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CEO’s Last Day in Office 04-01-2013


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On the RAAus web site:


CEO’s Last Day in Office 04-01-2013


You will all be aware that today is the final day in office for Steve Tizzard, who has represented RA-Aus as the CEO since April 2010. The Board would like to thank Steve, on behalf of all members and staff of RA-Aus, for his tremendous effort, loyalty and devotion to duty displayed during his time in office.


Steve has offered to continue to assist RA-Aus in any way he can in the future and I feel sure that we will be making use of his knowledge, experience and dedication in the future.


On behalf of all members and staff of RA-Aus we wish Steve Tizzard well and good fortune for the future.




Steve Runciman





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I have not been able to ascertain exactly where the figure of 13,000 came from but it was briefed to the Secretary by a previous employee of RA-Aus just prior to the meeting.RA-Aus regret any inconvenience this may have caused members.



Steve Runciman



When the then President (Reid) tried to gag me at the Temora Meeting of Members, nobody could subsequently remember who advised the Executive (Reid, Middleton and Runciman) that I was not a member of RAA, when in fact I was financial.


Now the Exec can't recall where the 13,000 came from, but it was from some mystery past employee.


These clowns have been overstating the membership numbers by 3000 or more for years and didn't monitor that claim in any way when membership number are a simple KPI for the health of the organisation.


The Exec sure do listen to a lot of people who make "mistakes" and this Executive must never actually check anything.


They have been derilict in their duty on numerous occasions and the grounding of members + the continuing inability of members and suppliers to register new aircraft is the result.


How many "mistakes" will members tolerate?


Regards Geoff



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Surely an accurate knowledge of the numbers would be needed for insurance purposes. Regardless of the legal requirement ( which I have no knowledge of), It seems such a fundamental thing that It should be known. Perhaps one thing that IS tied to it is advertising revenue for the magazine. The bigger the circulation the more effective the advertising. Perhaps it is just "padding' to look good. AS stated, it is an index of how we are going. Nev



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Is there any link btween how many members we have to how much funding is recieved from CASA to run the show?

None that I know of however, on a positive side, the more members may or may not have a bearing on claims to get extra money from CASA...more members needs more money to manage but then, the more members the more economies of scale could be CASA's reply...either way the membership number has no implications on the Deed as far as I know



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Ozzie , It would have to relate to numbers in some way. IF it related to board meetings .... we would have more..... Get the drift.


I note Ian's comment. Maybe not in direct absolute numbers, but the idea is that we do a job for CASA and are compensated. Size must matter. Much of what comes to us must be coming from them. Philosophically...If we didn't do it they would have to be more involved which clearly they don't want.... Nev



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Do the numbers matter? Well, this site can now boast a BIGGER representation of RAA members, now we know there are not that many of them. So 7,000 on here - 9,500 RAA members ... are 50%+ RAA members tuned into RecFlying?





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Guest Andys@coffs

I spoke to Lee Ungerman in the last month and he identified that RAAus have an obligation to advise CASA of our membership numbers every 3 months. It is why I have asked the board what numbers had been reported to CASA in recent times.





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Do the numbers matter? Well, this site can now boast a BIGGER representation of RAA members, now we know there are not that many of them. So 7,000 on here - 9,500 RAA members ... are 50%+ RAA members tuned into RecFlying?Sue

It certainly does matter if a fraud has been committed Sue; if there is a package deal tied to member numbers (risk%), then member numbers need to match.



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I thought the duty of the CEO was to oversee the day to day running of the organisation, that includes the monitoring of the correct adherence to rules, procedures and operations requirements. Why is this incompetent being allowed to fade into the sunset instead of being pilloried publicly for continuing to oversee an organmisation with a history of incompetent, self serving senior executives. The term here is PROFESSIONALISM. I hope for our sakes he did not get any sort of a performance bonus. For goodness sake employ a professional MANAGER, not a CASA cast off wannabe or someone looking to climb on our backs to get into CASA positions.



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It certainly does matter if a fraud has been committed Sue; if there is a package deal tied to member numbers (risk%), then member numbers need to match.

I was being a bit "tongue in cheek" given all the flack the site gets for only representing the views of a handful of RAA members. This site probably reaches more members than the official RAA website.




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