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From the "What a nutter dept."


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Wow so many bullet holes & no return fire? As a kid I always wanted to be a Spitfire pilot. 8 x 303 Brownings & the later ones with 2 x 20mm canons as well. From what I see around this neck of the woods I won't be doing any low level flying unless I get a few of those cheap AK 47s mounted under each wing.

From what I've heard and read about Battle of Britain Spitfire operations,. . . . it might not have been such a good idea back then KG. . . . . . . there was a serious shortage of trainied pilots, and some of those poor lads were sent into mortal combat with not much more than around ten hours flight training in a Tiger Moth. . . . . . . a lot of them got cremated just trying to take off it seems. . . . . . we've had a lot of tv shows on here in downtown UK recently on the subject of WW2,. . . . ( must be devoid of other interesting programmes I guess. . . . but I like them ! )


Most of the pilots interviewed said that they'd had a couple of pot shots at the other side's aircraft, but that they were outclassed by engine performance, ie, the ME109 was fuel injected, so could "Push-Over" and run for it, whereas if you tried to follow in your Hurricane or Spit, both of which used carburtettors,. . . the negative G caused the engines to bark and fart, and your quarry was lost. Not only that, the 109s were fitted with cannon from the beginning of the war, and only one or two hits were good enough to finish the argument in their favour usually. . . . not only this, at the beginning of the war, their pilots were surrepticiously very well trained in both gliders AND powered aeroplanes, since the early 1930s. . . and they had lots of them. . . .


Can you imagine some 19 year old kid nowadays, being trained up for ten hours in a Drifter,. . . and then sat in an Extra 300 with eight machine guns in it, . . . . and then told to go out and shoot down some other pilots who had a few hundred hours or more,. . . . . . faster aircraft and better armament. . . . .? ? ? ? Hmmmm. . . I think the war was won more due to luck than anything else mate. . . . and of course, all those AUSTRALIAN and other pilots who volunteered their skills to defend Mother England . . . . . I'm really surprised that this part of the story seems played down a bit. . . .


My Uncle Jim, at 19 years of age. . . was a tail gunner in Wellington Bombers, and was killed in 1941 deopping propaganda leaflets over Norway, the aircraft was never found after the war during the big search for downed aircraft of one type or another . . . . . I guess his plane was shot down over the North Sea. . . . . I've got all his training books and pictures of him in the Libyan desert, flying Hawker Biplanes as a gunner. . . . although he was trained as an Engineer,. . . . plus all his letters home to his sister ( My Mum ) really good humoured and interesting bloke, I really wish I'd got to meet him.


Sad. . . . .


Most 19 year old boys nowadays are not safe to be let loose with the remote control to the bloody TV set. . . . . .





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This may help, Phil 041_helmet.gif.78baac70954ea905d688a02676ee110c.gif 002_wave.gif.62d5c7a07e46b2ae47f4cd2e61a0c301.gif Cheers, Eric

I dunno about that. . . . my damned AIRBAG didn't deploy. . . . . this is a ONE JOB DEVICE. Rather like the ring pull on a tinnie of Fosters Gold,. . . . . if it doesn't work, . . . its bloody useless for anything else. . . . .


Keep the faith. . . .





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Where did the term "force" land come from? Forced means that you have no option but do it. "force' has something to do with star wars No!.Why do you guys put up with all the surveillance / nanny state conditions.? When I think thing's are tough here you make my day. Why do the womens' institute have their jam stall home made? We have roadside free range eggs here but they always make me pay... Nev

Nev,. . . . . . . . I dunno how to respond to that, . . . . . . well, the bit about GCHQ is perfectly true, and my very good friend Moss, ( strident non flyer, but radio ham. . .) always starts his emails with every possible naughty keyword he can think of,. . . just to waste some person's time down at Cheltenham, at the GCHQ monitoring station. He is what's known as an "Urban Verbal terrorist " and tries to waste as much of their time as he can. I've told him he is being a bit of a dikhead and they probably don't give a toss,. . . .but he keeps it up several times per week. Mind you. . . . He is also an internet music DJ, for a site in the USA which is dedicated to 1950s music, it's called "DOOWOP COVE". . . I thought I'd mention that just in case there are any really sad aviation people in OZ who feel that they have to listen to this kind of awful music on a regular basis to keep them sane. . . . .! Not me cobber,. . . . Gary Moore forever ! ( Sorry Kylie. . . )


I've just finished in the hangar helping a guy to change a cracked jointing plate, . . . . anyway, I don't really know why I mentioned that ! ! Can't help being a messerabout with aircraft engineering,. . . . it amazes me how many guys buy kits, but didn't even do METALWORK at high school. . . . . this lad was seriously trying to drill some ally plate with the drilling machine running in reverse,. . . fortunately, this was part of a towing dolly device,. . . and nothing to do with the aeroplane !. If they don't learn it, they don't know I guess. . . .


I was interested to hear that you have roadside sellers flogging Free range Eggs though,. . . . they stopped that here due to worries about LISTERIA . . . . and all eggs sold here have to be hermonuclear tested for any known diseases. . . . I dunno why the Womens' Institute have a home made stall, maybe they weere never taught about correct approach speeds, WHO KNOWS ?? But they DO CHARGE for their jam matey, oh, no, you won't get that for nowt son. . . . . However, there HAS been a Eurpoean Union directive that they'll have to stop making it, because. . . . . THE JAM JARS MIGHT NOT BE WASHED OUT PROPERLY, and could present a health hazard, so only jam in NEW jars can be sold. . . . . . forget about the fact that if you buy some spaghetti bolognese, it's probably 90 percent HORSEMEAT, imported legally from Europe with no checks as to it's efficacy. . . . . . And these are the SAME people who are drawing up all the new laws covering aviation and licencing Europe wide. . . . . . . .


Doncha just love Europe ? ( I don't ) I can feel a revolution coming on ( anyone got a second hand AK47 ??? ) OOPS. . . .another dangerous keyword. . . . . .



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Where did the term "force" land come from? Forced means that you have no option but do it. "force' has something to do with star wars No!.Well, OK then,. . . . . perhaps we'll have to find a new word or phrase to cover this situation Nev,. . . . . All of the old phrases are getting a bit dated now. . . .


How about,. . . . . . . . "ABSOLUTELY NECCESSARY STOPOVER" . . . . . . . Mayday, Mayday, Mayday,. . . . Brisbane, this is 25-1234, I have an urgent need for an A.N.S.,. . . . Here is my GPS. . . . negative ILS,. . . . Rapidly Reducing A.G.L. . . . . ?


Or even a R.U.I.R.W.T.F, . . . . . Rather unplanned imminent reconnection with terra firma. . . . ?. . . I guess that I.H.R.O.O.P. might well be frowned upon though. . . .( I have run out of petrol )


Come on guys,. . . . you're an inventive and immensely experienced and articulate lot,. . . let's have some suggestions. ?


May the Farce be with you Obee Wan. . . . .



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