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This info is straight from the RA Aus members area.


Maintainer Assessment


Level One maintenance authorities, previously issued automatically with every Pilot Certificate, are now subject to initial knowldege (not competency) assessment. Since 27th November 2013, all new applicants for Level One (pilot maintenance) privileges are required to undertake – and pass – an online knowledge assessment.


Current holders of RA-Aus pilot certificates who wish to continue performing Level One (pilot) maintenance tasks, will also need to undertake – and pass – the online knowledge assessment before 1st July 2014.



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This info is straight from the RA Aus members area. 


Maintainer Assessment


Level One maintenance authorities, previously issued automatically with every Pilot Certificate, are now subject to initial knowldege (not competency) assessment. Since 27th November 2013, all new applicants for Level One (pilot maintenance) privileges are required to undertake – and pass – an online knowledge assessment.


Current holders of RA-Aus pilot certificates who wish to continue performing Level One (pilot) maintenance tasks, will also need to undertake – and pass – the online knowledge assessment before 1st July 2014.

This is just following along the SAAA lines. Probably a good thing in my view. The annual inspection should also be carried out by a level two or similar as is the case in US, UK, NZ etc. I wonder how many 19 registered aircraft actually have an annual inspection and NOT just an entry in the log book.




This is a recent directive from CASA, that pilots wishing to perform owner maintenance must pass a test to qualify for a L1 maintenance authority - which previously was automatic. Most members I'm sure would agree that our basic pilot training is not adequate preparation on its own for aircraft owners to perform whatever maintenance their aircraft may require. So on that basis this is a sensible move.


There are several groups of RA-Aus pilots when it comes to maintenance. The majority don't own an aircraft and don't need an L1 maintenance authority. A second group don't want to maintain their aircraft themselves and are happy to pay an L2 to do it - they also don't need an L1 maintenance authority. A third group do want to maintain their aircraft, have the necessary expertise and do it just fine. This group will need an L1 maintenance authority and it should be a formality to get one - just pass an online test. The fourth group want to maintain their aircraft but don't have the expertise. Some of them also don't recognise this. This is the group we need to target and the only way to identify them is to test everyone who wants to do owner maintenance.


Note the distinction between owner maintenance and pilot maintenance. All pilots will continue to have the authority to perform pilot maintenance - the same tasks GA pilots can perform including topping up fluids, fixing a flat tyre, etc. An L1 authority (or higher) will be required to perform owner maintenance - which could include changing the prop, engine repairs, airframe repairs, electrical work, etc.


Note also that all maintenance authorities (L1, L2, etc.) are limited to those tasks for which the authority holder is competent. For example, if you have an L1 but you don't know what a torque wrench is, you are not authorised to pull the heads off your engine since a torque wrench is an essential tool for that task. Once you learn what a torque wrench is and how to use one, you may be authorised provided you are competent in all the other steps involved in the task. Determining competency to that degree is up to the individual, and the responsibility will be on the individual if anything goes wrong.


Final note, nothing has changed in relation to aircraft used for flight training or hire. Those aircraft still must be maintained by the holder of an L2 (or higher) maintenance authority.



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When someone works out how to login to the maintainers section, please let me know.


I really don't know why they have to make it so hard......086_gaah.gif.afc514336d60d84c9b8d73d18c3ca02d.gif








If you follow word for word the log in directions on the first page it does work - like most computer access it must be followed exactly. It was slow yesterday, probably too many trying at once?




Back in August this year, I, (along with about 20 other guys) completed a one day course on Pilot/Operator Maintenance Training, and received a Certificate of Attainment, and endorsed by both RAA and CASA.


I wonder if I still have to do the online course as well....



Guest bluespot



i agree it is not intuitive


In the top first box put in your 6 digit membership number XXXXXX


In next box put in you surname with first letter in CAPITAL followed by, without any space, your year of birth.


In last box put in the the letter and or digits from the scrambled panel 11TFUZ as an example from below -- these are case sensitive



words of warning -- its like master mind -- "I've started so I'll finish" -- if you leave, log out etc a fail will be recorded for that test.


