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Why is it everything is to the "max" these day or "extreme". On telly they even have "extreme bowls" with everybody dressed in bright clothes. All that's missing is the knife fights between ends to make a truely spectacular, spectating, spectacle.


To be "extreme" at activities you have to have at least 40% of your body covered with tatoos, at least 13 body piecings and call everybody "bro". Your choice in music is only heavy metal crap with an odd rap crap thrown in and only on "extreme" volume.


"Extreme" can intrude into any activity, skydiving, snowboarding, MX riding (only showing off not actually racing), rockclimbing and even oil painting. :D As long as you follow the above rules you can be "exteme" or "to the max". Me, I'll just stick to being dull and boring. :(



  • Like 1
Guest Glenn

Don't forget extreme ironing :P



Guest Glenn

There was no skydiving video there, just some 10 second advert thing [smilie=dontknow.gif]



  • 5 years later...
Why is it everything is to the "max" these day or "extreme". On telly they even have "extreme bowls" with everybody dressed in bright clothes. All that's missing is the knife fights between ends to make a truely spectacular, spectating, spectacle.To be "extreme" at activities you have to have at least 40% of your body covered with tatoos, at least 13 body piecings and call everybody "bro". Your choice in music is only heavy metal **** with an odd rap **** thrown in and only on "extreme" volume.


"Extreme" can intrude into any activity, skydiving, snowboarding, MX riding (only showing off not actually racing), rockclimbing and even oil painting. :D As long as you follow the above rules you can be "exteme" or "to the max". Me, I'll just stick to being dull and boring. :(

I agree that it's funny how everything have to be extreme to be considered "cool" these days.




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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Darren Masters

The more extreme the better! Sorry, I'm an adrenaline junkie. Always have been. Probably always will be. The higher the skydive I can do the better. The more 'extreme' type of flying (within safety margins) I can do the better. We only live once. Oh, I don't have 100 tats or any of that other stuff...:p




Obviously not for the original poster:), but I see Jeb Corliss will be on Sunday Night (Ch 7) tomorrow evening, giving his version of the recent Table Mountain incident




Interesting that he is edging closer to Kittinger's record, I thought he would have gone all out to beat it on the first attempt. Quite a project, I don't fancy skydiving at the best of times, but at that altitude I want a cockpit tub around me, a la MiG 25!




Well, it's just my take on things, but I think in Student Pilot's original post, he might have been indulging in the subtle art of irony.


I'd guess he would respect genuine adventurous activities as Darren describes, but is having a go at the reality tv type twist that is put on some very ordinary pursuits. As in Glenn's post - extreme ironing, I know it's only a joke, but maybe we shouldn't give the tv producers too many ideas. It's an ongoing problem. Once upon a time, Australians did all this stuff with a larconic, almost British type of understatement, but now we high five. Call me old fashioned, but I refuse to slap hands & say 'Yo'. I think that's what he was talking about.


Cheers, Willie.



Guest Darren Masters
Well, it's just my take on things, but I think in Student Pilot's original post, he might have been indulging in the subtle art of irony.I'd guess he would respect genuine adventurous activities as Darren describes, but is having a go at the reality tv type twist that is put on some very ordinary pursuits. As in Glenn's post - extreme ironing, I know it's only a joke, but maybe we shouldn't give the tv producers too many ideas. It's an ongoing problem. Once upon a time, Australians did all this stuff with a larconic, almost British type of understatement, but now we high five. Call me old fashioned, but I refuse to slap hands & say 'Yo'. I think that's what he was talking about.

Cheers, Willie.

No need to worry about giving producers ideas. You guys are apparently getting Big Brother back. About as exciting as extreme ironing...




Awcumon Willie, we were just indulging in a little gentle tail tweaking:) . I share your distaste for the US inspired, over the top social interaction, but there is still plenty of the laconic Aussie humour out there. It may have anglo-celtic roots, but is has developed well beyond its origins I think and a lot of the references are peculiarly antipodean.


As for extreme ironing - old hat, there is even token aviation content in this version.....







  • Like 1
Guest Darren Masters

Oh look, while we're at it...





Jeez it's true. I thought Glenn was joking. Should have known someone would be mad enough to try it.


Cheers, Willie.



No need to worry about giving producers ideas. You guys are apparently getting Big Brother back. About as exciting as extreme ironing...

But nobody will watch big brother.Well normal people, wont watch it.:)




extreme,,,,awesome,,,maximum,,, all seem to get over used nowadays,,,and yeh so does the very American whooping and hollering at performances ,,,I was watching some ballroom dancing complete with all the yelling and whooping encouragement, just seemed a little odd,,,maybe I have become an old fart without noticing,,,maybe we could line the runways while someone is doing an extreme approach and scream at them as they do an awesome flare and then leap about giving high fives when they do a an extreme,awesome to the max landing





maybe we could line the runways while someone is doing an extreme approach and scream at them as they do an awesome flare and then leap about giving high fives when they do a an extreme,awesome to the max landingMet

now there's an idea for when Met arrives in the Eurofox at Natfly



now there's an idea for when Met arrives in the Eurofox at Natfly

Score cards will do , and please be kind to dumb animals!!!



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