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A cople of Chinese men broke into a liquor store late one night, and one said to the other. . .




His mate said. . . .


"not half as wiskey as robbing bank "




Should that not read "not half as wiskey as wobbing bank "?


On the subject of Chinglish, it was announced in the news here today about the Royal birth "Princess Kate exfoliates spore" 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif



  • Haha 1
Should that not read "Pwincess Kate exfoliates spowe" 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif




  • Haha 1

Anyone have a video of that?? 065_evil_grin.gif.2006e9f40863555e5894f7036698fb5d.gif I'm not quite sure what a spowe is, but I think I'd like to see princess Kate exfoliating it!



Should that not read "not half as wiskey as wobbing bank "?On the subject of Chinglish, it was announced in the news here today about the Royal birth "Princess Kate exfoliates spore" 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif

Yeah,. . . . I could've said "WOBBING" but didn't want to sound too "WASCIST"



  • Haha 1
A cople of Chinese men broke into a liquor store late one night, and one said to the other. . ." IS THIS WISKEY ?"


His mate said. . . .


"not half as wiskey as robbing bank "





The purported names of the pilots on Asiana Flight 214 arrival at SFO!!


"Sum Ting Wong," "Wi Tu Lo," "Ho Lee Fuk" and "Bang Ding Ow"



The purported names of the pilots on Asiana Flight 214 arrival at SFO!!"Sum Ting Wong," "Wi Tu Lo," "Ho Lee Fuk" and "Bang Ding Ow"

Don't forget the other bloke. . . . . . Wi Tu Slo ?




I all most fell off my rocking chair (saved only by my long-tailed cat 015_yelrotflmao.gif.6321765c1c50ed62b69cf7a7fe730c49.gif ) when I first read that news report out of the US news media on the 'names' of the flight crew..! If it was not so disturbing by being released by the NTSB and do easily to see it was a set-up it would have been hilarious. The names were amazingly so funny it really did break me up until I regained my err composure and realized the seriousness and utter disrespect towards both the flight crew, the company and the tragic outcome.


But humans will be human even in the darkest hour...





If it was not so disturbing by being released by the NTSB ...

Sum Yung Gai was fired over it.



Sum Yung Gai was fired over it.

Careful Bex. . . . . . better leave this one alone OR. . . . . next time you visit China, sum yung gai at passport control might have your card marked ! . . . . . .



I all most fell off my rocking chair (saved only by my long-tailed cat 015_yelrotflmao.gif.6321765c1c50ed62b69cf7a7fe730c49.gif ) when I first read that news report out of the US news media on the 'names' of the flight crew..! If it was not so disturbing by being released by the NTSB and do easily to see it was a set-up it would have been hilarious. The names were amazingly so funny it really did break me up until I regained my err composure and realized the seriousness and utter disrespect towards both the flight crew, the company and the tragic outcome.But humans will be human even in the darkest hour...


On a related note. . . . I bought a rocking chair for my Mother in law. . . . and the cat's tail actually DID get caught under one of the rockers. . . . I didn't realise that there were so many nerve sensors in a tail ? cat went out of the window making a really horrible screaming noise, and has not been seen since.


Just thought I'd mention that ( dunno why really. . . anyone seen a fat tabby with a flat bit in it's tail ? )



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