damkia Posted August 23, 2012 Posted August 23, 2012 Quote This is a perennial problem with simplex communication (ie one way at a time). People type in an answer to a question and don't take the time to re-read and consider their answer. What results is a response that sometimes comes off as unintentionally abrupt. I don't know what the solution to this is other than to keep reminding people to re-read and re-read again and think before you press "submit". Does your response really convey the tone that you would like? Can it be percieved in ways that you might not have intended? Further to that several people independently may come to the same conclusion with their answers, giving the impression of "being jumped on" by the time (usually a short time on well populated forums) the people answering hit "send". ("Great minds think alike", or "Fools never differ", or something like that.........)
Guest Maj Millard Posted August 23, 2012 Posted August 23, 2012 Ian, I think you should highlight the Clearprop shop more. generally I often forget to check it out, even though I have made several purchases from the store. The advertisers in the RAA mag are exposed to me once a month on the coffee table,I don't think anyone would mind if you had a store advert visable on the home page, instead of just a couple of words to access store usage............................................Maj...
Compulsion Posted August 23, 2012 Posted August 23, 2012 I agree with Maj. Put more adds on for gear in the shop to jog our memories. 2
eightyknots Posted August 23, 2012 Posted August 23, 2012 Ian, RE: the Clearprop shop: I think you should place an advertisement close to the forum page's "alerts" and "log in"/"log out" buttons. The reason is that I often go straight to the Forum from my email alert and I bypass the homepage altogether. There is some spare 'real estate' at the top of the forum page between Recreational Flying and the "alerts" button and I suggest you use this space to flash up some Clearprop shop items (specials?) to entice both the Forum members and the many visitors that you receive each day. Right now, there are 30 Forum members online and 101 guests. It would be a nice thought if some of these visitors would use the Clearprop shop for purchases as a result of reading about it at the top of the forum page. I believe a well-placed, revolving advertisement (that will hit people in the eye so to speak:pc revenge:) would do the trick. 4
flyerme Posted August 23, 2012 Posted August 23, 2012 Hi Ian,the site is awesome,I can't think of anything I don,t love about the site and I feel very guilty that im yet to donate..when Im back on top youll recieve a well deserved donation..for now I continue (and strongly recomend all members) recomending the site ..I have encouraged sevral aviators to the site and I think promotion is the Key..you would be suprised how many pilots and students do NOT know about the site,Ive' found that mostly enthusist(not pilots) find there way here ,ussaully by surfing the web. I wonder if every member donated a dollar or two for an advert in the just pilots mag ,you,d get more traffic? and the PILOT SHOP..wow the prices are awesome ,would love to see your pilot shop on the back page of just pilots.....anyway Huge thumbs up Ian ..you run a tight ship and she,s always well scrubbed ..love it. 1
crazy diamond Posted August 23, 2012 Posted August 23, 2012 I agree with the rest of the guys so far and Ian you know my thoughts regarding the site name and layout. I commend what you are asking, it's great to look for those areas we can improve, one thing I am interested in - chat room. What use is it getting? Whenever I log in, I can't ever seem to see alot if anybody in there? 1
Admin Posted August 23, 2012 Author Posted August 23, 2012 Thanks for that Crazy, I completely forgot about the chat room when we moved the site back to an Australian server so I will make it my mission to get it back up and running again so we can make use of it...thanks again
Admin Posted August 24, 2012 Author Posted August 24, 2012 This has so far been fantastic in helping out the site...My task list so far is: Review the way the Photo Gallery is used...investigate other possible products and/or enhancements to the current one (post 2) Explore ways to entice visitors to register and join in (post 6, 8, 15) Fix Site Donation Link (post 17) - FIXED Explore what members want in terms of the locking down of Social Groups (post 18) Enhance the Search function to allow words of less than 4 characters (post 19) Enhance the Mobile Style (post 23) Place reminder note next to submit button "Have you checked your post and are familiar with posting rules" (post 25) Promote the shop more...home page and site header (post 27-29) Explore other means of promoting the site (post 30) Fix the Chat Room and now use Aust hosting for faster video/voice (post 31) Most of the above are all minor things and can very easily be achieved...is there anything else? What about the different areas of the site? What about what Tools you would like to have available for you? etc etc etc
Compulsion Posted August 24, 2012 Posted August 24, 2012 Excellent Ian keep up the great work. Now i own an aircraft I will support the shop when ever possible. 1
Wayne T Mathews Posted August 24, 2012 Posted August 24, 2012 Speling and gramer chequer buttton, please? Pretty please? 1
Admin Posted August 24, 2012 Author Posted August 24, 2012 Quote Speling and gramer chequer buttton, please? Pretty please? Wayne, at the moment it is not possible in any easy way other than the speel checker you have in your internet browser. The post editor uses a 3rd party application called TinyMCE and it is all entwined into the forum software. Having said this, I will still have a look around to see if there is any way that the spell checking can be improved but I really can't promise anything on this other than I will try.
