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A BIG HUGE thanks to Facthunter for offering to drive my car with the generator, ern, chairs etc up to the flyin for me which means I can fly the CTsw up there - it was really starting to get depressing going to our first flyin in the car but Neville came to the rescue - a sincere public thanks to you Nev!!!


Now there is just the weather - I wonder who I can ask for help on that one :confused:



Guest pelorus32

Hi Ian,


I assume that you are planning on going up on Thursday. The first thing I can tell you is it will be cold (see the line marked "540" in the second panel). Probably a little wet and hard to get out of Melbourne (3rd panel), light - moderate south easterlies at 5000' (4th panel) and low potential for thunderstorms (6th panel).




Better on Friday with the wind going east and the rain moving away.


Be aware that on Wednesday/Thursday for much of your route the temperature is forecast as zero degrees Celsius at 5000'.


Best of luck




PS According to the SFIB I just looked at the above is optimistic!!051_crying.gif.fe5d15edcc60afab3cc76b2638e7acf3.gif




Yeah Mike, I know it isn't going to be perfect weather but I will tread carefully and if I have to stop somewhere and then finish off on Friday then so be it.


Being at Riddells I can see just when it is clear to jump through the gap and from there my first stop will be Shepp. Gauge the weather to Temora and stop there. Again to Mudgee, stop, across to Maitland, stop and then most likely up the coast to Port Mac. Although I will find out what the cloud is doing and may go up to Scone and across over the top but as I said the cloud will be a factor there - need a minimum 10,000ft just to allow for some really good clearance between the cloud and my 7,500ft which is a good 2,000+ over any peaks.


A new fuel pump went on the CT so the fuel problem should be all gone however I will still keep one eye (not the blind one) on those gauges ;)




Oh, also I will have my laptop with me on the pax seat so I will be checking the radar and weather reports in flight as well!




HA!! - on a 17" wide screen LCD, while you are making phone calls, copying and pasting what it looks like into the forums and the webcam is showing what I am seeing in the video chat room ;)


The passenger lays down asleep in the luggage area too




Oh, and that is all while the auto pilot is on offcourse - I wouldn't dare think of doing that while trying to fly :clown:




006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif:laugh:Ian - if your auto pilot is "offcourse" turn it off and have it looked at!!011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif011_clap.gif.8adfe837b4189ee6622bf4917d6a88c0.gif




PS Safe Flyin"



Guest Fred Bear
Oh, also I will have my laptop with me on the pax seat so I will be checking the radar and weather reports in flight as well!

I think after about 5,000 Ian there is nil signal as the signals are destined to travel out not up. I don't know, you may have tried it before.I usually find after 2,000 it's limited. I was thinking of the web cam thing even out of say 'car cam' for sometime. Ha ha 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif Have you done it before and are you seriously going to give it a go because I am keen to jump in there and look (if I don't end up going up myself due weather).




leaving tomorrow( thursday) by car from maryborough qld you's all better be there or I'LL have some explaining as to why i"ve dragged my wife 844 kilometers from her warm house.



Guest brentc

With the new 3G plans offering around 3.5mb per second, almost anything is possible.




Yeah, I've got one of those new "NextG" usb modems plugged into the side of the laptop - I wouldn't want to be sending webcam data though as the bandwidth cost is very high.



Guest Fred Bear

Ian, do you mind if at Camden Haven I send a message from your pc to Emma to let her know we are there? Not sure if you will have coverage. I am asking as I am not sure if my mobile (Telstra) will have coverage. Anybody around that area know?




No problem Darren!


Currently stuck at Temora - cloud down so low that I was just on 500 AGL with the cloud above me at about another 500 when I was coming in so as there will be some higher ground on the way to Mudgee I will have to sit it out here for a while - freezing cold and no one about - had 145knot ground speed so I caught up to the front that went through Melb early this morning so I had better just give it some time for it to be on its way as Fri/Sat/Sun is shaping up to be really good weather wise!



I am not sure if my mobile (Telstra) will have coverage. Anybody around that area know?

Hi Darren,


I too use Telstra and my mobile works fine at CH.




PS For all others flying in, as Ian has already advised the comms freq at YCMH is 126.7 ... BUT also listen out on 118.1 (YPMQ freq) as I encountered a gentleman flying out of CH this arvo using 118.1. He insists it is correct contrary to what the owners of the strip advise. Gave us a bit of a fright as we were about to touch down when happily taxied out in front of us. Not a close call but definitely one of those moments. Also, the strip is a beautifully smooth grass surface but is fairly undulating so beware of being bounced off the ground during your fast roll-out. Put your flaps away as soon as your wheels touch.






Calling all Oaks guys.


I'm dropping in there tomorrow and hoping to get some fuel without a card.


How does it work there (I don't have an AOPA yet)?


Is there going to be fuel available and someone there to show me where it is and take my money, or should I be looking elsewhere.


Hurry up with the discount carnet Ian ;)


If I do land at the Oaks and get fuel, there is still a spare seat to Camden Haven.








The only fuel available on the field is from a private supply of avgas held by Dave Rolfe, CFI of Dave's Flying School. Provided he has enough for his own needs he is happy to sell it to you. Cash or cheques only, no credit cards.


If you want mogas you need to cadge a lift into town with one of the bystanders and get it from the servo. (Loan 20 litre drums available for the purpose)


If Dave cannot supply you, or is not there due inclement weather, you can get fuel from nearby Camden or I think still at Hoxton Park. Camden is non-controlled during the week. Check ERSA for details.








Your still welcome to fly over and have a look. I haven't been up there for three weeks due to all the rain we've had, but was going to ring the boys in the morning and see if they were going to be there. Even though we've had a pile of rain in the last three weeks the strip is fairly well drained, and holds up well for a grass strip. After so long with no flying I'm keen to get there.


According to the BOM site, Camden has had no rain all day yesterday and today, so I'm hoping the strip will be useable tomorrow. If you want to drop in, over fly at 2,400 feet and look for any aircraft parked on the inactive runway. The Oaks (YOAS) has two parallel North/South runways, but the one closest to the hangers is being "spelled" as the farmers would say.


You can also call All Stations Oaks, or Oaks ground on 126.7 and ask about the strip.





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