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benalla to sherlock.


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422104535_tim103.JPG.b0717da4b6782ce8071faec7c5f94b4d.JPG I am planning in next week or so to fly my new ightwing (which is tied down outside in the cold)back from benalla vic to my home strip sherlock,this will be my first major x-counrty flight and should build a lil bump tolorence .I would very much like an exsperience navigator/pilot along for the ride for clarifacation.


I have GPS,(oziexplorer) up to date ersa wac charts etc..


trip is around 600kms with 6 legs for refuel and may take a couple of days at 60knts? all I can offer is a debt of gratitude and an IOU favour, will drive to pick up and drop off anyone interested? so sound like fun? intersted anyone? what you up to "THIRSTY?lol.. I would very much appreciate a second pair of eyes and ears but if not I guess im on my lonesome .. just a little daunting in the new twin seat (whys the stick way over there? lol No worries Take it easy





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I am planning in next week or so to fly my new ightwing (which is tied down outside in the cold)back from benalla vic to my home strip sherlock,this will be my first major x-counrty flight and should build a lil bump tolorence .I would very much like an exsperience navigator/pilot along for the ride for clarifacation.I have GPS,(oziexplorer) up to date ersa wac charts etc..

trip is around 600kms with 6 legs for refuel and may take a couple of days at 60knts? all I can offer is a debt of gratitude and an IOU favour, will drive to pick up and drop off anyone interested? so sound like fun? intersted anyone? what you up to "THIRSTY?lol.. I would very much appreciate a second pair of eyes and ears but if not I guess im on my lonesome .. just a little daunting in the new twin seat (whys the stick way over there? lol No worries Take it easy

Sounds like a fun trip... Sorry I can't take you up on it, but there's bound to be somebody else who will... What're you doing Tomo? Put your hand down Lad. They've got ice and stuff down there... 008_roflmao.gif.692a1fa1bc264885482c2a384583e343.gif



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Just like to add to be clear..Im simply looking for a pax who can keep me company and hold the stick every now and again.some one whome has flown long disstance nav before. I will be using the flight for logged x-country flight as pilot in command but would feel relief having someone next to me whome to clarify if needed and hold the stick every now again .some extra eyes in the sky would be much appreciated



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Mate if I live anywhere closer I would come along for the ride! But I'm sure there's someone else mad about aviation that'll take up your offer!



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Mate if I live anywhere closer I would come along for the ride! But I'm sure there's someone else mad about aviation that'll take up your offer!

Hey Tomo,I picked it up on a trailer from up your way! travelled the newell hwy to Kilcoy -Archer falls airfield ( where shirley strachen crashed his heli) And YES you were right!!!! I built a bump tolorence travelling your QLD roads..! my question? are they designed as a bitchuemen 4x4 track or are they some sort of speed trap to keep road useres down ro 50kms? Im pretty sure i read speed limit was 110kms..lmfao..keep ya roads QLD take it easy



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Thanks everyone its now all sorted... adjusted my flight plan and got ample time so will suck it up ,and bite the bullet and do it Solo with ground crew,,after much descussion with my CFI he asked Why train to obtain a x-counrty endorcment if I require some else to do the work?lol point taken Jimbo .he has helped me amensly and have made 12 legs at around 50 kms ech and can overfly if comfortable..sounds very smart...so thanks again everyone


We are truly a band of brothers eager to help at the drop of a hat,Im always here so just ask.....





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Thanks everyone its now all sorted... adjusted my flight plan and got ample time so will suck it up ,and bite the bullet and do it Solo with ground crew,,after much descussion with my CFI he asked Why train to obtain a x-counrty endorcment if I require some else to do the work?lol point taken Jimbo .he has helped me amensly and have made 12 legs at around 50 kms ech and can overfly if comfortable..sounds very smart...so thanks again everyoneWe are truly a band of brothers eager to help and the drop of a hat,Im always here so just ask.....


