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Your thoughts on progress

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Guest Andys@coffs

The reason I feel we need FTE rather than consulting is that the efficiencies we talk about will deliver in the Opps, tech and office space, the skills to deliver an appropriate IT capability and to deliver appropriate Project Management are non existant and will be needed for the foreseeable future.


I don't think that we get best bang for bucks with consultants in IT and PM areas.


If you look at the org chart on the RAAus website you can see that the GM (through Wayne at the time) is all over this, he has a whole bunch of temp staffing in the Tech area, as you would expect. We probably pay these temps more per week than we would full time, but have the ability to right size when the efficiency gains, and / or in the shorter term, when we finally catch up on the backlog.


Is there anyone that thinks that IT and PM skills aren't something we need longer term?






It is pretty sad situation. After all of my years of involvement in 95:10 I see my investment in both the AUF and RAAus as a dismal failure made even sadder by being forced to being a member. Total waste of money and emotions.


It has taken around 5 years for everyone to wake up to the mess the RAAus was placed in and it will take at least another couple of years to point it in the right direction and another few to see the benefits. By the time it gets it's shit together we will have run out of oil. Really glad for all the good times in the pre AUF days when minimum regulation ruled. Not much fun these days due to the power freaks. Bloody criminals!



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