year old. We had a similar problem about 7 years ago with the software we used then and the site only used that software for 12 months but throughout the site's life it has continually grown because of the actions that I have taken...just remember when the new update does eventually go live, if you find yourself looking in one of the other new areas, or voting in a weekly poll in the side column or etc etc, then would you do me a favour and just say thanks! poking.gif.62337b1540bd66201712a53e2664c9b4.gif 026_cheers.gif.2a721e51b64009ae39ad1a09d8bf764e.gif 003_cheezy_grin.gif.c5a94fc2937f61b556d8146a1bc97ef8.gif



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Guest davidh10

Actually, the save a draft feature is probably top of my list. As I'm mostly doing other things, like that four letter word (w...), it sometimes takes several hours to complete a post. There have been a few that I've composed off-line over a day or two. being able to save a draft, that is not published would be very helpful. When the author is happy with their post, just click Save / Publish or whatever.


Due to the vaguaries of mobile phone editors, I often find strange words have crept into my vocabulary and made a post unintelligible. That requires re-reading and then editing the post a few times. The draft feature would remove that issue, as the edits could be done, even in multiple sessions, before publishing.


Occasionally, I have noticed that while I'm composing a post, someone else has posted a very similar response, so I just delete my not yet posted composition. That could be done with drafts too.



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Sorry to burst any bubbles but I have been having a hell of a time integrating a lot of "stuff" with it so I have had to put that on hold till some solutions can be found...in the meantime I have been working on a little upgrade to the current software that should bring some of the above features to the current site but unfortunately not the "Drafts" or "Edit Post Notes" but it will make the site pull up less code when you view a page.











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...just remember when the new update does eventually go live, if you find yourself looking in one of the other new areas, or voting in a weekly poll in the side column or etc etc, then would you do me a favour and just say thanks! poking.gif.62337b1540bd66201712a53e2664c9b4.gif 026_cheers.gif.2a721e51b64009ae39ad1a09d8bf764e.gif 003_cheezy_grin.gif.c5a94fc2937f61b556d8146a1bc97ef8.gif

Yes, Ian, I would really like to say this to you and Corinne: THANK YOU!



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026_cheers.gif.2a721e51b64009ae39ad1a09d8bf764e.gif thanks...that's all a site admin likes to hear from time to time to make it all worthwhile


80knots, the Donate button is in the right column of the main forums page


David and Pud, you can see some banner advertisers now also in the right column of the forums main page who support this site/resource for all Aircraft Pilots...their banners will appear in a few more areas with the update...we must really try and support these guys who are supporting this site. Their name will appear in a special box towards the top of the right column on the forums main page when they come on-line so start up a chat with them as they make this site, and its growth of features, possible for all


Whilst the software developers work out integration solutions, if they ever do, I am working on the update to the current software and if i can achieve what I want (what is organic in the other software) before they can solve the issues then naturally we will be staying with this one...there are pros and cons of both but there are some important elements that i want to achieve...Clubs/Schools tied in with their activities/events, better poll services, proper informative sections on specific topic areas like Aircraft, Articles, Pilot Resources, Community (Groups etc), Pilot Supplies (Classifieds, Product Reviews) etc



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026_cheers.gif.2a721e51b64009ae39ad1a09d8bf764e.gif thanks...that's all a site admin likes to hear from time to time to make it all worthwhile80knots, the Donate button is in the right column of the main forums page

Ian, after suggesting a DONATE button for a couple of years, I never noticed that this was implemented. Thanks for letting me know, I have used the DONATE button tonight. May many others do this too.



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The styling changes have now been completed and can be seen at www.jackaroo.com.au - You will notice that here are many little insignificant changes so the impact is ever so small but they make the site look and feel cleaner to use. some of the little things are for example if you go to use a text field, the background of it turns light yellow so you are aware of what you are doing, the user block to the left of posts is remodelled to give it a more non-imposing look, the "breadcrumb" has been moved higher to just under the main menu, buttons have a more distinct highlight when hovering your mouse over them, the links in posts (edit, delete, report, like, reply etc now float to under the user's signature in posts no matter how long/short the post is, etc etc etc...there are hundreds of little changes. The big thing from my point of view is that more of the style definitions (i.e. color, font, size etc) are used throughout the site more which means a lot less number of different pieces of code are required to be loaded every time you go on to a page.