How about fitting a more powerful radio ( 100 watts should do the trick ) a full wave antena, select a discreet frequency and advise us all what it is and we can ALL keep you company on the trip. 067_bash.gif.26fb8516c20ce4d7842b820ac15914cf.gif 029_crazy.gif.9816c6ae32645165a9f09f734746de5f.gif 008_roflmao.gif.692a1fa1bc264885482c2a384583e343.gif





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How about fitting a more powerful radio ( 100 watts should do the trick ) a full wave antena, select a discreet frequency and advise us all what it is and we can ALL keep you company on the trip. 067_bash.gif.26fb8516c20ce4d7842b820ac15914cf.gif 029_crazy.gif.9816c6ae32645165a9f09f734746de5f.gif 008_roflmao.gif.692a1fa1bc264885482c2a384583e343.gifAlan.

ha ha lol..how about I secretly sneak the laptop in the pax seat and send a live video feed for everyone to access?



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Hey Tim, I agree with your cfi, you'll be right doing it on your own but if you decide you need a pax I could probably arrange something. I'm heading over to Melbourne on the 13th so would need to be back by then.



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Reckon you could find your way to Loxton after the Nav!We have a BBQ lunch most Sundays

Drop in sometime and have a chat



invatation excepted..will do for sure,loxtons not far ,and a BBQ lunch im there...let you know prior,,thanks and will see you in a couple of weeks..



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Have fun Tim and looking forward to a fly. I highly recommend loxton as well, been there a couple of times, a very friendly mob.

will do,,looking forward to showing off the new beast.. and Loxton you bet cha,,they mentioned a BBQ..Im already thinking of driving down Sunday...LOL:roflmao:



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[ATTACH=full]18461[/ATTACH] I am planning in next week or so to fly my new ightwing (which is tied down outside in the cold)back from benalla vic to my home strip sherlock,this will be my first major x-counrty flight and should build a lil bump tolorence .

Hi there


You will be fine! Just think of the trip as being several shorter navex's. Break it up into its parts and don't try to do a long day in the rush to get home. Four hours flying can be quite tiring, trust me.


I suggest you plan north of the Divide because we have been having a lot of crappy weather for flying on the south side. It will also keep you away from CTA which is a darned good idea...watch out for Puckapunyal and a couple of other Danger and Restricted areas as you head across towards Bendigo. Your Melbourne and Denny VNC's will help you a lot there.


Get a proper weather forecast and update along the way. If it deteriorates, think about an alternate spot to set down and take a break rather than pressing on. it's supposed to be fun, not torture!


You will have a great time and we look forward to a report and photos. Your LW looks very sweet :-)





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planned route=


Boxwood (Falconhawk strip)VIC to Echuca = 97kms


Echuca vic to Cohuna =62kms


Cohuna vic to Swanhill =79kms


Swanhill vic to Ouyen = 112kms


Ouyen Vic to Pinnaroo S.A = 135kms


Pinnaroo S.A to Sherlock S.A =105kms..


sound good and safe?


thank you take it easy will keep thread open to post the adventure...



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will do,,looking forward to showing off the new beast.. and Loxton you bet cha,,they mentioned a BBQ..Im already thinking of driving down Sunday...LOL:roflmao:

Hi Tim


I will be away for the next two Sundays as O/S


However not to worry I will catch up some other time if you decide to visit before then


Alway activities Sundays (and BBQ) except Mothers days


Cheers and have a good easy two day trip





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Hey Tomo,I picked it up on a trailer from up your way! travelled the newell hwy to Kilcoy -Archer falls airfield ( where shirley strachen crashed his heli) And YES you were right!!!! I built a bump tolorence travelling your QLD roads..! my question? are they designed as a bitchuemen 4x4 track or are they some sort of speed trap to keep road useres down ro 50kms? Im pretty sure i read speed limit was 110kms..lmfao..keep ya roads QLD take it easy

I'm sure the council around here have shares in all the suspension dealers... but they are ridiculous rough, took a prime mover into town the other day empty and just about needed a kidney belt!



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Still stuck in Boxwood Vic..(Benalla)..have had some of the roughest weather I have encounted,And today was trying to beat a front and we lost and Had the wildest ride ,Lucky My CFI was able to take control and tame the beast back down..ya know it was rough when you both have ya heart in ya mouth... looks like Ill be heading home with out it again due to rain floodding the strip...and my baby:gaah:



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my new WAC has both NM and KMS ? so worked both out but refer to kms as most have a good grasp on km distance..of coarse in flight I refer to NM.. also used both for calculations on the short 17NM flight into Benalla, used Kms for distance and ground speeds, fuel consumption etc.. and used NM for normal NAV and A/C operations..


back home again waiting on the weather to ease and head back sunday arvo if weather permits???????



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