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Told today that my rego just needs to be signed off by a casa delegate ,nobody can say when the casa delegate may be in ,maybe not till next week .the raa office staff try to be as helpfull as they can ...so... why can't we have a casa delegate at raa to sign off on rego's every day until the backlog is sorted,is there only one? Can we get another??? I can't believe there is days where nothing is getting done?



Told today that my rego just needs to be signed off by a casa delegate ,nobody can say when the casa delegate may be in ,maybe not till next week .the raa office staff try to be as helpfull as they can ...so... why can't we have a casa delegate at raa to sign off on rego's every day until the backlog is sorted,is there only one? Can we get another??? I can't believe there is days where nothing is getting done?

The RAA Office has become simply a message office of CASA & are sh-t scared at going against their instructions.

The only logical way to now deal with RAA with respect to rego renewals is to request them to send to you the required specific data item by item in writing & when they have confirmed in writing that you have provided the requested details & they are ready to reregister your aircraft on receipt of the applicable funds without further delay, then it is appropriate to send the monies to RAA otherwise they have your money which you could be getting interest on instead of RAA accumulating their funds with your money while your plane is grounded by RAA negligent & incompetence




I fully appreciate forums are for people to express ALL opinions, and everyones opinion is valuable, but whats with all the continual RAA bashing. The poor people there are working thier buts off trying to fix ongoing problems that most of the current people inherited. And from what iv heard they are making good inroads.


Do you want to really be taken over by CASA. Because the best way to be taken over by CASA is to put continuous pressure and unfair critique on RAA. Appreciation and gratitude for effort go along way, and so to just keeep dumping on them will not in my opinion help the situation much. I have had reason to deal with RRA several times recently and have found them fantastic to deal with.


And i would bet you will find things a damn lot harder dealing with CASA


My point is, give them a break and see how they go after time to make some changes.



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Without raa bashing ,question .....is there only one casa delegate, Would one million dollars in the kitty be enough to get another one or two ?would it help to buy more help? I would vote to spend the money or I'll have to look into rra as drzoos has if there so fantastic to deal with



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I agree. I think the tech manager should be running the day to day issues and someone appointed to specifically run the clearing of the backlog.


I'm guessing doing both is too much for one person.



  • Agree 2
I fully appreciate forums are for people to express ALL opinions, and everyones opinion is valuable, but whats with all the continual RAA bashing. The poor people there are working thier buts off trying to fix ongoing problems that most of the current people inherited. And from what iv heard they are making good inroads.Do you want to really be taken over by CASA. Because the best way to be taken over by CASA is to put continuous pressure and unfair critique on RAA. Appreciation and gratitude for effort go along way, and so to just keeep dumping on them will not in my opinion help the situation much. I have had reason to deal with RRA several times recently and have found them fantastic to deal with.


And i would bet you will find things a damn lot harder dealing with CASA


My point is, give them a break and see how they go after time to make some changes.

No one is bashing the RAAus staff but they have a right at this stage to start asking what the hell the Board is doing to get this mess sorted out. Its 7 months since the meeting that let the Board know the members weren’t happy and they knew of the problems long before that. How much time do they need? The staff may well be working their butts off but obviously the board is not. If they are, they are not heading in the right direction. You may not have noticed but the continual criticisms are not of the staff but the RAAus itself, and I would hardly call it unfair critique.

You may have reason to believe they are making great inroads but the only evidence I have seen of it is statements by the organization saying so. I don’t see much other evidence of it happening. Piles of rego’s still to be processed, planes grounded, a lot of people hurting. Forgive me if I seem cynical but at this stage I think we may be better off dealing with CASA. At least they would have the authority to get things going again. - Kev



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Guest Andys@coffs
Without raa bashing ,question .....is there only one casa delegate, Would one million dollars in the kitty be enough to get another one or two ?would it help to buy more help? I would vote to spend the money or I'll have to look into rra as drzoos has if there so fantastic to deal with

The guy that does the final checks is a guy that CASA is comfortable with. They are a bit thin on the ground and I think I recall hearing that the current guy is retired and doesn't want to work full time, and neither he should if he's officially retired.

It's well understood that he is a point of constriction but I don't think there are too many alternates....






O this explains it then ,sounds perfect ,so there's only one retired guy in Aus that can do this job.Ihope he stays safe and lives long




O this explains it then ,sounds perfect ,so there's only one retired guy in Aus that can do this job.Ihope he stays safe and lives long .



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Guest Andys@coffs

No doubt its sub optimal.


But to be clear I didn't say there was only one, what I said was they are thin on the ground. Perhaps what I should have said is there aren't heaps of them and the really important part is that CASA has to be comfortable with them as the final check.


