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Redefining the role of the Board, and that of management, has to be facilitated by outside professional assistance. This is not something that can be done internally and the Board, on behalf of its members, must be in control of the process. Get an expert in to work with all of us. It's what good businesses do all of the time. The other choice is hire a another CEO with the same PD and an expectation that he/she, will somehow read the mind of the board, its members and CASA to deliver on an agenda which they will have to pull out of their bum. Have no fear the operation will bump along while a restructure takes effect. There are good staff in place, but where is the strategic plan and the systems that will see it implemented?





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Latest news: the CEO Steve Tizzard has resigned ... and Adam Finn has gone also.I am of the view that Adam is the fall guy in all this, how could he possibly be anything else; he is brand new and inherited this whole mess.


The responsibility overall is squarely in the hands of the Board, and is this latest fiasco an attempt to steer the responsibility away from the Board?

I agree David, the registration problems & lack of data , happened long before Adam turned up.



This is dreamland stuff; are the members really going to let Tizzard loose on complicated paperwork?

I am with you Tubz, he should be marched out the door and leave the paperwork alone. In his previous role he was to rewrite the Operations Manual ... we still haven't seen it ... so what happened. This is NOT a good look from the sidelines.



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Agreed Tornado they don"t fear us they fear CASA, as every aviator should, but the humiliation is now public and the resignation of Tizzard is an admission of guilt. I feel for Finn he seemed a switched on guy every time I spoke to him and the incompetence preceded him. I would also speculate that if the registration debacle had continued that legal action would be inevitable for loss of income for some aircraft owners and schools. This would also have been a serious threat to the survival of the movement.


With regards the rego, there should be two categories


1.) amateur built and not for hire and reward and (maintained by owner or Level 2)


2.) Factory certified and for hire and reward. (maintained by a Level 2 if in commercial service and signed off by a level 2 as meeting its type certificate if owner maintenance has been performed)


Maximum weight 600kg for both classes, meets the stall speed, maximum two seats but actual takeoff weight dependant on certified weight. Weight increase is a moot point I reckon a c150/2 will make about the same size crater as a J230 when it goes into suburbia.


I am not a big fan of LSA. One it encourages corruption by self certification without reference to an external body and two it eliminates STC's by third parties which encourages competition. The best example of this is someone developing an STC to fit a Rotax to a Jabiru for example,





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Having thought about it for a while I get the feeling that Steve Tizzard wouldn't resign by himself and he forced the resignation of the tech manager so it wouldn't seem like he was 100% responsible. just a feeling



With regards the rego, there should be two categories

1.) Amateur built and not for hire and reward and (maintained by owner or Level 2)


2.) Factory certified and for hire and reward. (maintained by a Level 2 if in commercial service and signed off by a level 2 as meeting its type certificate if owner maintenance has been performed)


Maximum weight 600kg for both classes, meets the stall speed, maximum two seats but actual takeoff weight dependant on certified weight. Weight increase is a moot point I reckon a c150/2 will make about the same size crater as a J230 when it goes into suburbia.



AGREE oracle1. Get rid of all these various categories will be a start and make it alot easier for the NEW Tech Manager. This is exactly what our neighbors to the east do with their registrations. They have also just gained 600kgs MTOW.





I am not a big fan of LSA. One it encourages corruption by self certification without reference to an external body and two it eliminates STC's by third parties which encourages competition. The best example of this is someone developing an STC to fit a Rotax to a Jabiru for example,

Don't be too quick to dismiss self-certification, it's effectively the system we have for microlights in France which allows us to advance rapidly.


If I wanted to fit a Rotax to a Jabiru fuselage for example, I could do so and request a temporary registration of the modified type, valid for one year.


After flying and testing the modified aircraft, I could then apply for a permanent registration (like an STC) and get a full registration.


Our declarative and self-certifying system is the reason that we probably have more microlight types available than anywhere else in the world.


It doesn't lead to aircraft "falling out of the sky" as the person performing the mods is also the one who flies it afterwards, and let's not forget that the definition of a pilot is "The first person to arrive at the scene of the accident"





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Why not offer Adam the position of Ceo.

Although a good idea at first glance... I still wonder if this sort of thing (offering the job to people rather than conducting a proper process to get the right candidate) is part of the problem in this mess... There have been questions for years regarding this sort of transparency along with everything else and all our reps have said is "You have got it wrong... again"... There has been a history of "confusion" regarding even the simple process of employing staff from what I can gather.



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Just a thought......................092_idea.gif.47940f0a63d4c3c507771e6510e944e5.gif though probably not a bright one. Just a shame to see someone get the chop if it wasnt deserved.


If ST couldnt cut it as CEO, How can he he be trusted to get it right with rewritting the Ops Manual???????



