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Would The Owner Please Own Up?

Guest pelorus32

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Guest David C

Just follow him to Camden Haven ...4 GPS receivers and a VOR , at least he knows where he's going .


Dave C



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Guest pelorus32
It could just be an expensive solution to an aft C of G problem.

Interesting you should say that....Raytheon are proposing a CT4 - either E or F to the RAAF for initial training. They are calling it the Akala. I read an article saying that it had a forward CofG problem and they ended up putting much of the avionics for the new glass cockpit aft I think to fix the CofG.


Speaking of which...


I think that this guy got his calculations wrong:;)3: Aft CofG I suspect.









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Guest Redair



It's amazing how far some flight-simmers will go to make FSX seem like the real thing!!!





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That'd be the CT-4F, the avionics to run the glass cockpit as well as all the associated military radios, nav equipment etc. almost fill the entire area behind the seats - that's a heap of equipment I can tell you coz there's a lot of room back there!


Also interesting to note (well for those of us that find CT4's interesting :)) that the E and F models have their wing spar 8cm further forward than the A and B models due to the additional weight of the IO-540 (300hp) engine.


The Raytheon F model was actually in Canberra last weekend and we had a good look (and drool) over it. Very good to know that other than the avionics, engine and wings being moved forward, the rest is identical to our A model...spares are still available from the factory :)



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Guest pelorus32

Hey Matt,


I understand that there is another difference....the F is about $1.0m a copy!







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Tell the tuth Mike


That original photo of yours is Ian's new CT, complete with cross-country kit, while weathered in at Temora today, isn't it?


Hope this helps





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Guest pelorus32
Tell the tuth MikeThat original photo of yours is Ian's new CT, complete with cross-country kit, while weathered in at Temora today, isn't it?


Hope this helps





what hope do I have of stringing out the competition when you are so quick at guessing?


I thought you might be stumped because the laptop with the 37cm screen was not in the picture. I understand that Ian has someone hand that to him after he climbs in and that there is a special strap to attach it to both his upper thighs so that it is held in place as he flies.


Oh well I'll have to look for a new competition now:crying:.







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GUYS GUYS GUYS 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif - I will have you know that I am sitting here at Newcastle airport (using their free internet connection) waiting for a Jetstar flight 4 hrs away so I can get home from the flyin while my CT with all the dofangled gadgets in it is sitting at Port Macquarie and which it will be until both NSW and Vic weather can get into sync - why do these States have to argue so much I don't know - it is plain to see that Vic rules but that's another story. :;)3:



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Are you sure that you aren't computed as overweight.


And I don't mean that you have calculated the CT as being overweight.


I mean that you might be overweight due to the number of computers on-board.


Regards Geoff



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Ha Ha - I will have you know that the NAB built a huge bunker under ground for disasters so their computer systems could keep going. The figured 30 years ago that at the growth of computer power needed to run their business the bunkers would be good for 30 years - they are nearly the size of a rugby field in total.








They now only need less then one quarter of them yet the computing power is over 10 times the size of what they thought they would need in not 30 years time but 50 years time.


Computers :confused:



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Guest Fred Bear

Ian, If you are on JQ 479 we will see you fly over, well maybe, depends on cloud,we like that :)



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what a great fly-in.


you're going home commercial and I have just snuck in to Moruya after limping out of Hoxton Park (2.5 hours waiting for a taxi back to the airport from where I walked?) where the Jab will now sit until the weekend. Jack, who only got as far as Crookwell, is now coming down here to pick me up and get me home


Bloody weather.


Someone should blow that weather up.


Hell of an adventure though.


I am sitting in a comfy chair on the balcony of the Moruya Aero Club writing this. What a great clubhouse! Pity there's noone here.



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Ian, If you are on JQ 479 we will see you fly over, well maybe, depends on cloud,we like that :)

I am not sure what I am on Darren - all I know is it's Jetstar and it is suppose to depart Newcastle at 6:45pm and arrive Melb at about 7:50pm

I will wave as I fly over your place so you can take a picture ;)



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Guest Fred Bear

Here you go Ian.


Newcastle to Melbourne - Tullamarine


Flight JQ 479


Mon, Jun 25, 2007


Departs at 18:40


From gate 2


Arrives at 20:15


To gate 6


If you sit on the right hand side of the A320 and look out your aircraft 1/2 hr or so after take off you will see bright Sydney way down below. Enjoy! We will be looking.




So you made it to Moruya after a few hrs waiting at Hoxton? Bloody dreadful morning it was mate. Did anyone come out of the LFC and hassle you there? Would not want to!!!! I am sure they had a slow day anyway. So your Jabi is going to stay at Moruya for the week? Maybe on the weekend you can make a quick trip to The Oaks Saturday. We will be there flying. We have put Bathurst off to the following weekend. Mate, it was really good to have you stay here and it was not a problem. Anytime at all. Safe travels home.



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Thanks Darren - just note, I will be the person on the window seat with the sad face for not being up the front steering - came to Newcastle on a Brindabella Metro and I was sitting looking out the window at all the ice on the leading edge - looked up the front and saw we were at 12,000ft and even the windscreen was covered in ice - I'm glad I wasn't flying the CT as it wasn't good flying weather



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Guest Fred Bear

Why the sad face? You will be ok mate! Just smile and enjoy the fact that you are flying (even not as PIC). The A320's are ok. You made this comment though:


came to Newcastle on a Brindabella Metro

Gee mate, you could do away with flying in the old 'Death Pencil'. 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif



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So you made it to Moruya after a few hrs waiting at Hoxton? Bloody dreadful morning it was mate. Did anyone come out of the LFC and hassle you there? Would not want to!!!! I am sure they had a slow day anyway. So your Jabi is going to stay at Moruya for the week? Maybe on the weekend you can make a quick trip to The Oaks Saturday. We will be there flying. We have put Bathurst off to the following weekend. Mate, it was really good to have you stay here and it was not a problem. Anytime at all. Safe travels home.

Now I'm finally at work I can catch up all the posts I missed. Just found this one.

A different very unfriendly bloke came out and after a very gruff hello proceeded to ignore me every time he passed. At least he didn't ask me to leave the comfy chair and vacate their verandah. After a few hours of this I walked 3 or 4 miles to the shopping center, waited 2.5 hours for a taxi back (3 phone calls didn't help) before giving up and scabbing a lift. Shocking service.


We might borrow a Tecnam to fly to Moruya and get the Jab. Sounds like fun.


Just about to get picked up by Christine and we'll go to Cooma to retrieve my car.


Thanks again Darren.





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