gareth lacey Posted January 31, 2013 Posted January 31, 2013 got mine taday,they are to late ,my proxy is in the hand s of a trusted person 1
turboplanner Posted January 31, 2013 Posted January 31, 2013 Quote If anyone else has received one of these please speak up... This is VERY serious if OUR money was used to do this. Unless this expenditure has been approved by the members formally, this may possibly be fraud, risking criminal prosecution. 1 1 1 1
dazza 38 Posted January 31, 2013 Posted January 31, 2013 Quote I have just received a letter from Middleton, the RAAus Secretary, the same as what is on the RAAus web site together with a Proxy form and a no stamp required envelop to send it back. To me, it can only be seen as electioneering to give Committee Members my proxy due to a one sided letter that does not contain all the facts based on why the meeting was called in the first isn't common decency and is it even legal?I mean, if the Secretary can send out a letter to every single member saying what he wants to say without 100% board approval for any and every General Meeting that can ever be called, by the members under their own constitution, then doesn't this make a complete mockery of our "Association" This is another reason why I think the exec members to stand aside. Where does Middo get off wasting mine & every other RAA members money.How much is this going to cost. Im sick of these dudes wasting our money. 2
Admin Posted January 31, 2013 Posted January 31, 2013 The money is not the only issue here...I think the whole integrity of our Association, its constitution, is in severe jeopardy here...the fairness, the decency of those we elect on our behalf, our whole Association of like minded people working together for our common interest is now nothing more then a mockery. Whilst the committee has the ability to canvas every single member of the Association in any way they like, and paid for by the membership, any group of 100 or more members is forbidden the same right no matter what the issue is, whether the issue is small or has the highest impact on our I said, this makes a mockery of our Association and its constitution and has been done so by the current Secretary and several Committee Members...I am just so insulted by these people now, whereas I was going to this meeting with an open mind, I am now disgusted...thanks Paul Middleton and those several Committee Members to destroy any faith I had in my RAAus and to have any decency to act and look after this what was once such a great institution in the recreational aviation community. 4
crashley Posted January 31, 2013 Posted January 31, 2013 got my letter today it doesnt say anything about giving your proxy votes to middo just a form that allows you to give your proxy to anyone and by the way if the board gets kicked out as it seems that everyone wants to do who is going to run raa getting sick and tired of all this crap I thought this forum was about flying and not attacking the board every 2nd post 1
winsor68 Posted January 31, 2013 Posted January 31, 2013 Quote getting sick and tired of all this crap I thought this forum was about flying and not attacking the board every 2nd post If not for this forum you would (or perhaps you still do???!!! ) think that all is hunky dory at Ra-Aus Headquarters... perhaps you would not even be aware of the serious compliance breaches that led to the Audit failure....s. I am amazed that people will take the time to attack this forum but not take the time to defend their flying privileges. Incredibubble!!! 1
fly_tornado Posted January 31, 2013 Posted January 31, 2013 Quote if the board gets kicked out as it seems that everyone wants to do who is going to run raa getting sick and tired of all this crap I thought this forum was about flying and not attacking the board every 2nd post you prefer that CASA shuts the RAA down for breaking the -L-A-W- ? Good luck selling your RV12 when 95% of the RAA pilots can't afford to go PPL and E-AB. 3 1
crashley Posted January 31, 2013 Posted January 31, 2013 I am saying the oposite that if the board gets kicked out casa will shut down raa I am concerned that there will be no one to run raa 1
webbm Posted January 31, 2013 Posted January 31, 2013 Got my "board" letter and proxy in the mail today.
crashley Posted January 31, 2013 Posted January 31, 2013 casa are there to help raa solve the problems casa dont want to shut down raa they just want them to follow the rules ie dont fly LSA aeroplanes before a certificate of airworthiness is issued ( the issue which started all these problems ) dont fly your plane if it is overweight or unregistered dont change props on 24 registered planes etc 1 3
fly_tornado Posted January 31, 2013 Posted January 31, 2013 You do realise that it took a CASA shutdown for the RAA to actively start fixing the plane registration issues. If they come for the pilot registrar it could take a long time to check that everyone with an RAA licence is legally licensed. 2
rankamateur Posted January 31, 2013 Posted January 31, 2013 Quote General apathy will perpetuate the Status Quo. Hey Nev, that would be a real Down Downer!
turboplanner Posted January 31, 2013 Posted January 31, 2013 Peculiar attitude for one of the people whose livelihood is very much at the front of the present crisis.
