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when i made a writen compaint to raa about a level 2 lame just a civil mattermy plane was was being used for abitno training

holding my self acountable as to the storch not being in a safe flyable condition


as the person that had sighned the maitainence release had sighned it out with bent engine frame tear in leading edge of wing bent rudder peddles no weight and ballance done after repair not rigged right egt not working flap indercator not working crack in windscreen


i took it out off service


flying hours 270 from march o7 aug 07 while on line at shepparton at this time shepp had 2 gazelles ctw and jab all online


talk about pass the buck no dont get me started on accountabilty responsabilty


legal action seems to be the in thing these days


it is no wonder that i am geting phone calls about repaires done to planes that are ilegal and down right dangerous who i the hell cares not me says the seller it is sighned out as airworthy or somebody said it was a good buy


i could have sold my plane after it was repaired and not told the buyer that the plane had problems


put it into a flying school then the school crashes it their problem


as for the raa to write to me and say civel matter not on


8th sept roll on court day the action begins neil

Was this a plane you had bought and the L2 had signed the Aircraft Condition Report with those things wrong with it?



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Was this a plane you had bought and the L2 had signed the Aircraft Condition Report with those things wrong with it?

i hit power wires the plane was repaired by l2 lame at shepparton with these problems he sighned it out neil
i hit power wires the plane was repaired by l2 lame at shepparton with these problems he sighned it out neil

With any problems you are not satisfied with you need to contact your area rep if you are not happy with the result you could contact another one from a different area.




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  • 3 weeks later...
Folks,Right about now I am even more disillusioned with the performance of RA Aus management and again ask serious questions as to why the Board continues to tolerate poor performance and alleged arrogant defiance of Board directives. I could label this the “CEO triumphs over the Board will …”.

The following new information apparently not readily known has come to my attention. I am certain this information will acutely interest members who have for some time been requesting their Board representatives take the necessary steps to have the ATSB investigate our accidents in order to provide a timely safety interim report among other advantages the ATSB provides. I know the Board collectively supported this, but was curious as to why no traction was evident.


In the middle of the last Board Meeting held in February this year, a number of VIPs were invited for drinks and dinner at the social evening held. Included in the guests was Martin Dolan, Chief Commissioner of the ATSB.


Martin Dolan let it be known (informally), that there was a brief ‘window of opportunity’ for RA-Aus investigations to come under the ATSB jurisdiction. This would allow more co-operation between the ATSB and RA-Aus and thus, presumably better investigations and the release of a preliminary report after 30 days as happened with the Old Bar accident. It would also mean that anything found in an ATSB sponsored investigation is not allowed to be used for prosecutions. This is a measure to ensure that people can be totally honest when giving evidence without the fear of incrimination.


At the Board Meeting, this matter was raised and strongly supported, apparently especially by John McKeown, who reinforced what a good initiative this would be. It is alleged that Zane Tully interjected that having RA-Aus investigations done under the auspices of the ATSB would be a bad thing because RA-Aus would not be able to use their investigation to prosecute wrong doers; his statement was allegedly supported by our CEO Steve Tizzard. Apart from my personal opinion as to the inappropriateness of having the Ops manager and CEO in a Board meeting, I would speculate that Zane and Steve’s agreement on this matter may in fact reflect more a CASA mentality of prosecution as a higher priority over getting information to the RA community.


To the credit of our Board, they wanted it to happen and the CEO was directed accordingly.


Recently, under questioning on this matter, the President reported to the Board that the Secretary had done nothing about it after months of the CEO ignoring the Board’s direction.


The ATSB issue was a matter of great concern to the membership and we had in fact been asking for ATSB involvement for some time. Readers may recall a member some time back posted on this forum that he had written to his representative requesting the Board move to have the ATSB investigate our accidents and our overwhelming support of his initiative.


I think it is time that we RA Aus members asked our representative Board members to press the President to call the CEO to account as to why a Board directive has been ignored at the arguable detriment of the membership.


I would like to know whose side RA Aus management are on and if they understand they are accountable to the Board who in turn are accountable to the membership.


Your thoughts on this matter please …?




Where does the quote finish and the comment begin?


(You can adjust it by editing so the


is moved up to the end of the quoted part)



  • 2 weeks later...
Absolutely you do and we intend to have the suggestions with options published in advance in the Sport Pilot mag with the reasons supporting them and put to the Board as a special resolution at the AGM.

David which Sport Pilot Mag will this be in?



David which Sport Pilot Mag will this be in?

Next issue, the August mag Richard. There will also be an article from the President on our proposed changes.




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