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a tip for purchasing Oz Runways

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Hey all, just in case anyone isn't aware... there is a pretty hefty markup if you purchase OzRunways via the itunes App store. If you instead go to their webpage https://www.ozrunways.com/store/account.jsp (think you'll have to sign in) you will find that the VFR version is $75 rather than $94.99. IFR version is a $35 upgrade so would be a total of $110 rather than $139.99.


That is pretty substantial, hope it saves someone some $$





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See? It's fleas like ayavner that are cutting Apple's throat. No wonder they have to send all their profits to tax havens, with people like ayavner telling people how to avoid apple's gouging *ahem* I meant astute business practices.



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Hi guys,Same goes for AvPlan.....





Yeh, well the same goes for everything we buy from Apple, especially here in Oz. Apple rip us off mercilessly and in more ways than just their pricing of software and media. Their tax avoidance costs us all, big time. They're happy to make lots of money where ever they trade, but feel no compulsion to contribute their fair share of the upkeep of the country. And it isn't just Apple doing it. Just about all the Global corporates are funneling their money through tax havens.



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