Have a look and I hope you like it...I will presume if no one comments that it is all ok by you and will implement it here on the live site 001_smile.gif.2cb759f06c4678ed4757932a99c02fa0.gif


An example of just how small hundreds of the changes are, here is 4 of them:




1. The left border of the Home tab on the main menu currently shows...now fixed in the update


2. The 1st sub menu item (watched threads in this example) doesn't line up with the text "Home" of the 1st tab item of the menu


3. The breadcrumb is moved up higher to have the same spacing down as it has in from the side


4. The non-highlighted menu background is now a darker blue to get rid of the "washed or faded" look


So you can see there are many changes but I don't think they will really impact you in any real way



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The styling changes have now been completed and can be seen at www.jackaroo.com.au - You will notice that here are many little insignificant changes so the impact is ever so small but they make the site look and feel cleaner to use. some of the little things are for example if you go to use a text field, the background of it turns light yellow so you are aware of what you are doing, the user block to the left of posts is remodelled to give it a more non-imposing look, the "breadcrumb" has been moved higher to just under the main menu, buttons have a more distinct highlight when hovering your mouse over them, the links in posts (edit, delete, report, like, reply etc now float to under the user's signature in posts no matter how long/short the post is, etc etc etc...there are hundreds of little changes. The big thing from my point of view is that more of the style definitions (i.e. color, font, size etc) are used throughout the site more which means a lot less number of different pieces of code are required to be loaded every time you go on to a page.Have a look and I hope you like it...I will presume if no one comments that it is all ok by you and will implement it here on the live site 001_smile.gif.2cb759f06c4678ed4757932a99c02fa0.gif

I tried following the link and even posted to a thread. To me, as a user, the changes are subtle and the operation is smooth.



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I have completed the update of this site to the new styling and all seems to work well, I like the way your user Profile has come out and I have made it so we can soon give you some great options to have in the left column of your profile page, apart from the other users that you follow or that follow you.


All the extra components outside of the core forum software will now need to be tweaked for the new styling but the way the styling has been updated most of that should already carry through to the other sections like the Video Library, Photo gallery etc, all making the site far more efficient for you...this is the next area that I will update.


Hope you like the new unobtrusive look of the site which now tends to emphasise what is important more then to have everything fighting for your focus.



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Hi All


I have just completed the upgrading of the site "Groups" section to the look and feel of the new site style and some other minor changes.


These are now called "User Groups" and they have been moved to a sub menu under the "Forums" main menu tab. This is because the User Groups are community orientated where you can basically have your own forum and members relating to any specific interest that you have...could even be lawnmowers or computers or a specific aircraft type not in the general forums or for you and your local flying club members...etc


When you create your "User Group" you select in which category you want it in:


  • Flying Clubs/Schools
  • Aircraft Type
  • Web Site Chapters
  • Special Interest



You can set your own logo, colour of the text of your group name and even set an image as your User Group Name. You set whether you want your User Group where anyone can join or other users have to submit a request to you to join or a user Group where you can only invite others to join.


Your User Group has its own threads and posts just like having your own forum that is specific to a subject, you can copy a forum thread to your User Group to discuss and more.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All


An update...you may have noticed a lot of little changes that have been happening to the site of late, I hope you find these have helped in making the site more appealing to your use of it. The Home Page, the Photo Gallery and Video Library, not only have had software updates applied but also little changes bringing these areas inline with the new styling that was applied to the forums a few weeks back.


The Home Page is earmarked for a complete new look in due course but can't be done till some other changes occur.


I hope the changes thus far have not been too intrusive in your use of the site however I do believe it is all building up to something that you all will find far more appealing...and if not, you can always say something to let me know



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As you can see, the "Latest Poll" block has now been added to the right column on the main forums page. You can get to vote on weekly questions and see how the result is going without having to keep checking the poll in the forums to stay up to date.



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