pudestcon Posted July 6, 2013 Posted July 6, 2013 Quote Pud, "Upstart" is nothing else but an endearing term for an aviator in the take-off mode. I would see it as a complement! Hehehe, as long as Riley is commenting, it's a compliment. I'm more than happy to be described in the way you have explained eightyknots - always very happy when I'm in takeoff mode:plane: Pud
farri Posted July 6, 2013 Posted July 6, 2013 Quote G'day Frank, Make sure you have no parts left over after putting that 503 back together eh? Pud G'day Pud, No spare parts and running like a dream.! 360 trouble free hrs to date. I`ve just got back from a short flight and on the way back I flew the course of the Mulgrave river, just north of here. It`s a low tide at the moment so I thought I might see a crock on a sandbar. There were 3 that I estimated to be between 2.5 to 3 m on one sandbar and a monster of 4 m or better on another ( I`d been told that there was a big one in that area ) and I didn`t have my camera. I sometimes see 1 but it`s the first time I`ve seen that many in such a short distance. Never know what you might see from a Drifter. Frank. 1
bernieh Posted July 6, 2013 Posted July 6, 2013 Google Earth last photographed in 2005 so there have been a few changes...(Houses, hangars etc)... 20dg32'44.02s 148deg39'04.53e should have you right in their hangar.... Cheers B 1
pudestcon Posted July 6, 2013 Posted July 6, 2013 Quote G'day Pud, No spare parts and running like a dream.! 360 trouble free hrs to date.I`ve just got back from a short flight and on the way back I flew the course of the Mulgrave river, just north of here. It`s a low tide at the moment so I thought I might see a crock on a sandbar. There were 3 that I estimated to be between 2.5 to 3 m on one sandbar and a monster of 4 m or better on another ( I`d been told that there was a big one in that area ) and I didn`t have my camera. I sometimes see 1 but it`s the first time I`ve seen that many in such a short distance. Never know what you might see from a Drifter. Frank. I know exactly what you can see from a Drifter Frank; still have very fond memories of taking in the sights from your Drifter, and that includes the back of your head!!! Pud 1
farri Posted July 6, 2013 Posted July 6, 2013 bernieh, Thanks a lot for that. Appreciate it. Doug, A few weeks ago I picked up a copy of the local Advocate ( Can`t remember the date and it wasn`t current anyway ), Photo of Carlo on the front page talking about your original Lightwing . Couldn`t get to read much of the article. Can you tell us what it was about? A few days ago I was down at Carlo`s hanger and he had that days Advocate. Front page photo of Carlo and the yellow Storch that he`s working on. Just wondering who has just purchased a yellow Storch? Frank. Ps, No not feeding the Crocks but on a serious note I do wonder how many there must be just from here to Gordonvale and how they do get enough to eat.
Doug Evans Posted July 6, 2013 Posted July 6, 2013 that be about 0032 Carlo did awrite up about her being the first production lightwing after the rebuild .. I think my old plane 0229 is still in Innsfail I bought Trish old girl 0032 my second lightwing 1
Guest Maj Millard Posted July 6, 2013 Posted July 6, 2013 Frank that big croc is the one that was stalking Pud at the riverside camp when he was at your place. If he had just stayed another day or two..............Maj...
pudestcon Posted July 6, 2013 Posted July 6, 2013 Quote Frank that big croc is the one that was stalking Pud at the riverside camp when he was at your place. If he had just stayed another day or two..............Maj... If I'd stayed another day or 2 I would have been dead for sure, but not from the croc. From you guys and your antics - I'd have been worn out!!! Pud
ianwells Posted July 6, 2013 Posted July 6, 2013 A few drifter legends, Maj Millard, Ronnie, Frank and me, at franks place. 2
pudestcon Posted July 7, 2013 Posted July 7, 2013 Great photos Ian, thank you. Legends? Not just Drifter legends I would think, but I take your point. Good to see Frank hasn't changed - still getting around in bare feet Pud
farri Posted July 7, 2013 Posted July 7, 2013 Quote Good to see Frank hasn't changed - still getting around in bare feet pud Keeps them tough,mate! Ian,Thanks for the photos. The 4th one looks like Cowley beach, in the bottom right corner, heading south to Kurrimine beach. Frank.
