ClintonB Posted August 17, 2017 Posted August 17, 2017 Had my first flight in my C182 today. It was different than I expected in a good way (after smaller Raa aircraft) Can't wait to start travelling in it. 3
Chris Tarran Posted August 18, 2017 Posted August 18, 2017 Happy days. Finally got to do some flying. Last time was May 2015 so very rusty and BFR out of date. Went up to Port Augusta Monday a week ago after a couple of cancelled attempts. Weather was a bit ordinary so did some ground based revision on daily and preflight inspections and finally got airborne in the early afternoon. Spent some time on basic manoeuvring, stalls and forced landings and then straight into the BFR. For the first half of the flight I was as nervous as a kitten but it all came back and by the end I was happy with my flying, and more importantly, so was my instructor. Had a break after the BFR and did some more theory stuff and then took off solo for an hour or so. Did some circuits to get my solo take off and landings done for my pax endorsement and then a joy flight down the gulf for a bit more air work. Returned to the circuit for a couple more laps and having pretty much greased landings all day the last one was bloody awful so a bit more practice needed. I don't know what it is but it seems every time I start circuits I end up,playing dodge the RPT traffic. Still it's good practice. Need to do it more often. Cheers Chris 5 1
kaz3g Posted August 19, 2017 Posted August 19, 2017 For those that care... Noccundra 13/31 has faded into a rather wiggly and stony taxiway so only runway usable is 04/22. Off to Tibooburra tomorrow then down to Renmark for a lovely rest. Kaz 4
kaz3g Posted August 20, 2017 Posted August 20, 2017 Noccundra Pub, Wilson River at Noccundra, entertainment palace at Tibooburra...note the projectionists booth on the pole in the foreground, Tiboonurra Main Street after the rifle shot 4
turboplanner Posted August 20, 2017 Posted August 20, 2017 Quote [ATTACH]51652[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]51651[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]51650[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]51649[/ATTACH]Noccundra Pub, Wilson River at Noccundra, entertainment palace at Tibooburra...note the projectionists booth on the pole in the foreground, Tiboonurra Main Street after the rifle shot My brother arrived at the Noccundra Pub about lunchtime a few years ago, and the local cop's landcruiser was parked out front with his 30/30 rifle sitting up behind the seats. Someone ran in an told him a man had his gun, and he came strolling out to see my brother sighting it up, towards the bush. They talked about how light it was etc for a while, then both strolled back into the pub. Wonder if the reaction would be the same today?
Nico13 Posted August 20, 2017 Posted August 20, 2017 What a day for flying at Lethbridge. It's been three weeks since my last outing and that was with the CFI for my XC test flight, Passed by the way so I'm free. Been that busy at work though and elsewhere and the weather has been atrocious. Finally the sun came out and the wind vanished but had to be at work by 2:00pm. The plane was free at 11:00 so a few circuits were in order. For the sake of brevity I'll refer to the planes out of the hanger as 1,2,3 - 6 etc. I get to the hanger and three of the six planes normally there were gone, a fourth about to be gone and mine about to make it five. Out the front, pre flight about done and the owner of number six rocks up and says, where is everyone? I could have just pointed at the sky but I was a bit more courteous than that. So that was it all six out and about and that was just this hanger. Warm up done and sitting in the run up bay doing final checks and plane #1 RV had heard my taxi call and was a few miles out inbound. We could hear a very feint radio chatter on our CTAF so he called me and asked if I could hear the chatter any better but no I couldn't so advised just keep your eyes open. I was just about to Taxi for rwy 28 as the RV was about to join circuit when I noticed plane #4 sitting at the far end of rwy 28 on the piano keys of rwy 10. Well not quite on the piano keys. No wind he had decided to use 10 but had slipped a wheel of the edge and down she went. I called the RV and told him the situation as he was about to land on 28. He chose to land on the grass on 34 to be safe and I thought that could be an issue as well but all was good. About that time I had taxied back to the clubhouse and shut down and was heading out to help free #4 from the mud but others had already managed it so I returned to my plane and strapped in ready to go again as #4 taxied back to the hanger to check for damage. Number #3 a Pioneer in the mean time was sitting in the run up bay warming up so I called taxying for 28 only to find Cessna #6 had arrived and was blocking my path and he also called