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Learning to fly while teaching to drive

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I am well on my way learning to fly now with 4 solos under my belt and now getting the feel of flying as opposed to just going through the steps. I am also teaching my son to drive at the moment and believe it or not being the "instructor" has helped me a lot to being the 'student' of flying.


I can now see some of the frustrations an instructor must feel when they are trying to teach something that has become 'so easy'. I have been driving for 30 years and it is really hard to relate to how something so second nature to me can be a struggle for someone else. So when I sit in the plane as the student it becomes very clear that the one thing you cannot teach is experience and getting the 'feel' for flying or driving. It just takes time behind the wheel (car or plane).


I changed instructors recently and my flying improved immediately. It is so important to feel compatible with your instructor and if you are not enjoying learning to fly then think about trying a different instructor. Once I changed I went from feeling unsure about continuing to learn to not being able to wait for my next lesson!







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