bushpilot Posted August 24, 2012 Posted August 24, 2012 I wonder if the site shouldnt be more member focussed - so that we dont have people snooping in the shadows, watching, but not joining... Maybe more restrictions on access to pages without signing up. Like allow visability to visitors on the initial post of any new thread, but after that they need to sign up to view subsequent posts.. Or is that overly restrictive? Views?
Compulsion Posted August 24, 2012 Posted August 24, 2012 I think you need to encourage people to take a minute to register. Restrictions might help.
Guest Maj Millard Posted August 24, 2012 Posted August 24, 2012 Yes, please bring back the chat site Ian....it was the fun part !!!!.................................Maj...
Admin Posted August 25, 2012 Author Posted August 25, 2012 Ok, I have done some investigating and I don't think you may like what I keep coming up with. If I look at the ToDo list and more this is what I find: Review the way the Photo Gallery is used...investigate other possible products and/or enhancements to the current one (post 2) - vBulletin has a better and easier to use Photo Gallery built in to it and there is the option of a far superior one again with a 3rd party addon of a full photo gallery unlike the Xenforo mod we use now Explore ways to entice visitors to register and join in (post 6, 8, 15) - vBulletin provides not only greater tools in enticing visitors to register so they can see more of posts etc but also more extras that may entice users to join in like better Classifieds, Blogs, Articles etc that visitors may want to avail themselves of Fix Site Donation Link (post 17) - FIXED Explore what members want in terms of the locking down of Social Groups (post 18) - vBulletin allows far more extended options for social groups like Public view and public post, Public view and private post, Private view and private post and Invite only to view and post Enhance the Search function to allow words of less than 4 characters (post 19) - the current software Xenforo provides a better enhanced search function at extra cost whilst vBulletin maintains a minimum of 4 character word search Enhance the Mobile Style (post 23) - cosmetic so it doesn't matter however changing site software would require a mobile style development again Place reminder note next to submit button "Have you checked your post and are familiar with posting rules" (post 25) - cosmetic so it doesn't matter Promote the shop more...home page and site header (post 27-29) - cosmetic so it doesn't matter however, vBulletin allows for the grouping of subject matter into a dedicated section much better like being able to combine the shop, classifieds, product reviews, suppliers etc all in one section with its own section home page Explore other means of promoting the site (post 30) - doesn't matter as it is more administrative Fix the Chat Room and now use Aust hosting for faster video/voice (post 31) - vBulletin has a native integration system for the chat room compared to be-spoke development that was required for Xenforo Also, the spell checking is far better in vBulletin along with a much better way of creating posts So again I find myself between a rock and a hard post in deciding what is best. We use to use vBulletin but changed to Xenforo due to the workload at the time of managing a vBulletin powered site due to the new version of vBulletin however that is now stabilised and very powerful but they will be releasing another new version at the end of the year which through lessons learnt, I will not be changing to until it is completely stable if I went down the vBulletin route again. Xenforo has completely stagnated with no communication from its developers to their client base, They missed their last promised release of an update which was due in June and no communication when it will be released. This means that Xenforo is still simply just a "forum" software application as opposed to a "website" application that vBulletin can provide so what you are seeing here on Recreational Flying is a forum site using Xenforo that has been manually expanded into something more but is about at its current limit in what little enhancements can be done i.e. Photo Gallery enhancements, Social Groups permissions etc. Cosmetics are simply that which means Xenforo and vBulletin can be made to look pretty much the same as each other but naturally the extra user functionality contained in vBulletin can't be matched in Xenforo which means extra options are displayed cosmetically to the user in vBulletin. So before I jump in and start completing the items on the ToDo list I really need to consider what's best for the site and its users...it is a real sticky one
