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Farm strip in edging ATC?


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What is the best proceedure for radio and take off when your taking off from a private strip that is edging ATC but you will be beneath the lower level.


Do you or should you ground call prior to take off? Do you call ATC indicating your intentions, even though you will be under the lower level of ATC and will be clear, of ATC the lower level area within seconds of rotating . It would seem safe to call and notify all pilots/ATC of my intention and location. what's the correct ? Keep in mind I would be in an area lower than ( out side ATC control) ATC .



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I think just calling on ctaf would be the go. Is your farm strip marked on charts? If so, it's my opinion that aircraft operatingoutof the cta should be monitoring ctaf if they are going to be operating in such a way as could impact your strip. Mind you, doesn't always happen this way, nearly every time I operate from palmyra, some ga aircraft will fly over with nary a radio call



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I would talk to ATC and give intentions as they will assist you as quoted below from http://www.airservicesaustralia.com/flight-briefing/pilot-and-airside-safety/airspace-infringement/


when it says submit by radio, the standard practice is call tower ( or approach) by " XXX Tower this is Jabiru XXXX with flight details" then wait for them to address you, they will address you as their work load permits remember you may not be able to hear other transmissions so make call brief, also check ERSA if there is an approach frequency as this is the appropriate freq as Tower will deal with aircraft about to land or take off. Some Class D not likely to have approach Freq but Class C will have. Other wise ring the tower as said already.


Quote from Text.


Consider the navigation tolerances that apply to your proposed route and level


When operating as a VFR pilot in Class G or E airspace, you must apply appropriate tolerances to your flight path to ensure that controlled airspace, or Restricted areas, are not infringed.


These tolerances vary depending on your method of navigation and your altitude and are found in AIP ENR 1.1 -40 para 19.12 –‘Avoiding Controlled Airspace’.


Submit a flight plan prior to departure if requesting a clearance


Regardless of whether or not you intend to enter controlled airspace during your flight, submitting a flight plan prior to your flight will speed up the availability of an airways clearance and the provision of assistance by ATC if you need it.. For example, if you are intending to remain outside of controlled airspace, but then need to divert around weather and enter controlled airspace, it is a lot easier for ATC and you if you have already submitted a flight plan than it is to submit one via radio.


In-flight – Navigation


Always accurately know your position relative to the CTA steps.


Verify your position if you unexpectedly arrive well ahead of, or after your anticipated time of arrival at a waypoint.


If in doubt, ask for navigation assistance from ATC (if you’ve got a flight plan submitted, this will be a lot quicker and easier).


Remember the applicable navigation tolerances while navigating visually. It is better to have definitely passed a CTA step by a couple of miles before commencing climb than hugging the CTA steps and causing uncertainty to the controllers monitoring that airspace. Similarly, make sure you set up and fly your descent profile to arrive underneath any CTA steps well before the step boundary.



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