taxying for 28. As he entered 28 he invited me to follow him down which I did and as he turned just past the piano keys at the bottom of 28 he invited me to turn early and go first. gladly accepted I turned and giving my rolling call I was away followed shortly after by plane #6. I thought great I'll do my few circuits and get away early to work. Turning down wind I hear an entering and back tracking on 28 call, you guessed it was plane #3 the Pioneer so feeling in a courteous mood I called and said I'd do a long down wind to give him time to get off. Touch and go number one out of the way and another down wind call and oh what perfect timing, another entering and back tracking 28, so again a long down wind so it was getting busy in circuit as there had been a couple of other calling inbound. So touch and go number three went without delay as did number four for a full stop. A clear blue sky and I had to go to work what a bummer. I got back to the hanger just in time to see #4 just refitting the wheel pant after removing the mud and checking for damage, fortunately none. All good off to work. 3
kaz3g Posted August 20, 2017 Posted August 20, 2017 The clay thrower for trap shooting is stIl set up on the side of the road opposite the pub so the shooters are aiming at the campers along the river 1
kaz3g Posted August 21, 2017 Posted August 21, 2017 Tibooburra was windy again this morning but at least it was more or less down the runway at 19 knots gusting. Bulleah Lake near Mt Arrowsmith in the Channel Country. Climbing for an over the top departure Broken Hill. Line of Cu's with some Stratus south of BHI soon became a solid line of showers extending north-south almost to Renmark. Very bumpy and pushed down from 6500 to 3000. There's a big expanse of not much on that run including not much of anywhere for a forced landing. I was glad to reach the Murray. 6
Cal Air 63 Posted August 25, 2017 Posted August 25, 2017 Hi All, Completed another lesson in 7440 at YRED with Peter from Fly Now, flying conditions were anything but normal today, winds were playing havoc with us today, one circuit we would be using 07, then the wind shifted and then next we are using 25, we were also getting a little bit bashed about with crosswinds as well Today was hopefully going to be about completing my first solo, but due to the conditions, I got to practice crosswind landings instead, first circuit was a shocker, but after the proverbial clip around the ears from Pete, I managed to get mostly everything dialed in properly and notched up some half decent crosswind landings Brent 4
turboplanner Posted August 25, 2017 Posted August 25, 2017 Quote Hi All,Completed another lesson in 7440 at YRED with Peter from Fly Now, flying conditions were anything but normal today, winds were playing havoc with us today, one circuit we would be using 07, then the wind shifted and then next we are using 25, we were also getting a little bit bashed about with crosswinds as well Today was hopefully going to be about completing my first solo, but due to the conditions, I got to practice crosswind landings instead, first circuit was a shocker, but after the proverbial clip around the ears from Pete, I managed to get mostly everything dialed in properly and notched up some half decent crosswind landings Brent You'll really appreciate the benefit of today as you progress towards solo. Quite a few people go through most of their training in smooth weather; a day like this then comes as a ig shock and there's no one there relaxed beside them showing how to handle the weather and change circuits etc. Shocker circuits can be worth their weight in gold. 1 3
Cal Air 63 Posted August 29, 2017 Posted August 29, 2017 Hi All, Completed another lesson in 7440 at Redcliffe today with Peter, flying conditions were a bit better today compared to my last flight, airport traffic was pretty quiet this morning but still had a small crosswind that for a low hours pilot like me, tested me every circuit, but thanks to Pete, I learned some new skills to help me out when landing in these conditions Brent 4 1
Nightmare Posted August 29, 2017 Posted August 29, 2017 I took to the skies again today. The excuse? I wanted to fill the fuel tank.... So it was off to the local servo.... well, the Avgas bowser at YCAB. A very enjoyable day's flying 5
ClintonB Posted September 1, 2017 Posted September 1, 2017 Had my first official lesson in the 182 today. It was a surprise to experience the full envelope of performance. 40KIAS with full flap to 130 KIAS clean. The weight difference is noticeable from a RAAus machine also. I think I'm going to enjoy this transition 2
SDQDI Posted September 2, 2017 Posted September 2, 2017 We (5or so aircraft) went for a little flight down to Cessnock today, absolutely beautiful weather and an awesome turnout down there. I didn't count the aircraft that turned up but would guess it was around 30 odd. Took us a good few hours to have a good squiz at them all:what the: Again I didn't take any photos but did have one taken of me on the way down:thumb up: 6