DWF Posted January 31, 2013 Posted January 31, 2013 Quote Peculiar attitude for one of the people whose livelihood is very much at the front of the present crisis. It's just my jaded but sorely tried sense of humor trying to lighten the mood a little.
jakej Posted January 31, 2013 Posted January 31, 2013 Got my forms today too - reading this begs a question - if the board took immediate action after the Nov 2011 audit then why did we fail the OCT/Nov 2012 audit ??? Surely they can't blame past indiscretions for that too. Now they have an ex CASA person & an SAAA AP going over things. Too much denial going on here methinks. 2
Guest Andys@coffs Posted January 31, 2013 Posted January 31, 2013 Quote Got my forms today too - reading this begs a question - if the board took immediate action after the Nov 2011 audit then why did we fail the OCT/Nov 2012 audit ??? Surely they can't blame past indiscretions for that too. Now they have an ex CASA person & an SAAA AP going over things. Too much denial going on here methinks. Let alone audits 2 and 3 in between those 2dates that were not mentioned.....
fly_tornado Posted January 31, 2013 Posted January 31, 2013 The exec are trying to pass themselves off as victims of gossip and a CASA witch hunt. 2
AlfaRomeo Posted January 31, 2013 Posted January 31, 2013 Quote I am saying the oposite that if the board gets kicked out casa will shut raa. I am concerned that there will be no one to run raa Nobody has proposed kicking 13 Board Members out. There is no motion on notice to do that. Read the Notice of motion For the General Meeting! It gives the floor to the Board to account for their Stewardship of RAA. Then members can question the Board on what they have just told us - having kept us in the dark for at least the last 12 months. Then and only then will the members have the information to move motions to get RAA back onto a proper footing. If the Exec got turfed out that would still leave TEN Board Members to carry on. CASA will shut us down if we keep doing what this board have been doing for the last 12 months. Things must be done better. Some on this Board will tell you they have done no wrong and we should all get over our selves. We must find a Board who sees that things must be done in accordance with the Law, the Deed of Agreement of CASA and the RAA Constitution. 9
Powerin Posted January 31, 2013 Posted January 31, 2013 Am I correct in assuming the next General Meeting at Natfly (which will be only seven weeks after this one) will be a fully fledged meeting at which the membership can move motions and decisions can be made? I'm going to the Feb 9th meeting with the intention of helping to ask some hard questions of the Board. They have a lot to answer for. Perhaps they will provide the correct answers...or not. My thoughts are that the Natfly general meeting will be the place where we can act on these answers in whatever way the membership deem necessary. If there are some hard decisions to be made, and strong motions to be moved, then 7 weeks gives plenty of time for the "full membership" (whatever that means) to be notified, and the scales of (natural) justice can be seen to be tipping in a fair and democratic way. 1 5
AlfaRomeo Posted January 31, 2013 Posted January 31, 2013 It is a full on General Meeting and every year there will be one. It is locked into the Constitution. with a bit more work, it could become the AGM. 2
Bryon Posted January 31, 2013 Posted January 31, 2013 Quote Andys@coffs' date=' post: 271211, member: 94[/email']] With regards the technology question, the very first thing that has to happen is that the constitution needs to be changed to make the use of technology a required part of our meeting structure and to address the mechanisms of voting from such technology. Now from my perspective I believe that the high level concept is what should be in the constitution, and the exact details of how, which will change year to year as technology does, should be in the by-laws. Given the rate of change I would prefer to have By-Laws changed which require board endorsement and member notification rather than try and get constitutional change through every time we have technology drive a process change. I would be keen to work with anyone who would like to be involved in crafting and proposing those changes with a view that if we really pull our finger out we might even get it in place for a vote at Natfly (which would infer that it could be in place for this years AGM)........Would be a very positive piece of work for what could be a couple of tough meetings coming up. Is there anyone who would interested in working with us to achieve that? We can start immediately, but for obvious reasons priority at least for me will be the Feb 9th meeting first and foremost So, whose up for a challenge?? Andy Andy, I am involved in a NFP community org that has members spread across a large area and we put this in our constitution s7.9 Use of technology for general meeting The corporation may hold a general meeting at 2 or more venues using any technology that gives the members as a whole a reasonable opportunity to participate In another section, it says that in the notice of the meeting, if the meeting is to be held in 2 or more places, the technology that will be used to do this I believe that this is all that is required in the RAA constitution as you cannot change the constitution every time technology changes Hope this helps Cheers Bryon 3
Captain Posted January 31, 2013 Posted January 31, 2013 Quote if the board gets kicked out as it seems that everyone wants to do who is going to run raagetting sick and tired of all this crap I thought this forum was about flying and not attacking the board every 2nd post Crashley, I haven't seen any plans by anyone to "Kick out the Board". Where did you dredge that up from? Steve Runciman has mentioned that in an email and you have put it forward here. I predict that the members in attendance on Feb 9th will give the Board and the other members in attendance a fair hearing and then take some action at the Feb 9th meeting or at Natfly. Re attacks on the Board, if you don't want to be part of that discussion when members are concerned after the RAA's entire reason for being was removed by CASA and members are worried, then don't visit the Governing Bodies section of the Forum. There are plenty of other threads for you to play in. 1 2
winsor68 Posted January 31, 2013 Posted January 31, 2013 Quote casa are there to help raa solve the problems casa dont want to shut down raa they just want them to follow the rules Quote I am saying the oposite that if the board gets kicked out casa will shut down raa Crashley... I am confused by your opposing posts.... What are you confused about?
airangel Posted January 31, 2013 Posted January 31, 2013 What if the board decides to all resign under the pressure [and I think you can do this]. what are the possibilities then? CASA is not going to run it. maybe the SAAA, {do you want that?]...Just have a contingency plan. Instead of a kill policy. My last words
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