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Women Pilots


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When I was in the pub earlier today, I heard a couple of bogans saying that they wouldn't feel safe on an aircraft if they knew the pilot was a woman.


What a pair of sexists boof-heads. I mean, it's not as if she'd have to reverse the damn thing! (sorry Kaz, Sally, and others) 067_bash.gif.26fb8516c20ce4d7842b820ac15914cf.gif



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When I was in the pub earlier today, I heard a couple of bogans saying that they wouldn't feel safe on an aircraft if they knew the pilot was a woman.What a pair of sexists boof-heads. I mean, it's not as if she'd have to reverse the damn thing! (sorry Kaz, Sally, and others) 067_bash.gif.26fb8516c20ce4d7842b820ac15914cf.gif

Might have to if it was a C17!



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Women have less serious car accidents, if i remember statistics right. So there are several places they are better than males.

Having worked in a flying school for nearly ten years I know many absolutely excellent women pilots but as to the car accidents that may not stay true for long judging by the number of leadfoot "P" plate female drivers that I see around, so incredibly aggressive and so lacking skill & experience.
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Having worked in a flying school for nearly ten years I know many absolutely excellent women pilots but as to the car accidents that may not stay true for long judging by the number of leadfoot "P" plate female drivers that I see around, so incredibly aggressive and so lacking skill & experience.

I remember a certain very well known female pilot who many years ago finally got to sit in the left-hand seat by herself.


She was so exhilarated when she got into her car to go home she tramped the foot and left Moorabbin in a cloud of rubber smoke.


She was driving an E-type.


The traffic policeman was very nice but she still had to explain herself in court.





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Latest Insurance study findings.. 2012


1. Female drivers 18-30. Highest risk group. Aggressive, 60% more likely to text while driving, High levels of speeding. 80% of all first year female drivers will have an accident.


2. Male Drivers 30-45. Second highest risk group. Speed and Alochol.



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Latest Insurance study findings.. 20121. Female drivers 18-30. Highest risk group. Aggressive, 60% more likely to text while driving, High levels of speeding. 80% of all first year female drivers will have an accident.


2. Male Drivers 30-45. Second highest risk group. Speed and Alochol.

Thank goodness I had my sex change operation when I did. babe.gif.538cdeac3b1a1b72d121d00509ec140e.gif



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Latest Insurance study findings.. 20121. Female drivers 18-30. Highest risk group. Aggressive, 60% more likely to text while driving, High levels of speeding. 80% of all first year female drivers will have an accident.


2. Male Drivers 30-45. Second highest risk group. Speed and Alochol.

Whoohoo.......I'm almost out of the 2nd group........and I don't drink.

I read some stats some years ago now, but they went on to talk about a demographic that almost 100% had crashed at some time. The group in question.......QLD police motorcyclists.


I hope things have changed.



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