Guernsey Posted July 7, 2013 Posted July 7, 2013 Quote G'day Pud, No spare parts and running like a dream.! 360 trouble free hrs to date.I`ve just got back from a short flight and on the way back I flew the course of the Mulgrave river, just north of here. It`s a low tide at the moment so I thought I might see a crock on a sandbar. There were 3 that I estimated to be between 2.5 to 3 m on one sandbar and a monster of 4 m or better on another ( I`d been told that there was a big one in that area ) and I didn`t have my camera. I sometimes see 1 but it`s the first time I`ve seen that many in such a short distance. Never know what you might see from a Drifter. Frank. Now here's an interesting 'Claytons' news article:- ( written by Guernsey ). Today an ultralight aircraft called a 'Drifter' experienced an engine failure and attempted a forced landing on a local sandbar, the aircraft wheels clipped a crocodile, cartwheeled, was extensively damaged, and caught fire; fortunately the pilot was thrown clear and walked away from the wreckage unijured however, he was subsequently eaten by the crocodile. . Would this be classed as an aviation fatality?....no snap decisions please. The old croc Alan. 1
farri Posted July 8, 2013 Posted July 8, 2013 Guernsey, I love your sense of humor but buggered if I know what you`d call the fatality other than one less fool flying. On a true note! When I started instructing my legal height limit was 500`AGL. I used that section of the Mulgrave river as a training course. Because of its frequent left and right turns, I found it was the quickest and best way for students to gain controll over the aircraft! We would do the course no lower than 300` and no heigher than 500`AGL. Cane paddocks right up to the tree line and gliding distance on both sides of the river. One afternoon, guy in the front seat and the engine quits right at the spot where the big crock was the other day. Had to put it down in one of the adjoining cane paddocks. The worst part of it was the walk back home. Next day I found the problem,fixed it and flew out. I`ve flown that river course so many times that I lost count long ago and of course now my minimum height is 500`AGL. Frank.
Guest Maj Millard Posted July 8, 2013 Posted July 8, 2013 Frank, Is old Bob Plant still around. The old prof croc hunter (pre 74) used to go out in a very early Drifter and spot the crocs for the evenings shooting.Had to be one of the first Drifter drivers in the country ??.................Maj...
farri Posted July 9, 2013 Posted July 9, 2013 Quote Frank, Is old Bob Plant still around. Maj... Ross, I asked Ron Biondi the same question only a month or so ago and he said that he is but he hasn`t been flying for many years and he`s almost completely crippled with arthritis. He still lives at home,with his wife, at Ravenshoe. Bob was a very early member of the FNQUA and from memory, was the first or second student of mine. He started flying in Tiger Moths and once he started in the Drifter, he told me, and I quote, " Tiger Moths are good but Drifters are better" Bob was a great guy to have in the FNQUA... A lot of fly-ins and Bar,Bar,Q`s were held here at home and Bob would always bring his spuds ( He was a potato farmer at that time ) he`d pull the awning out of the side of the truck that he used for camping and boil up a big pot of potato`s for everyone Onya Bob! Frank.
farri Posted July 9, 2013 Posted July 9, 2013 Quote The old prof croc hunter (pre 74) used to go out in a very early Drifter and spot the crocs for the evenings shooting. ??.................Maj... Ross, I forgot to add in my previous post that I`m not aware of Bob using a Drifter to spot Crocs.To my knowledge, his Drifter days started with me and his first aircraft was a Drifter. His croc shooting days were over when I met him but he did tell me that he would hire an aircraft and fly the rivers of the Gulf country to spot them before going after them. Frank. Ps, Mike ( Blueadventures ) came in yesterday to say G`Day. We were going to go flying but a good rain squall took care of that and it`s still raining.
Guest Maj Millard Posted July 9, 2013 Posted July 9, 2013 Must have been an old story I heard somewhere Frank. Yes Mike is a nice guy, I have done my best for him with his flying, and aircraft repairs, after a couple less than perfect landings in the Skyfox. I gave him a ride in the Lightwing at Old Station recently which he and I both enjoyed................Maj...
farri Posted July 9, 2013 Posted July 9, 2013 Ross, as you`ve asked about Bob Plant I thought you and others might like some photos of Bob in his Croc Hunter days. I couldn`t find anything on the net so I gave Ron Biondi a call, he had exactly what I was looking for. He brought the book to me, I took some photos of a couple of pages, so here they are..... The three are of Bob. Frank.
Guest Maj Millard Posted July 9, 2013 Posted July 9, 2013 Wow those are great photos Frank, and some serious lizards he's got there also. Not only is he an Ultralight legend he's a North Qld legend also. Please tell Ron thanks for pulling that book out ok...........Cheers Ross
farri Posted July 12, 2013 Posted July 12, 2013 I`ve been reading the book and I quote from it.( Year 1953. Bob Plant and his mate Bill, walking along a deserted beach ) " We walked a couple of miles and believe it or not we were nearly run over by a low flying ' Auster ' aircraft which threw us a Cairns Post newspaper. I was later to fly and be endorsed on a similar aircraft ". After walking a few more miles we came to a 'Boston A20 Havoc Bomber that had belly-landed on the beach.The guns and instruments were gone,the wheels were still retracted and the tyres appeared in first class condition. 23 in one nights shoot. Frank.
Old Koreelah Posted July 12, 2013 Posted July 12, 2013 Quote [ATTACH=full]22860[/ATTACH] Pud Is that the standard Drifter headset?
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