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Extra Profile fields


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Hi All


Booker YPMQ came up with an idea that I thought I would ask you about. Is it a good idea to have extra fields in your profile of things that you can tick like whether you are a Level 2, CFI, Instructor, Lame, Dame etc and have them displayed under your name on the left of your posts and make it searchable in the Members List?


Say you were looking for a Level 2 to do some maintenance for you. You could do a member's search to see if any are close to you that you could get to do some work for you for example - and things like this.


What are your thoughts on this?



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Guest Decca

Ian I think that's a good idea. Hopefully I'll be looking for work as an L2 soon. Does something like this breech your No Advertising policy?


Regards, Decca.



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No not at all Decca - I don't think you trying to get a job could in any way be considered as a commercial venture :big_grin:



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