M61A1 Posted March 5, 2013 Posted March 5, 2013 Quote To all before me on this page (3), all I wanna do is go flyin!I don't want to reinvent the wheel, rewrite textbooks or reform govenment policies. I don't care who gets government funds because I know from previous experience that if one mob doesn't get it another one will, whether they are minority or majority or anywhere in between. Volcanoes - who cares! Flood plains - who cares! Sand dunes - who cares! I just wanted to express my frustration at not going flying due to adverse weather conditions when I had the opportunity to do it every bloody day for 2 weeks. I'm feeling your pain.........my aircraft lives in a trailer in my back yard, it takes 8 minutes to rig, my airstrip is 5km away, with constant rain and winds above 20 kph for the last month, even if I could get across the mud to the strip, every minute in the air would be scaring me s***less with the tubulence off the hill next to the strip. Not flown for a month now. Only late last year, I was flying 4-5 days a week. 1
rankamateur Posted March 5, 2013 Posted March 5, 2013 Quote Most research funding isn't distributed directly by the government, but a bunch of boffins around a big table, who once would have worn white coats. They fund the projects that have their prefered flavour! I take your point poteroo, a shame it isn't the same way for much of the targeted environmental research funding, particularly internationally.
dazza 38 Posted March 5, 2013 Posted March 5, 2013 My work rang today. I will be getting another helicopter ride from Chinchilla to work tomorrow as work is isolated again. Same thing happen last month when the condamine river flooded. I really hope we dont see anymore rain in Qld for a few months. It has been a very expensive few months, I would hate to put a cost to all the flood damage caused to houses and infrastructure.
planet47 Posted March 5, 2013 Author Posted March 5, 2013 I believe there may be one person on page 3, may two who understand what the thread was about
Eric McCandless Posted March 5, 2013 Posted March 5, 2013 Quote yup, been getting my Navs cancelled for months now, I've almost forgotten everything I learned (that was SUPPOSED to have been cemented in with the Navs). Had I known, I'd have put off the briefings a little while. I remember enough to know how to find the info I need, but its definitely not top of mind like it was... bugger!Oh, so we thought OK skip the navs and let's just go down to YWOL to get the solo hours knocked out. 2 hour drive down and OH WAIT... the rain followed me! I tell ya, there are days when its hard to maintain enough enthusiasm to keep going. Family and friends have been hearing the "I'm supposed to solo this weekend" speech for months, I don't think they care anymore... maybe this weekend! Aaaaarrrrrgggghhh!!!!! I have been trying to get my nav test done for my nav endorsement since mid January. If it hasn't been raining, it has been too windy, or cloud base too low, or my instructor has no spare slots. My last nav ex was 22nd Dec and I think I have forgotten how to fly a nav by now. My instructor has been feeling sorry for me and is even scheduling slots for me on her one day off without success. My most recent booking last Sunday was cancelled as the cloud base was too low. And the weather gods are cruel, as there was not a cloud in the sky on Monday and today. Hopefully this Sunday, with everything crossed. Eric
Guest Maj Millard Posted March 5, 2013 Posted March 5, 2013 Love you Planet !!...wish I could take you flying...or you take me........?....all this bloody greeny talk.....aren't volcanos just so spectacular when they blow their shxx up into the sky ! .. We're all greenies really in as much as we generally prefer green to brown, especially from the air ! Got my prop off cause the WX is crap (only 100 Mls rain today since 9am, and it's still pissing down in Airlie Beach) with a cyclone forming Friday to look foward to, and no doubt a shxxload more rain to come. Ah just gotta love the tropical East coast in Summer. Euro tourists running around in the park where I stay, in the downpour, in Bikinis !...gotta love them too... I run a 3-blabe carbon prop with the usual alum hub, it doesn't sit in the hangar too much...I like to check the hub for cracks, and the blades need new LE tape once a year, plus a pitch check, so that's what I'm doing. Mostly it just spins smoothly and efficiently up front on the 912, and last year took me to Natfly, Monto, and many other lesser destinations. It's a great prop and I look after it. Jasmin....please explain ???.....huh.?...............................Maj...
planet47 Posted March 5, 2013 Author Posted March 5, 2013 Jasmin....please explain ???.....huh.?...............................Maj... from a previous thread where I sought an explanation for "heros' come and go....but legends get more pussy !"