Guest Andys@coffs
AGREE oracle1. Get rid of all these various categories will be a start and make it alot easier for the NEW Tech Manager. This is exactly what our neighbors to the east do with their registrations. They have also just gained 600kgs MTOW.Cheers

Dont want to be a wet blanket but I believe the categories of registration exist because of the CAO's that CASA issue, not because RAA wants this or that. That isnt to say that it cant change but that any change must include buy in from the major stakeholders of which CASA is the most significant.


Why bring this up? Part 103 and Part 149 was and is supposed to simplify a lot of this but due to fiscal and other prioritisation they have been close for 5-6years and no progress towards completion in that time (more or less).


Furthermore while the amount of categories might well make it seem complicated to us as the end user I wouldnt have thought that it should be complicated to the tech and management teams if they live and breath this stuff daily.....


I believe its more fundamentally tied to lack of basic business acumen than lack of technical capibility.....Lets face it, thing like internal and external audit and associated Quality Assurance werent invented and used solely withi the aviation industries, though it is core and fundamental to aviation industries...except at RAAus it seems.....


Another example of that to me is the treasurers report at the AGM. It was in no way what any CFO in a well run business would accept from the finance department as appropriate to share with the shareholders of the business.....It was more what I might expect from a badly run community club of 100 members.... To have to point out that the notes form part of the financial report (when the auditors had actually added that the notes had to be included with the report as a footnote) and to have the treasurer look at Shags (who asked the question) like he was speaking in Russian rather than english to me proved the point. We are big enough in revenue terms and liability terms to require a professional approach not a bunch of guys maning the tuck shop and trying to run the show at the same time. No matter how great the desire to do the best for the organisation by the exec, the simple fact is that desire doesnt trump training. Its often said that you should hire for attitude and train for skill. Our current team tick only the first part of the equation, the train (and support) for skill to me is missing.


So..all that said I would like to see it simplified but in order of priority to fix In my opinion I think there are other more fundamentally important things that need focus first.






My 2 cents worth at this point...


We have tried the separate administration of rec flying and it has failed. (x4, apparently - even with guidance)


CASA will now be looking at having more oversight in the new RAA to prevent a repeat performance. They may even take over some governance issues totally (Issuing L2's, reporting/actioning of incidents, etc). Clearly the dust has not settled on this yet at all.


Why then not cut out the middlemen?


With regards the rego, there should be two categories1.) amateur built and not for hire and reward and (maintained by owner or Level 2)


2.) Factory certified and for hire and reward. (maintained by a Level 2 if in commercial service and signed off by a level 2 as meeting its type certificate if owner maintenance has been performed)


Maximum weight 600kg for both classes, meets the stall speed, maximum two seats but actual takeoff weight dependant on certified weight. Weight increase is a moot point I reckon a c150/2 will make about the same size crater as a J230 when it goes into suburbia.

Why not simply keep it as amateur built, and factory built, up to 2 seats, and up to and including 1500kg MTOW, per the recreational licence now permitted by CASA as a stepdown from the full PPL?


There would be a lot of crossover and a lot of benefits to having the CASA rec licence and administration (CTA, aforementioned STC's, proper investigations of incidents with FULL reporting, etc), and it may be possible for current RAA qualified trainers/organisations to get qualified in the CASA rec licence.


Anyone says anything about "cost..." only needs to look at what the "cheap" version has achieved....not so cheap with $XX000 worth of aircraft sitting on the ground, deregistered and not able to be used. Ya gets what you pay for.


Maybe it is time to look at this as an opportunity for a rethink of recreational aviation's "placement" rather than leave it as a rehash of everything that went wrong last time. We have the opportunity to improve our pilot training, gain CTA access, welcome a whole host of new members (CASA Rec licence holders), allow larger aircraft for training and use, and improve our image as a responsible organisation.



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I tend to agree with you fly-tornado because Tizzo always was blaming someone else for his inadequacies. Because of this the Board should have he should now have completed his time at the office and we can get on with business without him until early January. Adam is a "fall guy" for sure for Tizz and the board does not or do not want to recognize this. Because of Tizzos past, before his appointment , and what has happened since he became CEO we do not want him around the office anytime in the future or doing any role for us.


The Board have refuse to have others help, let them now refuse to have Tizzo help, otherwise its smack of double standards.



My 2 cents worth at this point...We have tried the separate administration of rec flying and it has failed. (x4, apparently - even with guidance)


CASA will now be looking at having more oversight in the new RAA to prevent a repeat performance. They may even take over some governance issues totally (Issuing L2's, reporting/actioning of incidents, etc). Clearly the dust has not settled on this yet at all.


Why then not cut out the middlemen?


Why not simply keep it as amateur built, and factory built, up to 2 seats, and up to and including 1500kg MTOW, per the recreational licence now permitted by CASA as a stepdown from the full PPL?


