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moving your head - Human Factor reminder


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on the way back to Bankstown yesterday, what a beautiful day it was! I was treated to the sight of a 747 flying directly perpendicular to my path on the inbound LOE, but several thousand feet higher. I could tell it was blue anyway, Thai Air I think.


But when I saw it, I whipped my head up to take a look then quickly back down and had a little reminder of what they say about sudden head movements... felt very swimmy for a few seconds, not enough to get disoriented, but certainly enough to remind me that it is a possibility.


Something to keep in mind on these beautiful days where gorgeous scenery and interesting things are all around you...



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true, that would be bad. I may have had some residual effect from a hayfever episode a week or so back, felt fine on the day but I guess you never know all the little places it lurks. Anyway, crisis averted and I definitely won't be whipping my head around to look at stuff anymore. I've always been a hands-on learner I guess. There's knowing, and there's KNOWING.



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