However don't be afraid to log into the portal as the test does not start until you opt to do either of the 2 assessments available. There are usefull links to free documents that have all the answers.


You must get 16 or more correct from the 20 multiple choice questions.


Be careful -- don't click on "all of the above" just because the first two of the answers apply -- the 3rd or 4th one could be a red herring.


A technique I recommend for ALL MULTIPLE CHOICE tests regardless of the context is




2. Read the question.


3.In you mind formulate the answer(s) or jot down what you know about the subject question


4. Reveal the multiple choice answers.


5. Select the answer(s) that reflect your thoughts / notes


6. Ignore the red herring


nudge nudge wink wink


find out


how to recognize a "working rivet"


what does water osmosis do to fibreglass







Back in August this year, I, (along with about 20 other guys) completed a one day course on Pilot/Operator Maintenance Training, and received a Certificate of Attainment, and endorsed by both RAA and CASA.I wonder if I still have to do the online course as well....

Yeh - I did one of those as well and wondered myself but then just logged on and did it - not difficult and then you are definitely covered - only takes 5 minutes.



...Note the distinction between owner maintenance and pilot maintenance. All pilots will continue to have the authority to perform pilot maintenance - the same tasks GA pilots can perform including topping up fluids, fixing a flat tyre, etc. An L1 authority (or higher) will be required to perform owner maintenance - which could include changing the prop, engine repairs, airframe repairs, electrical work, etc....

Actually according to the site Pilot Maintenance requires passing the assessment.


I actually logged on and completed the Assessment correctly. Can i say some of the questions are a bit fuzzy. there was one on the direction of safety wire and it was not clear if it was the twists in the wire or the direction of the wire around the Nut. I know not may left hand threads but that is not the point it is about the tension in the direction that doesn't loosen the nut.


Either way I now have a pass on that portion. I need some more study though as I wanted a 100% and not less.





  • Like 2
Back in August this year, I, (along with about 20 other guys) completed a one day course on Pilot/Operator Maintenance Training, and received a Certificate of Attainment, and endorsed by both RAA and CASA.I wonder if I still have to do the online course as well....

Can you tell us more about this course? What it covered and your assessment?



Guest Maj Millard

There have been some question raised as to wether those prior certificate should be ample...I believe they should be if the cover a similar scope of applicable knowledge....I 'll keep you informed if I hear an answer to the question.......Maj....063_coffee.gif.b574a6f834090bf3f27c51bb81b045cf.gif



Can you tell us more about this course? What it covered and your assessment?

The course I attended was very basic, more suited to a pilot with no previous mechanical experience or knowledge of maintance logs etc.


CAUTION: If people continue to leak the questions on this or any other public forum then the most likely result I forsee is the test changing from an on line test to a written one under supervision [with the associated costs] You would be doing nobody, yourself or this forum any favors.



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Guest Maj Millard

That won't work anyway Frank, they are wasting their time...there is an inbuilt mechanism to change all questions periodically..................Maj....




There is always a limited number of questions that are rotated. I have done heaps of this type of test in my previous work and progressively the answers all come out - without a public forum.


Anyway I don't care if it is corrupted really, I just mentioned it for people to THINK before posting. The people most likely to be disadvantaged would be those located remotely where a suitable supervision point is not readily available [apart from the added cost]


If that’s the way people want to go, so be it, far be it for me to interfere.



  • Agree 1

BTW I had a call from the office, seems they were not quite ready to have us all try. They don't have any issues just that information spread quickly.


On the clues to questions it is really just another form of training. I passed the assessment on my current knowledge, and as I am building from scratch, I had read AC 43.13-1B a couple of years ago.





Guest Maj Millard

Frank and others...there are thousands of potential questions on this one, this is a requirement put upon us by CASA. do not abuse or blow it, as we are still in tender negotiations on other areas with CASA. the board and the exectutive do not need any additional flak at this time.


The L1 exam is not hard...just common sense really, and it is thought that 2/3 of the members will have no problem passing it...........Maj.....014_spot_on.gif.1f3bdf64e5eb969e67a583c9d350cd1f.gif




This is obviously a CASA imposed requirement on RAA and i think its great that its asking something of us to gain an L1.


