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Kind of like driving from Melbourne to Perth across the Nullabor....


1 hour of excitement interrupted by 29 hours of tedium....with the same lack of civilisation at the end


Nice video...



Guest Howard Hughes
Kind of like driving from Melbourne to Perth across the Nullabor....1 hour of excitement interrupted by 29 hours of tedium....with the same lack of civilisation at the end


Nice video...

Kind of like all aviation, 99% boredom, 1% sheer terror!Great video!




Its all good.But why spend Billions and Billions of dollars to go the a S**t hole like Mars.That money could be better spent on trying to save hundreds of thousands of starving peeps in Africa and other places. I mean apart from feeding them which is unsustainable, we could supply trillions of condoms.In one generation, we could get the population of these 3rd world countries down to a sustainable level. (They are over populated due to breeding like rabbits baby.gif.168ad10e40c5845c810810951ae4106c.gif .)



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There are a few little matters to be sorted out in the Cydonia region Dazza, like some pyramid shapes placed in the same mathematical relationship as some on earth.




Dazza you really need to visit Africa. They are certainly not overpopulated - the entire population of earth could live comfortably on that one continent which has the most abundant resources of all. The problems in Africa are much more basic like laziness and corruption.


Agree wasting money on Mars is foolish, especially for bankrupt country. I liked the bouncing Michelin man though.



  • Like 2
Its all good.But why spend Billions and Billions of dollars to go the a S**t hole like Mars.That money could be better spent on trying to save hundreds of thousands of starving peeps in Africa and other places. I mean apart from feeding them which is unsustainable, we could supply trillions of condoms.In one generation, we could get the population of these 3rd world countries down to a sustainable level. (They are over populated due to breeding like rabbits baby.gif.168ad10e40c5845c810810951ae4106c.gif .)

I like that idea. Someone has to go over there and show them how to use a condom-they have probably never seen one....



  • Like 1
Dazza you really need to visit Africa. They are certainly not overpopulated - the entire population of earth could live comfortably on that one continent which has the most abundant resources of all. The problems in Africa are much more basic like laziness and corruption.Agree wasting money on Mars is foolish, especially for bankrupt country. I liked the bouncing Michelin man though.

True GG, but I dont let the truth get in the way of a good story. lol.



  • Like 1
Dazza you really need to visit Africa. They are certainly not overpopulated - the entire population of earth could live comfortably on that one continent which has the most abundant resources of all.

Certainly not water or food. If 8 biilion people immigrated over to there I be buying stocks in every bottled water company around.



There are a few little matters to be sorted out in the Cydonia region Dazza, like some pyramid shapes placed in the same mathematical relationship as some on earth.

If they wanted to know that Tubs.They should have ask the aliens on the moon that told the Americans and Russians to get off the moon.That is why they have never been back. Well this is according to Doctor Edgar Mitchell. Apollo Astronaut. He isnt the only Astronaut to say similar. super_hero.gif.5d50ddb84d4e7e727183b80b4acbc28c.gif


They probably have dibs on Mars as well.



If they wanted to know that Tubs.They should have ask the aliens on the moon that told the Americans and Russians to get off the moon.That is why they have never been back. Well this is according to Doctor Edgar Mitchell. Apollo Astronaut. He isnt the only Astronaut to say similar. super_hero.gif.5d50ddb84d4e7e727183b80b4acbc28c.gifThey probably have dibs on Mars as well.

There were a few odd comments made, but the Cydonia photos come from NASA and are available on the web to study



There were a few odd comments made, but the Cydonia photos come from NASA and are available on the web to study

Howdy Tubs,I have seen the piccys on the web.The rocky out crop that appears to look like a face doesnt look like a face close up.




Seriously I used to be a smoker, I used to spend a fair bit of time outside sucking on my darb at night staring at the stars. No, not mull just tobacco. Not once but twice over the years, I have seen something that can only be described as a UFO.Both looked liked a satelite tracking straight.Both times what I saw were a light like that accelerated and turned at the same time climbed and dissapeared. No it wasnt a plane, I have flown and crawled over planes for over twenty years. I dont know what I have seen, could be from here or not.That is why I call them UFO's.Have a open mine Peeps.




Not the face Dazz, not the face!


The pyramid shapes can actually be scaled for dimensions and angles which match up with some ancient angles and lengths on earth.



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at times....u worry me dazza...

I dont know what I saw Phil. It happened. The gold coast has had plenty of sightings for what ever reason over the last year or so.I dunno why.I like to keep a open mine with life.After watching Dr Mitchells interview, who knows what is going on.




I would propose a more believable reason as being surveillance drones ("quadcopter") which are able to do all of those maneuvers. There are some quite large quads around, 3 metres across and capable of lifting 25-30kg (lighting/cameras etc) ...possibly AFP looking for drugs???


Depth/distance can be deceptive at night - the quads may be closer than you think. The fact that they are usually electrically operated (ie, little to no noise) could trick someone into thinking they are further away than the person thinks.



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