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Does anyone use the Country Airstrips Guide ipad Electronic Book


that is available?


From what I can tell it is a Electronic version of the book for the iPad.


Has anyone been using this? how have you found it?


I notice it doesn't have a print function?


Thank you.




From what I understand it is the Country Airstrip Guides that have been available for ages.


But are available as an ipad edition.


I would have thought they would make it available as an ipad app to bring it up to date.




i bought the country airstrip guide for all of Australia online, I am not impressed, feel ripped off.


firstly you have to register and make payment, then get sent a link in an email, to download a specific app, then need to download the file itself.


Basically its a big PDF document, that can only be read on the specific application, which is pre loaded with a few other documents that are meaningless to me.. the apps is just a pdf reader, and a very poor one at that.


No indexing, no chapters, no page listing, nothing.... so you have to scroll through every page to find the info your after...


in this day and age with apps, its a disappointment, so much potential. i have given up on using the digital version and only use the printed copy. so much easier.




only runs on "windows" system..........i've asked them re ipads.........sorry




This isn't like ozrunways, it is all the country airstrips that are not in the ERSA.


OR has all the info from the ERSA.


Which we so need to somehow have this available to use with ozrunways.


ultralights....I posted this thread because I wan't comfortable with what I was seeing on the website and the email I received about this.


So I posted here to get some feed back. Confirms my suspicions.




once you go through the rigmarole of getting it to work, all the info is there, but not in a user friendly way. but i still support the product by buying the paper copies.




I use the iPad version well, I screen capture the pages I want then email it to my home PC and then print it there, this way CASA are happy I have the necessary information. I feel it is a great product but not delivered in a very user friendly way, it's not that up to date as there are probably a few hundred airstrips out there that are not in the publication. I also feel it is a little over priced for a simple PDF reproduction, it should be " buy it once and then pay a small amount to have it updated" . They should do more to get more airfields included though.




I think it was owned by a WA company for a long time but now is in QLD.


Inquired about a format for the Skyview/Dynon system but no interest was shown.


I guess it is a monopoly and a bit of apathy has set in. Money still coming in......



I use the iPad version well, I screen capture the pages I want then email it to my home PC and then print it there, this way CASA are happy I have the necessary information. I feel it is a great product but not delivered in a very user friendly way, it's not that up to date as there are probably a few hundred airstrips out there that are not in the publication. I also feel it is a little over priced for a simple PDF reproduction, it should be " buy it once and then pay a small amount to have it updated" . They should do more to get more airfields included though.

As far as I know they do not actively seek out new airstrip information - it's up to the owner to send them a sketch with details in the first instance. And, you certainly need to check the status of each strip before using it because serviceability can change overnight.


happy days,



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