Bennyboy320 Posted September 7, 2017 Posted September 7, 2017 Just a quick post maintenance test flight today, Qld beautiful one day, perfect the next. 4
Nightmare Posted September 15, 2017 Posted September 15, 2017 After some very windy conditions yesterday, I went up for a quick flight to Maleny and back today. Beautiful conditions 1
Cal Air 63 Posted September 15, 2017 Posted September 15, 2017 Hi All, Back at YRED for another lesson today, Peter was not available, so I had the pleasure of Wayne's company in the right seat, Wayne and I have only flown together a few times in the past, he does a few things different to Peter, so it took a circuit or 2 to get on the same page as him but we had a few laughs along the way as well Weather again was a corker, only a small crosswind today, airport traffic was pretty quiet so we had the place to ourselves mostly, today's lesson was some more pre-solo work, dialing in some more tips & techniques with my circuits to get me ready for that all important first milestone, "The First Solo", as always I had heaps of fun! Brent 4
Bennyboy320 Posted September 15, 2017 Posted September 15, 2017 Well just got back today after a 6 day trip where we logged 12.5 flying hours. Day 1 Caboolture-Chinchilla-Roma, day 2 & 3 Roma-Ingelara (stayed two nights at the Wildernesses Resort in the Cararvon Gorge which was outstanding & I would highly recommend it) day 4 Ingelara-Emerald-Old Station, lovely stay & hospitality offered by Ron & Helen Creed, again highly recommended dropping in here, day 5 Old Station-Bundy & stayed the night due to the strong winds in Brisbane, day 6 Bundy-Gympie-Caboolture. Looking forward to spreading our wings & traveling further afield on future trips. 11
ClintonB Posted September 16, 2017 Posted September 16, 2017 Getting the hang of the 182 differences now. 6 out of 6 landings that I was pleased with on Saturday morning. You tube helped. I watched Gary Wing's and Ron Michado's videos over and over this week before going, found knowing what the view should look like throughout the approach and landing helped.
BusaKaine Posted September 17, 2017 Posted September 17, 2017 Today I took my wife to Toowoomba Women’s in Aviation Brunch. I was hoping to get my wife more excited about leanring to fly. It was a great event there, amazing people. Flying from Caloundra in the Sling is always a great day even if it’s not crystal clear and smooth.... Unfortunately the fires near Somerset yesterday made for some haze plus the low cloud made it a bit bumpy. As I got closer to Somerset the sky’s cleared up and was a great flight. Kaine's Aerial Photo and Videography 2
Nightmare Posted September 18, 2017 Posted September 18, 2017 Quote Today I took my wife to Toowoomba Women’s in Aviation Brunch. I was hoping to get my wife more excited about leanring to fly. It was a great event there, amazing people.Flying from Caloundra in the Sling is always a great day even if it’s not crystal clear and smooth.... Unfortunately the fires near Somerset yesterday made for some haze plus the low cloud made it a bit bumpy. As I got closer to Somerset the sky’s cleared up and was a great flight. Kaine's Aerial Photo and Videography It's great and a bonus that your wife flies with you. Last year, I made a mistake and took mine on a flight around the islands on the eastern side of Brisbane, around midday on a warmish day. Well it was a bit thermally and bumpy up there. Needless to say, she doesn't fly much with me these days. My crampy two seater has become my roomy single seater lately I was flying in that area on Friday, there was a big fire, or group of fires burning about 5nm west of Toogoolawah.
SDQDI Posted September 18, 2017 Posted September 18, 2017 Quote It's great and a bonus that your wife flies with you. Last year, I made a mistake and took mine on a flight around the islands on the eastern side of Brisbane, around midday on a warmish day. Well it was a bit thermally and bumpy up there. Needless to say, she doesn't fly much with me these days. My crampy two seater has become my roomy single seater lately I was flying in that area on Friday, there was a big fire, or group of fires burning about 5nm west of Toogoolawah. And you are complaining:whistling: 1
Nightmare Posted September 18, 2017 Posted September 18, 2017 Quote And you are complaining:whistling: :roflmao:of course! Weirdly enough, I love her company, and I'd hoped to share this awesome aviation experience with her, but alas, flying isn't her thing. Corny, I know, but it is what it is.... I'm a hopeless case....By the way, hide this post from your wife, your next post could contain the words, "and then the fight started...." 2
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