Ballpoint 246niner Posted March 5, 2013 Posted March 5, 2013 Quote I was supposed to do an introduction to STOL training this weekend, might have to change to amfib training!Getting bored doing housebound jobs to fill in time but am thankful that I don't have a flooded house like some. Hang in there Paul, this weekend WILL be fine! We flew today and Al has mown a huge 50m smiley in the 12 undershoot, looks awesome on final, we land on it this weekend!
Guest Maj Millard Posted March 5, 2013 Posted March 5, 2013 Oh yeah...that Jasmin.......huh ?...........hope pylons' pet rabbits don't get mold under their fluffy little white tails, in all this moist wx.............................................
planet47 Posted March 5, 2013 Author Posted March 5, 2013 Maj - they have been drying out in the hangar for the past couple of days. As at 6pm tonight, the cat and the rabbits were still alive. No mold, plenty of mud and slush though!
ayavner Posted March 7, 2013 Posted March 7, 2013 Yeah, the weekend is actually looking ok. This must be why I am currently down with a 38.8* fever.... GAHHHHHH
ayavner Posted March 7, 2013 Posted March 7, 2013 yeah.. just drinking lots of water and trying to sweat it out.. feel a bit better yesterday than today, but if I feel like this tomorrow I won't be going flying.
M61A1 Posted March 11, 2013 Posted March 11, 2013 Well I did magage to get myself over to(and back) the Clifton fly-in (Saturday only), despite being a bit breezy and having to dodge a few light showers. Good experience though. That's 2 hours this month. 1
cscotthendry Posted March 11, 2013 Posted March 11, 2013 Quote Well I did magage to get myself over to(and back) the Clifton fly-in (Saturday only), despite being a bit breezy and having to dodge a few light showers. Good experience though.That's 2 hours this month. I'm jealous!
M61A1 Posted March 11, 2013 Posted March 11, 2013 Quote I'm jealous! Obviously you were there.....you've posted a pic of my aircraft.
cscotthendry Posted March 11, 2013 Posted March 11, 2013 Quote Obviously you were there.....you've posted a pic of my aircraft. Nope, wasn't me. I wish though.
M61A1 Posted March 11, 2013 Posted March 11, 2013 Quote Nope, wasn't me. I wish though. Apologies....wrong Scott, should have checked again before posting.
Phil Perry Posted March 11, 2013 Posted March 11, 2013 Quote 80 acres of dz and it has been non stop mowing when it is dry enough.Had the hanger flood out. And the entire place covered in water. Couldn't get into town for food for a couple of days. Chips and picnic bars from the vending machine for dinner. Well. . . .at least someone had the presence of mind to put the power supply to the vending machine above the floodline Ozzie. . . . ! ! ! ! ! ! We're beset by Snow and Ice still here in the UK, they are even forecasting a White Easter, when all the bunnies should be frollicking in the hay and the pilots should be frollicking in the sky. . . . that's assuming they can un-freeze the tie down straps. . .
planet47 Posted May 20, 2015 Author Posted May 20, 2015 Two years later and the weather is still crappy coming up to days off - grrrrh! 1 1
KRviator Posted May 20, 2015 Posted May 20, 2015 Welcome to my world! Trying to get the XC endo and some BFR prep done in between days off, kids in daycare and good weather. Upto nearly 6 months so far, dagnabbit! Yet when I'm rostered on, the weather is clear and a million, what's with that?
Phil Perry Posted May 21, 2015 Posted May 21, 2015 I see your pain KR . . . a friend of mine has been waiting for weather to improve on his ONLY day off work, ie Sundays. . . .for the last four months. . . . since then virtually Every sunday has been non-flyable, well, not good enough for a first solo anyway. . .poor bloke is now up to 31 hours of dual training at £110.00 / Hr. . . . says he has to keep on flying with an instructor just to keep up to speed. So weather can be expensive as well as bloody annoying ! We've had some really high winds nearly every weekend for a long time, mixed in with heavy rain and / or low cloud / really bad viz / plagues of frogs etc. . . . . .
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