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Hangar Rent S.E Qld

Guest Sabre

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Guest Sabre

Hi All,


I'm just doing some planning at the moment for when I get my aircraft and was wondering if there is any hangar space availble to rent at Jacobs Well


Redcliffe or any private fields around the greater Brisbane area.





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Guest Sabre

That's it no one replied...I'm going to go out and buy some land and put a dozen hangars on it and charge what I want..lol...just kidding don't have half a million



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Guest Crezzi

Good Luck if you try Caboolture - the club house notice board has the usual (large) number of "Hanger Wanted" ads & there is an increasing number of GA parked on the grass


Sorry !





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Guest Jokerman

Kilcoy strip are having a development plan done and plan to build some new hangars there in the near future.


If u are interested I'll get a contact number for u.


Good luck in your search.





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Guest Sabre

Thanks Gordon,


I'm hoping for something closer to Brisbane....but thanks for the info. If nothing eventuates here then I'll have to go further out.


I'll post any info I find here in case it helps someone else in the same position.





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Guest Jokerman

No wuckers Sabre.


Having been looking at the same situation for the last 12 months, I suspect we are going to be forced to go further afield. Caboolture's agreement expires in 2018 and there is no guarantee it will be renewed and the way the development is happening there for the last few years...


Things don't look good.





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Guest Sabre

Not another airfield up in the air..damn....I'll post my results up as soon as I find something if there is more than one space available..lol.....I did see an ad for Recliffe . They were asking for a long term lease but I reckon it would be expensive.


Good luck



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Guest Jokerman

Yep I think u can guarantee that Redcliffe will be dearer than Caboolture.


Crezzi, Is your trike going to be involved with ProSky at Caboolture?



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Guest Crezzi

Yes -I'm putting my trike online with Prosky and working for Zane as weightshift instructor.







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Guest Sabre

Hey Jokerman...you better PM me with the details for Kilcoy,,,you never know I might have to go there and I guess it's better to be in at the begining of the development.





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  • 2 years later...
Guest ledsled

It would be worth checking out Kooralbyn, near Beaudesert.I operated Drifters there for 25 years.Try 0417624861.



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hello ledsled, my parents live at kooralbyn, i am flying at boonah today, i will pop over ans see them. i will check out whats happening at the airfield.There is a bit of confusion of what is happening their since the resort their went broke last year. But their was a savannah, drifter and jabiru flying their two weeks ago. i will see whats going on their.



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  • 2 weeks later...

So what would be the process to get a new airstrip made????


There is a real gap in airstrips for RA pilots in brisbane. Basically it's either north of brisbane or the next one south is jacobs well. I think a strip somewhere in the redlands or logan would be great.


All we need to do is get the council to build one... No probs



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hello Mazda, the place was deserted saturday before last, things are a bit, up in the air at the moment since koralbyn resort went belly up last year. i have been told by a couple of different people (names withheld to protect the innocent) that a gentlemen has leased the airfield and is going to bring it up to scratch. It is a bit run down at the moment. ie- weeds growing through the tarmac etc. Caution though , i flew drifters their 20 odd years ago, from memory their can be a fair bit of wind sheer/turbulance on late finals due to the airfield being cut into the side of a couple of hills. i will keep you posted when i find out some more information.



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Guest ledsled

I conducted some training there about a month ago.There are around 7 aircraft permanently hangared there at the moment. The bitumen has been in poor condition for about 10 years but RAAus aircraft have always used the grass on the southern side. It is 1400 m long. You can do about half a dozen take offs and landings there. The comment about windshear is correct. You need to properly trained to fly there in strong winds for sure. The hangar owner knows the drill.



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Whatever happened to Thomasfield near Logan Reserve? Ian Thomas had a few hangars on his property with two 800metre (plus) strips. (one later shut down and then had one operational) he had a Grumman Cheetah and it was home to a couple of others and the odd cessna.




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Guest Cloudsuck

It is still there Dunlop, I fly over there a bit. One of the owners called into Boonah a week ago in a 177. The strip is strictly private use only. Geeeee I would love to own that property. I have landed a 152 in there once.



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