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How to post a thread?

MD Edwards

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well, that's great for you computer geeks, but I'm having problems trying to pinch an interesting youtube video from another forum and post it on here. . . .any advice please, and please type slowly, as you know I can't read fast.





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Phil, on one hand we do not like to "pinch" content from other forums just the same as we don't want them to "pinch" our content however if a video is in the common domain like YouTube or Vimeo etc, then it can be added from those sources...would you like to PM me a link to it and I will see what I can do...ethically.



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Phil, on one hand we do not like to "pinch" content from other forums just the same as we don't want them to "pinch" our content however if a video is in the common domain like YouTube or Vimeo etc, then it can be added from those sources...would you like to PM me a link to it and I will see what I can do...ethically.

Hi Ian, and thanks in advance for any advice on the subject.


Please don't misunderstand my vernacular though, Since the vid is publicly available on Youtube, I have always understood that, unless otherwise stated these links may be shared with other interested parties as public domain. The only thing I'd be "Pinching" from any other aviation forum is the IDEA that I thought others of like mind could well appreciate the subject matter as an interesting part of a possible discussion on the subject to which it pertains; ie an aspect of aviation safety.


Finally, I did NOT attempt to DIRECTLY copy the link from a forum, but from Youtube, as I have done in the past, it just didn't work.


I'm obviously doing something incorrectly, as I said before, some digital procedures I find quite straightforward, others I don't.


I try to be ethical in most things I do.


I'l PM it to you later if I may, when I've despatched a couple of jobs this morning.


Kind regards.





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Phil, we are going to have to sit down and have a beer one day...PM me a link to the youtube video and I will see what I can do to help



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Phil, we are going to have to sit down and have a beer one day...PM me a link to the youtube video and I will see what I can do to help

I'd really enjoy that Ian !! ( in a frosty glass please )


The YouTube video I was looking at is entitled :


"Airplane engine failure during takeoff and turnback for landing practice"


This video shows diagrams and turnbacks from a very low level, but the aircraft is obviously a motor Glider, so has a very good glide ratio, unlike average LSA machines, I thought this might be an interesting thread topic, but it's probably already been done to death before ! ! !


Kind regards,





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I'd really enjoy that Ian !! ( in a frosty glass please )The YouTube video I was looking at is entitled :


"Airplane engine failure during takeoff and turnback for landing practice"




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