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Scored a hot ride today !..........................

Guest Maj Millard

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Guest Maj Millard

I had shared a hangar with my friend Col Wado for a couple of years, but never got around to getting a ride in his hot purple metalic Lancair (see photos). Col built the plane and fitted a slightly worked IO360, with the intention of racing the aircraft, when the air racing thing was happening down in Tassy. It has a custom made 3-blade Hoffman adjustable prop, which moves things along just fine.


We actually saddled up for a ride about a month ago, but found we had a mag down on that occasion, so had to cancel, however today it was all systems GO!!............


We lined up at Shute Harbour with about 10 kts on the nose, and blasted off. After liftoff and with the gear up we arrived quickly at the other end of the strip, showing a rapidly increasing 130 Kts. This was quickly converted into altitude with a pull straight up, then we leveled off at 2000' whilst passing through 140 kts or so, looking for reported other traffic. This aircraft with it's engine/prop set-up will easily do 200 + kts !...., and I saw it several time in the 30 minute flight. The cabin is intimate but comfortable, and viz is good to excellent in all directions, through the smoked bubble canopy. The ride above about 140 kts becomes a bit firm as is typical with some low winged aircraft, but you would probabily become accustomed to it with time, and a more familiar seat position.


We were now easily cruising along at 170 Kts, showing about 2200 revs on the active, and throaty sounding IO360 ex-Partenavia engine. Cabin noise was low, and the three-blade prop very smooth.


Col gave control to me around Proserpine, and I pointed the plane toward 'Heathrow', Ian and Julie wells' UL strip by the coast. We did a couple of circuts over the top, and I found control of the aircraft to be quite good in all respects, and generally stable and easy to anticipate. There was one point where I wiped 300' off the altimeter without even trying !....the short stubby stick is almost in a very familiar position for a male, and it takes very little movement for the desired effect. The wing-loading in this aircraft is about the same as a Beechcraft Baron at speed !!......I must report that there were a couple of times during tight turns or pull-ups, that I became well aware I was no longer in full control of my facial features, as they headed south towards my feet, that had to be 2-3 Gs worth........!




We re-entered the Shute Harbour traffic area, and it took a considerable reduction of power early downwind to get anywhere close to gear-speed, which from memory was around 130 Kts. You certainly know when the gear is down with a large increase in noise. Flap speed is 100 kts, but once deployed the aircraft became very stable for the approach to land, holding about 100 Kts till power reduction over the fence. Col managed a beautifull mains-on landing today, at around 60-65 kts, lowering the nose-wheel on just as nicely shortly after. Must say I was very impressed. I have watched the lancair for years, and always wondered what they would be like....in a word Fast !!!............. With about six hours endurance, and good safe landing qualities, this would be the perfect aircraft for somebody wanting to cover country quickly, and at a realistic fuel burn, whilst feeling your in a P-51 mustang, or something similiar.................thanks Col, I had a blast...012_thumb_up.gif.cb3bc51429685855e5e23c55d661406e.gif gleam.gif.61a3085bab2441797a6de7bfc35070cb.gif















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I shared a hangar with my friend Col Wado for a couple of years but never got around to getting a ride in his hot purple metalic Lancair (see photos). Col built the plane and fitted a slightly worked IO360 with the intention of racing the aircraft, whilst the air racing was happening down in Tassy. It has a custom made 3-blade Hoffman adjustable prop which moves things along just fine.We actually saddled up about a month ago, but found we had a mag down on that occasion, so had to cancel, however today it was all systems GO !!............

Thanks for the write up, Maj! I always enjoy reading your flight reports 012_thumb_up.gif.cb3bc51429685855e5e23c55d661406e.gif



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You're starting to sound like me Maj!! Looks like a nice aeroplane indeed, gotta love that higher speed stuff don't you! Gear extension speed, flap speed all makes much better sense once you start going fast... I remember doing my RG endorsement cruising along at 160kts in the Cessna on downwind, it means you have to forward plan a bit more than the average Drifter type stuff! 001_smile.gif.2cb759f06c4678ed4757932a99c02fa0.gif



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Guest Maj Millard

That's for sure Tomo...last time I want that fast downwind was in an RV-6 !....yes you just have to feel the need for speed sometimes. Bit intimidating though when your coming down final 15 kts faster than my Lightwings' top speed............that's wrong !


I'll never catch up to your ever-increasing list of rides Tomo...but I'm not about to stop trying either............Maj...012_thumb_up.gif.cb3bc51429685855e5e23c55d661406e.gif



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Bit intimidating though when your coming down final 15 kts faster than my Lightwings' top speed............that's wrong !

When you look at it that way, it sounds a bit disconcerting 016_ecstatic.gif.156a811a440b493b0c2bea54e43be5cc.gif



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Guest Howard Hughes

Do the large power reductions affect engine life on Lancairs? Or does the tightly shrouded engine help to prevent shock cooling?


PS: Have I seen this aircraft advertised for sale?



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Guest Maj Millard

Howard, The cowls on this aircraft are pretty tight with small latest style inlets. I would imagine there wouldn't be too much shock-cooling, we didn't get much higher than 2500' anyway. Yes it has been advertised for sale, there is still a for-sale sign in the back window...not sure of the current status there, since advertising it Col has done more flying in it than he ever did before !!....................................................................Maj....338631097_Allphotosfromstick777.jpg.3b1430b19a33a80ce5edab5f7f4d1870.jpg





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Guest ozzie

Major, i took a series of photos of this during it's build. The paint job was a first for aircraft here and caused a few jokes about what to say if the controller ever asked for colour and type. Changes at every angle. Also did a short article on it for Pacific Flyer. Sounds wild when it passes low overhead.



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Guest Maj Millard

Your correct Ozzie, we always know when Col departs as he keeps it down and builds up speed. The noise is great, and it's just a purple blur as it screams past the hangar !......................................................................Maj....012_thumb_up.gif.cb3bc51429685855e5e23c55d661406e.gif



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Guest Maj Millard

Strangly enough I remember being at the Stockton airshow in California in the early 80s when Lance Neibauer first showed his prototype Lancair there. A composit home-built kit at the time was still a bit of a novelty and you could hardly get near it !.........................................................Maj....gleam.gif.61a3085bab2441797a6de7bfc35070cb.gif



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Guest Maj Millard

Yes, I thought you were out at the mines !.....We passed heading East, and then came back for another pass in opposite direction.Johns' house looks pretty damn flash !





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Guest Maj Millard

Yes only slightly though !...................................................................Maj...063_coffee.gif.b574a6f834090bf3f27c51bb81b045cf.gif



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Guest turk182

I've got a mate building one near by, he's in his mid seventies ,it'll be a work of art when it's done but part of me hopes he never flys it , they're a pretty unforgiving aircraft. Would take a bit of time to get ahead of it I reckon!





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!....the short stubby stick is almost in a very familiar position for a male, and it takes very little movement for the desired effect.

Quote of the year!

And what a spectacular aircraft.



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