Now whether there's a choice of zero or 20 extra people that meet those requirements I don't know. I do know that the quantum I talk about is probably about right and there aren't a thousand out there ready to have an energizer battery fitted and wallah..."good to go"





No doubt its sub optimal.But to be clear I didn't say there was only one, what I said was they are thin on the ground. Perhaps what I should have said is there aren't heaps of them and the really important part is that CASA has to be comfortable with them as the final check.


Now whether there's a choice of zero or 20 extra people that meet those requirements I don't know. I do know that the quantum I talk about is probably about right and there aren't a thousand out there ready to have an energizer battery fitted and wallah..."good to go"



So....given that "they" ARE out there.... wouldn't it make sense that both parties (RA-Aus and CASA) would have a strong interest in utilising the available resources to clear the issue up quickly? Especially given it appears the funds are available...



  • Agree 1

So a good idea might be to start a thread with a poll. The meeting took place 7 months ago. Virtually no organisation can make structural and policy change and have it implemented in less then 3- 6 months.


So ask people what is affecting them now that is done by RRA. Have a pole of the main services RRA is providing to members and then bring the pole and thread to the attention of the board...


At least this way people will be being proactive about taking a responsibility to help change happen, rather then just being critical.




In fact what questions should be asked of people in a poll


eg: What areas do you most need or want RRA to improve. Take into account its only 7 months since the meeting and it takes months for anyone to implement structural and policy change.


Poll Responses might include: (allow multiple selections)


1. Two weeks for Processing Of Straight Forward Registrations


2. Four weeks for Processing Of Straight Forward Registrations


3. Two weeks is reasonable for processing of new licences and renewals


4. Four weeks is reasonable for processing of new licences and renewals


5. Four weeks is reasonable for processing of difficult registrations


6. Six weeks is reasonable for processing of difficult registrations


7. Eight weeks is reasonable for processing of difficult registrations


8. One day is reasonable for responding to email enquiries


9. Three days is reasonable for responding to email enquiries


10. Five days is reasonable for responding to email enquiries


etc etc


At least this way we give them targets and priorities to achieve.


whats your thoughts on this ??


What else would you include ??



Guest Andys@coffs

Its my opinion that the previous board was split evenly between those who felt "Its all Ok nothing to see...Move along!!" and those that wanted change before we became irrelevant. As such the ability for the board to agree on change and enact it hasn't really been present until the balance of power shifted when the new board members took office after the AGM. We talk about 7 months, but its my view that the ability for real change has only been possible since the AGM so about 1 month.....


In addition we changed Tech Manager and General Manager, from memory March/April and to expect major change immediately is not realistic, the GM needs to understand his organization before he sets about major change.


So, in summary no clear board direction (other than keep on going as we are) until about 1 month ago and no real ability to enact the changes that enact the direction of the board until around the same time......


With regard the registration its my view that we wont solve this delay until we put a compute based solution in place to rid us of the inefficiencies that the paper system forces on us.....clearly CASA has identified deficiencies with what we had and I'm yet to understand what it is that we did at a system level to rid ourselves of the reality of our records becoming corrupted over time. As such the level of vastly increased oversight and external checks for accuracy will remain until we make those systemic changes....Delays are here for some time yet!





In fact what questions should be asked of people in a polleg: What areas do you most need or want RRA to improve. Take into account its only 7 months since the meeting and it takes months for anyone to implement structural and policy change.



I think the RAA itself should be conducting a survey on the members section, then email all members to tell them about it. (Half the membership probably have no idea there is a members section anyway)

Using this forum is probably too narrow, membership wise and members here do not have to be RAA members.


As to the content and format, well that's up for debate.............


I've always believed organisations that don't want to know what the members/employees think don't have surveys.........that way boards get a free hand doing what they choose, because there is nothing to prove otherwise.



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If there is an identifiable bottleneck, then max effort should be used to overcome it. There is a shortage of people that CASA approve to do the job. Whose job is it to address THAT? Could I suggest CASA? Why don't they? Nothing in it for them. (as they see it). Nev



In fact what questions should be asked of people in a polleg: What areas do you most need or want RRA to improve. Take into account its only 7 months since the meeting and it takes months for anyone to implement structural and policy change.


Poll Responses might include: (allow multiple selections)


1. Two weeks for Processing Of Straight Forward Registrations


2. Four weeks for Processing Of Straight Forward Registrations


3. Two weeks is reasonable for processing of new licences and renewals


4. Four weeks is reasonable for processing of new licences and renewals


5. Four weeks is reasonable for processing of difficult registrations


6. Six weeks is reasonable for processing of difficult registrations


7. Eight weeks is reasonable for processing of difficult registrations


8. One day is reasonable for responding to email enquiries


9. Three days is reasonable for responding to email enquiries


10. Five days is reasonable for responding to email enquiries


etc etc


At least this way we give them targets and priorities to achieve.


whats your thoughts on this ??


What else would you include ??

