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Airbus or Boeing?  

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  1. 1. Airbus or Boeing?

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Guest Darren Masters

Sorry, I'm an Airbus man ;)



Guest David C

James ... Good to have you onboard .. I have to confess that after spending nearly 50 hrs in the last few weeks on a mixture of A346 and B773 aircraft , I can say without any hesitation , it's Airbus for me !! .. I enjoyed your YouTube clips , especially the HNL departure , bought back many happy memories from years ago departing there on an old Continental Airlines B747 , and a DC10 .. Ah the memories ...


Dave C




I contend that airbus pilots are nothing more than voting members, the other three being the computers.


Same argument would apply for F-22 pilots




I have found the airbus's to be more comfortable than Boeings. Not just the seats, the cabin as a whole. Not realy sure why.



Guest David C

If you have ever been shoe horned into a Emirates or Etihad 10 across 777 , you soon get to apprecate the Airbus 8 across seating configuration on it's A330 / A340 .


Dave C




I was upgraded to business class with emirates back in 1999. I was on my way back from Saudi Arabia to home after 4 months away .To cut a long story short. I landed in Dubai, from Riyadh (Saudi Arabian airlines) rocked up at the emirates. Old mate behind the counter said "sorry sir the aircraft is full." Ticket booked 3 months earlier. I basically said Mate, I am getting on the -------- plane.And a few other things that I can not mention here.As you can imagine I wasnt very happy at this point and he knew it. All of a sudden another old mate comes out from a door and says "Sorry about that sir" We have a seat for you in business class". :)


That was in a A340



Guest Darren Masters
As they say: If it ain't Boeing, I ain't going. ;)

We have a good come back for that one...there's the door ;) ha ha. I do have a rather soft-spot for the 777 though :)




It has nothing to do with the aeroplane ... The airline decides how many seats and how comfortable they are.


Me, I prefer Boeings because the throttle is like most aeroplanes' ones... not a lever with a bunch of preset switches that give you the power the company dictates will be used to operate the engines at economical power.


Full throttle ISN'T full power in Airbusses mostly.


When the bloke up the front can see the ground coming up at him, I want him to be able to say 'bugger the engine life I want EVERYTHING they can give me'.


There was a bloke way back (A Super Connie or similar) who broke an aeroplane because he used METO (Maximumm except for take off) power and would have not clipped the ground if he had have firewalled the engines.


There are very few of those few 'goody two shoes pilots' when their lives are on the line the majority will use the lot as a last resort... You CAN'T in most Airbusses.



Guest Darren Masters
It has nothing to do with the aeroplane ... The airline decides how many seats and how comfortable they are.Me, I prefer Boeings because the throttle is like most aeroplanes' ones... not a lever with a bunch of preset switches that give you the power the company dictates will be used to operate the engines at economical power.

Full throttle ISN'T full power in Airbusses mostly.


When the bloke up the front can see the ground coming up at him, I want him to be able to say 'bugger the engine life I want EVERYTHING they can give me'.


There was a bloke way back (A Super Connie or similar) who broke an aeroplane because he used METO (Maximumm except for take off) power and would have not clipped the ground if he had have firewalled the engines.


There are very few of those few 'goody two shoes pilots' when their lives are on the line the majority will use the lot as a last resort... You CAN'T in most Airbusses.

I love it when the work bus' will let the airspeed drop off to a ridiculous point then spool up to the max to compensate. Does not sound ideal to the pax but I sure love the acceleration :D



Guest JabJockey

I loved being in the A380 last year, so quiet, so comfy. Awesome plane!



Guest JabJockey

... just a touch faster than the J230 I flew today




"I love it when the work bus' will let the airspeed drop off to a ridiculous point then spool up to the max to compensate. Does not sound ideal to the pax but I sure love the acceleration :D"


Might sound like that, but if that was really how they fly min/max I wouldn't like to be in there.


It sounds good from the ground at my place when the auto throttles decide to keep the speed or arrive at the designated altitude and the pilots have to wait for a lower level.


The aim is to close the throttles at top of descent and open them up again at 1500 to 1000 feet. Any spooling up isn't what the pilots want to do. They only have to if they got too low on the descent path or they're hung up at some intermediate level by ATC.



Guest Darren Masters
"I love it when the work bus' will let the airspeed drop off to a ridiculous point then spool up to the max to compensate. Does not sound ideal to the pax but I sure love the acceleration :D"Might sound like that, but if that was really how they fly min/max I wouldn't like to be in there.


It sounds good from the ground at my place when the auto throttles decide to keep the speed or arrive at the designated altitude and the pilots have to wait for a lower level.


The aim is to close the throttles at top of descent and open them up again at 1500 to 1000 feet. Any spooling up isn't what the pilots want to do. They only have to if they got too low on the descent path or they're hung up at some intermediate level by ATC.

Guess I'm comparing it with NZ flying. Rarely is the throttle idle from TOD to landing/approach. Hardly every really. Flying in NZ deserves lots of respect with winds/rotors/winshear you name it. The guys take out the auto-thrust if the plane is not playing the game. They also take out the auto thrust over the Tasman if it's bumpy as the bus does not do too good of a job with speed management. Next time anyone is in an airbus in turbulence, listen to what the auto-thrust is doing. Nothing stops them taking out the auto thrust and using manual settings anyway.



Guest Darren Masters
Ahyes! hadn't thought about mountain waves etc. We didn't cop them to any extent in the areas I flew.

It really can be shocking! In saying that, there are many beautiful days :)




Yeah, I flew into a few ports there and usually it was pretty good. The first and only day I landed in Wellington was calm with clear skies. Tyhe blokes I was flying with said, "Enjoy... this is the one day a year con ditions are like this."



Guest Darren Masters
Yeah, I flew into a few ports there and usually it was pretty good. The first and only day I landed in Wellington was calm with clear skies. Tyhe blokes I was flying with said, "Enjoy... this is the one day a year con ditions are like this."

Ha ha Sixties, when we go into WLG and it's calm we worry...



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