Robert Posted August 25, 2012 Posted August 25, 2012 Hi Ian Have you thought about a forum heading for 95-10 aircraft only My thoughts are if potential flyers can read about 95-10 aircraft they might realize that they can get flying in their own aircraft for $3000 to $6000 and have fun and not need $35000 and up to get their own aircraft. How many of us would be flying if we had to start out thinking we had to purchase a $35000 plus aircraft. I feel that the availability of 95-10 aircraft aren't mentioned enough in the rec aviation anymore. Remember thats what got the movement going and if its not kept being promoted a lot of young potential flyers might just buy a boat or something else instead Just my thoughs 2
XP503 Posted August 25, 2012 Posted August 25, 2012 In the ''News Section'' on the home page - every news story is about some horrific crash usually with pitcures. Whilst I dont mind this and find them informative, but is this the type of thing we want to display front and centre? Otherwise, Brilliant site ian 1 1
stevron Posted August 25, 2012 Posted August 25, 2012 I am not very computer savvy nor am I able to navigate this site with any ease or for that matter any site, I find I fumble around until I find what I am looking and then I do not know how I got there , so next time I do the fumbling all over again. In saying this, I find this forum informative and sometimes even funny but all in all, a good relaxing way of finding out info. Sometimes things that effect us in the pocket , like insurance , maintenance, landing fees and air port closures and there costs could be discussed or even people or companies within the aeronautical industry might be invited to have an input into a discussion or even open a forum topic. Not that I want to open pandoras box on advertising but select topics / interest might help. Regards Steve 2
Mark11 Posted August 25, 2012 Posted August 25, 2012 For some reason the social groups are not working... As a newbie to flying, there is much information to be learnt. Reading the reems of threads on various topics is fun & interesting, but sometime the serious answers get lost... There is no conclusion... I guess because there might not be a right answer? But otherwise, there is more than enough on this forum to keep anyone content.... It's also logical and easy to use... Regards Mark 1
eightyknots Posted August 25, 2012 Posted August 25, 2012 Quote Ok, I have done some investigating and I don't think you may like what I keep coming up with. If I look at the ToDo list and more this is what I find: Review the way the Photo Gallery is used...investigate other possible products and/or enhancements to the current one (post 2) - vBulletin has a better and easier to use Photo Gallery built in to it and there is the option of a far superior one again with a 3rd party addon of a full photo gallery unlike the Xenforo mod we use now Explore ways to entice visitors to register and join in (post 6, 8, 15) - vBulletin provides not only greater tools in enticing visitors to register so they can see more of posts etc but also more extras that may entice users to join in like better Classifieds, Blogs, Articles etc that visitors may want to avail themselves of Fix Site Donation Link (post 17) - FIXED Explore what members want in terms of the locking down of Social Groups (post 18) - vBulletin allows far more extended options for social groups like Public view and public post, Public view and private post, Private view and private post and Invite only to view and post Enhance the Search function to allow words of less than 4 characters (post 19) - the current software Xenforo provides a better enhanced search function at extra cost whilst vBulletin maintains a minimum of 4 character word search Enhance the Mobile Style (post 23) - cosmetic so it doesn't matter however changing site software would require a mobile style development again Place reminder note next to submit button "Have you checked your post and are familiar with posting rules" (post 25) - cosmetic so it doesn't matter Promote the shop more...home page and site header (post 27-29) - cosmetic so it doesn't matter however, vBulletin allows for the grouping of subject matter into a dedicated section much better like being able to combine the shop, classifieds, product reviews, suppliers etc all in one section with its own section home page Explore other means of promoting the site (post 30) - doesn't matter as it is more administrative Fix the Chat Room and now use Aust hosting for faster video/voice (post 31) - vBulletin has a native integration system for the chat room compared to be-spoke development that was required for Xenforo Also, the spell checking is far better in vBulletin along with a much better