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Good he is okay. I try to come in without power (idle) and glide on final, just in case. Who knows what happened here though.


And yes who put anything on the end of the runway? That is what trees are for!



  • Haha 2
Guest Maj Millard

Well as I understand it the high-end mobile home park at the Western end of the runway, appeared under very dubious circumstances at the time. It encompassed a portion of the runway effectively shortening it, plus a small air terminal building which is now part of the gated, and fenced van park.


The only point of revenge is that aircraft are forced to fly short finals right over the top of the park. It appears that certain council officials at the time made it happen...............Maj...024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



Mobile home park at the Western end of the runway, appeared under very dubious circumstances

Have heard this a few times, now the NIMBY's in the possibly 'illegal' caravan park will all want the airport closed down 068_angry.gif.cc43c1d4bb0cee77bfbafb87fd434239.gif

Have a look at the Google image, and see where the 'Airport' now is...!




Even the airport weather station and main windsock are within the caravan park!




This type of thing worries me, as it shows how little foresight people have, and how little they value anything but their little house and the TV they veg in front of all day.


Leave the caravan and spend your retirement chasing a dream, like flying!



  • Agree 3
  • Winner 1

I am gobsmacked where those houses are.


Crikey, not a Jabiru engine failure, but a Rotax! Crikey!

The plane that landed before him was a Jab and the Jab's exhaust fumes are what caused a flame out.


.. and that's when the fight started 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif



  • Like 1
  • Haha 8
  • Winner 1
Guest Maj Millard

We must all be aware of this type of land grab around vulnerable small airports, this one appears to have be done by land sharks who held council seats.


Most small town airports cost councils in upkeep, and rarely make any money, however they possess large valuable acerage that land sharks must salivate over..These people aren't interested in the fact that all airports are an asset in times of medical and disaster emergencys. The great folks at the Casino Aero Club have recovered well,and continue to offer marvellous facilities, and friendship, to the travelling aviator...Support them when you can............Maj...025_blush.gif.9304aaf8465a2b6ab5171f41c5565775.gif




And now the fellows plane is a wreck after successfully avoiding the caravans, hope he's ok and had insurance



  • Agree 1

All that vacant land EVERYWHERE and they need to build at the end of a runway?.......insane.



  • Agree 2

Talking airports, this is all that's left of Sydney's Hoxton Park Aerodrome, swallowed up by big bussiness and displacing around 50 planes.


Interesting to note that Google Earth still (07-07-13) shows the airport.


The 'Bing Maps' (http://www.bing.com/maps/) still has the name...





  • Informative 1
Guest Maj Millard
All that vacant land EVERYWHERE and they need to build at the end of a runway?.......insane.

Yes there is a lot of vacant land around Casino, but they Probabily would have had to pay for that !..........Maj...024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



Yes there is a lot of vacant land around Casino, but they Probabily would have had to pay for that !..........Maj...024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif

Ahhh.....council land.......I see now......




OMG it wouldn't be a Rotax would it, they don't stop! 036_faint.gif.544c913aae3989c0f13fd9d3b82e4e2c.gif



  • Haha 3

If Casino was one of the 98 airports included in the ALOP scheme where they were 'given' to local government by the Commonwealth to control under a perpetual lease - then the owner is not allowed to divert land on that airport away from aviation use. Worth looking into whether the 'sale' of this airport land is legally sound. I doubt it is, but....


happy days,




If that land was given approval to be developed without "oiling a few palms" i'd be surprised, as it could not have been properly asessed from the safety aspects in the first place.


Someone should be accountable for that crazy decision.


The Goodle Earth view, shows just how crazy it is.



Talking airports, this is all that's left of Sydney's Hoxton Park Aerodrome, swallowed up by big bussiness and displacing around 50 planes.Interesting to note that Google Earth still (07-07-13) shows the airport.

The 'Bing Maps' (http://www.bing.com/maps/) still has the name...



Don't remind us Arthur:crying: 051_crying.gif.fe5d15edcc60afab3cc76b2638e7acf3.gif 051_crying.gif.edc6b33a234e272ee13f0ec0ae40b12a.gif



  • Caution 1

I seem to remember not so long ago when the whole council in Wollongong was caught with greasy hands ,


It seems to go on all over the country ,


I know of buissines people in YBUD who were caught out trying to bribe the Harvey / bay


Council and where fined big $$ ( say no more)059_whistling.gif.a3aa33bf4e30705b1ad8038eaab5a8f6.gif


Sooner or later these crooks will get caught out , especially when something like this happens & people start asking questions .



  • Agree 1
Guest extralite

I was there at the time. For ausadvance yes it was casino based. The green one. From what I understand it hadn't flown for a while and took a long time to get it started.



Guest extralite

Oh and also heard same rumours about the local council. That and some other council building in town.



Guest Maj Millard
OMG it wouldn't be a Rotax would it, they don't stop! 036_faint.gif.544c913aae3989c0f13fd9d3b82e4e2c.gif

Many of the older 912As in the Gazelles, are way pass their original TBO of 1200 hours, and are now being operated by private owners as "on condition". Most have never required any tear down, or major work done on them, to achieve the original TBO...Those engines have done their time and more...they have nothing to prove to anyone..in most cases a simple top end valve-grind, and they are ready for more punishment ..Maj...014_spot_on.gif.1f3bdf64e5eb969e67a583c9d350cd1f.gif



If Casino was one of the 98 airports included in the ALOP scheme where they were 'given' to local government by the Commonwealth to control under a perpetual lease - then the owner is not allowed to divert land on that airport away from aviation use. Worth looking into whether the 'sale' of this airport land is legally sound. I doubt it is, but....happy days,

John Anderson (the patron saint of gifts to local Councils) action, very late in the day of his time as Minister for Transport etc. , was one of the most detrimental actions for the future of aviation in this country of all time. There is far too little activity from aviation groups (including RAA) to promote the value to communities of having good landing facilities available to them and so local Councils can get away with flogging off airstrips to gain cheap rates $$ (let alone the opportunities for corruption from developers). Unless the Council electorate rates such availability highly enough, aviation facilities will not be on their radar and this sort of encroaching and eventually stifling development will continue to happen.Having what most of the local electorate thinks of as 'rich kids' toys' crash amongst the houses doesn't help one jot.




Bankstown is not much better since it was privatised.


An industrial development now stands where there were a couple of vacant paddocks not far from the end of 29L & 29C.


One would have thought it would have been prudent to leave any such vacant land clear, in case of emergencies.


The development could easily have fitted in a vacant area around the corner, where the old Schofields Flying Club building sits unused ,or, several other areas not in line with the runways.



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