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Hello fellow flyers,


Just wondering if any of you out there have any information on how to remove the canopy on a Tecnam Sierra as nothing is in the maintenance manual and I cannot get a reply from the local Victorian Tecnam dealer or Tecnam support in Italy.


If anyone has removed one I would very much appreciate any assistance/advice as I need to remove it to access the co pilots side canopy stop as it has sheared 2 of the 3 pop rivets from ham fisted passengers getting in, it now slides back to far jamming the right side open which is then quite difficult to get the rollers back in.


I removed the 4 screws each side of the canopy but something else at the front is preventing it from lifting off and I cannot work it out.







  • 3 years later...

Hi Alf, Regarding your post June 26th 2013 I have also got the same problem with my Tecnam Sierra canopy stop on the passenger side and also cannot work out how to fix the problem. Did you work out how to remove the canopy and repair the broken stop ? Any information would be much appreciated. My phone No. 0413847865 RegardsJim Gardiner



not wanting to be smart where is the repair manual will be in it if that info is not in manual why not sorry alf neil

Many thanks for your post "Storchy Neil" having had along discussion with Alf on the telephone a couple of nights ago he advised how he fixed the problem so next time I go to the aeroplane I will investigate further.


It will be some time as I am going away for a month.


Neither Alf or myself could get much information from the Tecnam technical manual, they could be a bit more useful ! I will have another look when I have time.


Mank thanks



this website seems to start talking about canopy removal ............... - good luck ? - Tecnam P2002 JF Maintenance Manual (Page 678 of 1289)

Thank John

Nothing in the manuals that came with the plane have any of this so it is very helpful information from you


I had searched the Tecnam website for information and also emailed them back in 2013 but go no information on how to remove it








I don't think it is your ham fisted passengers fault, It seems to be a problem with Tecnams!!!!!!!




jim g when the shieeet hit the fan with my plane and the repairer failed to have the repair manual maintenance man or the manual for the kit build I have made sure that that my comp has all the currant ifo


fysynthesis sent me disc with part numbers and repair manual tec manual neil




Thanks everybody should be able to fix the problem now, given time.


Jim G



  • Helpful 1
I don't think it is your ham fisted passengers fault, It seems to be a problem with Tecnams!!!!!!!

Na Mick


It wasn't your ham fistedness getting in and out my plane that did it, I'm guessing it's the pressure on the canopy from the cruise speed (tongue in cheek comment) so you wouldn't have that problem if the Foxbat had a canopy lol


I sorted it I think before you ever got in it lol




Those iS engines are the go eh lol




Your mate



  • Helpful 1
  • 5 weeks later...
Hello fellow flyers,Just wondering if any of you out there have any information on how to remove the canopy on a Tecnam Sierra as nothing is in the maintenance manual and I cannot get a reply from the local Victorian Tecnam dealer or Tecnam support in Italy.


If anyone has removed one I would very much appreciate any assistance/advice as I need to remove it to access the co pilots side canopy stop as it has sheared 2 of the 3 pop rivets from ham fisted passengers getting in, it now slides back to far jamming the right side open which is then quite difficult to get the rollers back in.


I removed the 4 screws each side of the canopy but something else at the front is preventing it from lifting off and I cannot work it out.





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