way of creating posts So again I find myself between a rock and a hard post in deciding what is best. We use to use vBulletin but changed to Xenforo due to the workload at the time of managing a vBulletin powered site due to the new version of vBulletin however that is now stabilised and very powerful but they will be releasing another new version at the end of the year which through lessons learnt, I will not be changing to until it is completely stable if I went down the vBulletin route again. Xenforo has completely stagnated with no communication from its developers to their client base, They missed their last promised release of an update which was due in June and no communication when it will be released. This means that Xenforo is still simply just a "forum" software application as opposed to a "website" application that vBulletin can provide so what you are seeing here on Recreational Flying is a forum site using Xenforo that has been manually expanded into something more but is about at its current limit in what little enhancements can be done i.e. Photo Gallery enhancements, Social Groups permissions etc. Cosmetics are simply that which means Xenforo and vBulletin can be made to look pretty much the same as each other but naturally the extra user functionality contained in vBulletin can't be matched in Xenforo which means extra options are displayed cosmetically to the user in vBulletin. So before I jump in and start completing the items on the ToDo list I really need to consider what's best for the site and its users...it is a real sticky one Hi Ian, I have always appreciated everything you have done on this site. Even though we have never met, and I have only met a few Forumites, in a way we Forumites 'meet' each other regularly via this Forum and therefore (in a way) we have become a Forum 'family'. All this is only possible while Corinne and yourself continue the big effort to keep Rec Flying operational. I suppose it comes down to this, that Rec Flying must cost a lot to keep up to date and 'on the air'. What can we Forumites do to help? I believe that everyone who can afford to should donate a minimum of $50 per year and become a First Class member ....after all it only works out at 96 cents per week! Those who are active aviators could indirectly support this site by making their purchases from the Clearprop Shop. I, for one, am pretty satisfied with how things are now. Yes, I can see that a more user friendly photo gallery experience would be nice, along with a search function that doesn't tell you it can't do the search for you, but at what cost these enhancements? I'd hate to think that Corinne and yourself are throwing fistfuls of dollars at this site and getting little out of it. The question is, is there anything else that Forumites could do to assist?
kaz3g Posted August 25, 2012 Posted August 25, 2012 Quote I wonder if the site shouldnt be more member focussed - so that we dont have people snooping in the shadows, watching, but not joining.....? We certainly seem to have many onlookers and it would be nice to have more contributors, too. It would be particularly good to have more participation or at least support from RAAus as an organisation who should, in my view, regard this as an amazing resource to push the major message that we are all about responsible, safe flying. If the organisation contributed its expertise by responding to issues as they arose then there would be a much better understanding fostered between it and the membership it is there to serve. it might serve to rebuild some relationships and trust, too. RAAus has some 10,000 members and everyone of them should be participating, learning and sharing in this environment for the benefit of us ALL. Kaz 1
Guest Howard Hughes Posted August 26, 2012 Posted August 26, 2012 Quote This has so far been fantastic in helping out the site...My task list so far is: Fix Site Donation Link (post 17) - FIXED Yes it is!
Wayne T Mathews Posted August 29, 2012 Posted August 29, 2012 Good morning Ian, This's not a biggy, but after reading some of this morning's posts, could we get a "tongue in cheek" smilie? Sure is some of that going on, eh? 2
Admin Posted August 29, 2012 Author Posted August 29, 2012 Quote Good morning Ian,This's not a biggy, but after reading some of this morning's posts, could we get a "tongue in cheek" smilie? Sure is some of that going on, eh? Would you like to pick one: 1
Wayne T Mathews Posted August 29, 2012 Posted August 29, 2012 Quote Would you like to pick one:[ATTACH=full]18876[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]18875[/ATTACH] I like the little yellow one, but hey, the blue ones pretty neat too...
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