How about regos renewed before they run out I send mine back the day it came,weeks later told one photo not clear emailed back another copy that same day ,it's just an aerochute how hard can it be?



If there is an identifiable bottleneck, then max effort should be used to overcome it. There is a shortage of people that CASA approve to do the job. Whose job is it to address THAT? Could I suggest CASA? Why don't they? Nothing in it for them. (as they see it). Nev

All pigs will take-off at 0800 . . . . Why would anybody in his right mind WANT to do the RAA Tech Manager's job? Anybody who CASA would approve could almost certainly find a more attractive career opportunity - I would suggest that almost all such people are gainfully employed elsewhere, and would not be interested in such a dead-end position.


Try writing a set of criteria for a suitable employee, and advertise for applicants, and see how you get on. Then maybe the memberas will be in a position to know what they can realistically demand.




No Job should be unifillable. If it is, I would suggest it's because either the money does'nt match the skills required or the support and processes to enable them to do the job are not there, or both. That's what we should be fixing.




IMO - Stop ya BITCHING.. the RAA is our organistaion and YOU are a member!


HOW MANY OF YOU BITCHIN' have put 'YOUR HAND up' for a nomination to HELP US survive and THRIVE.???


If you wanna deal with CASA, its a long, long road.. my persosal journey in sport aviation importation has been over 17 years.. and most are now retired, dead or do something else.


In fact, 29 administrative people have been involved in the Air Creation in Australia story.. no names will be provided here..


The basic problem has been due to in-sufficient documentation of evidence in compliance to type/model/individual/category/kit built or other acceptance and the ability to archive the evidence to confirm such compliance for RAA registration.. so renewal processes can be achieved without delay. Simple analysis of how many TECH MANAGER's have accepted and resigned from the position over the past decade or more confirms the task to achieve transparency and commit to obligation and responsibilty for such a demanding postion description... the Air Creation process has seen seven tech managers and now we have a REAL MAN with a REAL INITITIVE to get it RIGHT..!


Our new Tech man.. Darren Barnfield is a man of extreme integrity, simple values and absolute direction to get it right, and is CASA endorsed with credible qualifications.


If you know the REAL PICTURE.. the records for RAA registration compliance have not been accurate, identifiable and transparent for ALL AIRCRAFT regitered for almost two decades...!


DO YOU THINK YOU can fix it all in a moment.. or in the next fortnight. ? NOT a CHANCE! A majority of aircraft are grounded because of insufficient evidence of PROOF.


Sure, the RAA Board requires change, better management, better COMMUNICATION with MEMBERS.. take a look at the past, how many have tried to make it right?


Its a TOUGHT JOB.. so be pro-active and get on board of you have the balls to get involved to make RAA what you wish it to be.. Stop Ya Bitchin..!


DrZoos and Andy have a good opinion on the subject, and my expressed opinion may get you all aroused.. so be IT.


The office staff have given all and the RAA is OUR ORGANISATION, maybe they (the BOARD) are not what we wish, but the vote gets them a seat to do whats best!


So... who voted the board.. US..the members of RAA.


Yes, we need better transparency, clearer more efficient news updates and possibly maintain low costs for us to fly, so if your not HAPPY, get VOTED to be on the BOARD and do your thing to HELP us improve.


In 2007, CAO 95.32 allowed us to implement our unique Quality Control System for importing Air Creation microlights to Australia, and we have been very patient over many years as you may know, so now we have some SEVEN aircraft here legally since 1996.. How many ultralights have blessed our shores and flown our skies since 1996..? So many more than '7' Air Creation trikes... so be patient or get INVOLVED.


The QCS method of compliance for Air Creation trikes is simple, precise and transparent... ISO 9002 Standards...




Today we have two new Air Creation machines under assembly and will be ready to fly in the coming days, the confidence and support of the current RAA is 100% for us to flying in 24 hours after we submit ALL the required QCS Documentation to be issued with RAA Registration acceptance.. if you can get it RIGHT, you will be flying legally - NO PROBLEM.


Stop BITCHin.. and get involved to do it RIGHT.. otherwise CASA will be involved and your flying freedoms will be gone- FOREVER!


Have a good day flying your dream and trust this has stirred your thoughts on the negative energy you waste on thrashing the RAA for past people failures..!


QA Flowchart 2007 MWhite.pdf


QA Flowchart 2007 MWhite.pdf


QA Flowchart 2007 MWhite.pdfFetching info...


Got my rego renewal a month ago with the standard request for more photos, snapped the pics the next day and emailed back to RAA. I already new what was required because I made a point of knowing(not much has changed). Whether I agree or don't with the rules, them's the rules so I didn't bitch, just followed them. Got an email Monday to say RAA had taken my money for the rego. Today rego was due. Today got my rego card. All good. No problems. Does this mean they have caught up now, or is it just because I made a point of knowing what was required and complied, without bitching, that I had no problems?


Cheers Scotty



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