There would be a lot of crossover and a lot of benefits to having the CASA rec licence and administration (CTA, aforementioned STC's, proper investigations of incidents with FULL reporting, etc), and it may be possible for current RAA qualified trainers/organisations to get qualified in the CASA rec licence.


Anyone says anything about "cost..." only needs to look at what the "cheap" version has achieved....not so cheap with $XX000 worth of aircraft sitting on the ground, deregistered and not able to be used. Ya gets what you pay for.


Maybe it is time to look at this as an opportunity for a rethink of recreational aviation's "placement" rather than leave it as a rehash of everything that went wrong last time. We have the opportunity to improve our pilot training, gain CTA access, welcome a whole host of new members (CASA Rec licence holders), allow larger aircraft for training and use, and improve our image as a responsible organisation.

The new GA guys can have this... as long as the old AUF is left intact.



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Be very very careful what you wish for ... we do not want our sector administered by CASA, those who advocate this clearly have not had dealings with the Monolith.



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I am now at the point of deciding if I continue with my membership to RA. I personally don't see any personal gain in continuing to fly with RA. The risks are too damn high these days (re: legal matter, groundings etc). Will probably just complete my ppl instead.




To tell you the truth, I am feeling optimistic about the RAA's future. A few issues to resolve and the RAA is back on the path to successfully representing its members interests again.



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So it now appears to be clear on the way that this is being spun by our fearless leaders.


Tizzard is only resigning because he wants to bounce his grandkids on his knee, he is staying on for another 6 weeks (what for, when 2 weeks of that are public holidays?), and probably departing with full entitlements and no blot on his record.


And Adam is to be the scapegoat/fall-guy, but will probably now extract a goodly sum through some wrongfull dismissal action (of which he may well be entitled ..... unless he has previously received an appropriate number of warning letters or unless he was still covered by some probabationary provisions in his employment arrangements).


Were all of the decisions that led to these departures taken by the full Board or have they been Executive decisions for subsequent Board ratification?


Does anyone else smell a rodent over in CanBloodyBerra or TownsBloodyVille?


PS ..... And now the Magazine is to be delayed because someone couldn't even send the required data to the Editor. That is both convenient to stop the discemination of data to the membership and/or it shows another failure of systems and procedures within RAA, which is stumbling from c*ck-up to c*ck-up ............ and still no audited Treasurer's Report or Minutes from the AGM. When does dysfunctionality become incompetence?



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Guest Andys@coffs



I rang Adam today on his personal mobile (his RAA one isnt with him anymore) He did not resign he was terminated!!! and as you suggest, there were no reasons provided. He was indeed on the way to his solicitor with a view to seeking an unfair dismisal case against RAAus.


Adam advised that ST sacked him, but that ST was doing what he was told to do by the exec. Can anyone believe that in 2012 an employee can be sacked and no reasons provided????? Anyway that was Adams side of the story, I wait, blue in the face and fading rapidly, in the hope that the exec, or maybe even the broader board, assuming they even know know or even less likely were involved in the decision, can tell us why he was sacked!!!


It just keeps getting better and better we lurch from one disaster to another...it a ride I cant believe Im on!!




(EDIT: I just found that the suggestion above that the exec made the D and the board then ratified it after the fact is wrong. Apparently the board decided as a whole before acting.....I still dont know however why and I guess given the nature of employer/employee relationships that I wont find out.... )



It just keeps getting better and better we lurch from one disaster to another...it a ride I cant believe Im on!!


For every gaffe, disaster, ignorant decision-making, and whatever else catastrophe oozing seeminly endlessly from RA-Aus, I'm so glad I don't have a plane yet. If I were to buy one right now, I'd buy a VH one and avoid an RA-Aus plane like the plague.


Now, I don't say that to be smug or something, I'm frankly appalled at what is happening here. It's run (or not) like a business in the third world. Well, or Italy.


It's a farce with possible disastrous consequences. I have to admit I'm not entirely sure CASA controlling things wouldn't be a good thing at this point. I know, they're "bad", but since they sit with the off-on switch, and RA-Aus themselves doesn't seem capably of hammering a stick into a sh!t without destroying both, and does it continuously with no sense of reality. I don't think it would be such a bad idea, if it at least would bring actual management to the organisation, or am I completely off my rocker?




We tried to renew our (now overdue) registration today. Office staff were very courteous and helpful, but all they could do was take our details and promise that it may be resolved by Friday. Plane cannot be flown until things are resolved. Little inconvenience on our part, but imagine if it was with a flying school or we had planned our flying holiday.


If what I hear is happening then this is a very poor state of affairs. I cannot imagine outstanding candidates considering a position with this employer. I am concerned for the front office staff who give such sterling service who have been asked to provide explanations to customers that they know are not right ("its a computer / CASA problem"). If this was my office I would ask that these customers be transferred to a more senior officer and dealt with in an honest manner.





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