Personally i think anything that steps up the safety without cost to us and without imposing burdens upon us is a great thing. This is not onerous, its available for everyone, including those remote and isolated, there is no cost and i think people should respect what RAAus are trying to achieve here.


Posting questions or hints to questions will likely see the whole thing torn down and some CASA requirement for everyone to sit a human supervised exam.... Please think before posting fellow flyers. its in our interest to respect this move.



  • Agree 1
Posting questions or hints to questions will likely see the whole thing torn down and some CASA requirement for everyone to sit a human supervised exam.... Please think before posting fellow flyers. its in our interest to respect this move.

Who made you the overlord ? I would suggest that if anyone wants to post any question and have a discussion on it that's good and should be encouraged.


If all twenty questions gets discussed that's learning in action and benefits everybody. Gee whiz, you can't please some people.



  • Haha 1
Who made you the overlord ? I would suggest that if anyone wants to post any question and have a discussion on it that's good and should be encouraged.If all twenty questions gets discussed that's learning in action and benefits everybody. Gee whiz, you can't please some people.

Sorry champ, i thought i was allowed to have an opinion on what might happen if people post questions. Seems i was wrong. Apparently if my opinion is different to yours then its being an overlord


Was it the fact i said something was likely or the fact i asked people to think before posting??? Seems pretty much a benign statement to me...


All i asked people to do was consider the ramifications of such actions..... I didnt tell people they must or must not do something.....or acuse them of being an overlord for having a different opinion.....now that would be overlordish


I would have though that if all 20 questions get published thats probably gunna make the entire thing a farce and RAA will have to go back to the drawing board and implement a paper based assessment to meet what CASA wants achieved.... but i could be worng.



  • Caution 1

Like many things, this SEEMS like a good idea but can anyone provide information on how many accidents occur through poor maintenance due to lack of knowledge?


Education does not change behaviour, show me a smoker who does not know that smoking harms your health.


Cowboys will be cowboys, doing a HF course does not stop smart educated people doing silly things


Just another hoop to jump through which will keep honest people honest and the others will do the course then ignore it.


How many dirt bike riders have to do a course to maintain their bikes?


I don't want to go near controlled air space, I don't want any extra privileges I just want to fly!, without more and more red tape,





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Does it improve things or appear to be addressing a problem? I don't definitely know if there is a big problem overall, but from what I have seen there are some shortcomings.. Whether passing an exam will change things I have no idea, but if we even talk about it, it is something. The original L2 I thought had a bit of required work experience. I don't see how anyone can be across the lot. I would be rotten stitching fabric, and I've done little fibreglassing so if I was involved with either of those areas I would get a lot of advice, or help, or have someone else do it.


I can say one thing for sure. IF I can't work on my own plane I will not fly. It's not just the cost. I know I'm careful and have helped a few blokes over the years in the areas I feel competent in, and do have formal qualifications in a few relevant things. Why would I want someone else to do something I may be better at than they are?


I welcome the idea of doing something but I hope it is effective and not just a tick another box. You have only got to watch a person working on an engine for a few minutes and you can tell whether they have a clue or not. Especially if they are troubleshooting, and have a methodical approach to the problem. Nev



  • Agree 2
Who made you the overlord ?

Overlord? Who.... Zeus?


If I may borrow from MAD either he's into Greek mythology or he smells like an exotic animals cage. 015_yelrotflmao.gif.6321765c1c50ed62b69cf7a7fe730c49.gif


(sorry, too late at night for me)




Thanks Frank and bluespot,


It was late at night when I tried so that might have had something to do with it.


Its late again tonight so I'll give it a burl tomorrow, at a reasonable hour - shouldn't get frustrated that way.






How many RAAUS aircraft have fallen from the sky due bad maintenance? Are there any stats, or is this an imagined problem?


I built my aircraft, and if there is something I'm not comfortable with, I seek help, or with the Rotax, send it away to be fixed.


Yet another hoop to jump through.



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