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Jaycee, You call me ignorant, funnily enough a damn lot of them pay 10's of thousands of dollars to get on a rickety boat, to me that is not a genuine asylum seeker.


I was born here my friend and I pay taxes to help keep these asylum seekers here while they get processed and I have no issues with that.


They are treated with respect they are fed and clothed and housed, a damn site better than if we turned up on the shores they escaped from.


Look in the mirror if you want to see ignorance!!!!!!!!!!!.



I was also born here. I have also paid taxes all of my working life, and my parents for 40 years before me. I'm a proud Australian who knows that he lives in the best country in the world. Comments and opinions like yours make me despair for this great country sometimes.


What do you think would drive a family who may take a lifetime to save $10,000 to give it all away for a chance to risk all their lives on a rusty, leaky boat for weeks and to give up their freedom, dignity and heritage? I guess they're faking and just after a free ride? I would imagine most of them ARE legitimate assylum seekers, who deserve our empathy, compassion and help, and some others are gullible dreamers who are swindled by corrupt lechers selling a dream - either way it's their basic human right to be treated with dignity, and I disagree strongly with anyone who argues that there is any dignity in being detained for years in a prison camp while papers are shuffled in Canberra.


Compassion is about as common as common sense now days I guess.



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I was also born here. I have also paid taxes all of my working life, and my parents for 40 years before me. I'm a proud Australian who knows that he lives in the best country in the world. Comments and opinions like yours make me despair for this great country sometimes. What do you think would drive a family who may take a lifetime to save $10,000 to give it all away for a chance to risk all their lives on a rusty, leaky boat for weeks and to give up their freedom, dignity and heritage? I guess they're faking and just after a free ride? I would imagine most of them ARE legitimate assylum seekers, who deserve our empathy, compassion and help, and some others are gullible dreamers who are swindled by corrupt lechers selling a dream - either way it's their basic human right to be treated with dignity, and I disagree strongly with anyone who argues that there is any dignity in being detained for years in a prison camp while papers are shuffled in Canberra.


Compassion is about as common as common sense now days I guess.

You IMAGINE most of them are legit lol.

That is the problem, what the do gooders fantasise about if their world was perfect.


Why do you think the current government switched from its early soft policy . When the flood gates started to open, even they could see the problems ahead.


If we didn't intercept them, would they be asylum seekers ? Or would they just come ashore and disappear into the community?


What then? You need an ASIC card at major airports so they know your not a terrorist sneaking in.....


We have a great way of life in this country I for one want to protect it.


Regards Bill


P.S I will not be commenting further either, this is not a place to argue politics ( unless it's RAAus)



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As I said earlier, on UK forums, there is usually a channel for GRIPES.


These can be rather amusing, or not, in the case of t some of the posts I have read on here, We seem to be suffering from severe DRIFT PEOPLE. . . .


What do you do if you are suffering from unexpected DRIFT when you're flying lads and lassies ?? WELL, I usually change the way my flight appliance is pointing,. . . . AND corrrect the situation.


Don't you all think it's high time this happened, as, being an old fat POM, who learned to fly in AUSTRALIA. . . . I'm geting a tad P****d off, listening to people rambling on and bleeding their guts about something which has got ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the thread to which we are supposed to be commenting upon, HOPEFULLY to educate the person who started the aforementioned thread with a genuine question or subject.


Lets help the questionist and stay on track people, isn't this why all of us old farts are here ? I dunno. If you REALLY WANT someone to start a "LET'S HAVE A GRIPE ABOUT EVERYTHING" THREAD, then I will,


If you really want me to.


Kind regards to all.


Phil Perry



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