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Geoff13 You say the gauges are what you have to fly to and that the EGT on 4 is high at 2800 but not at 2850. I would not worry too much about EGT, it is CHT that needs monitoring. A high EGT can be the result of too lean a mixture, but that would not mean much wothout knowing the CHT. Too lean a mixture with high a power setting can rsult in detonation, but the CHT is going to sky rocket as that happens. It is probably just the result of poor mixing, resulting in no4 being a bit lean.at those rpm. What do your CHTs show?




Yenn CHT seem to be fairly constant and always in the green. What bothers me was the EGT going up as Revs come down, not what I would expect and very difficult to keep everything in the green on any form of descent.




What sort of high temps were you getting? EGT is measuring gas temp in the exhaust system. High EGT can be caused by the charge still burning as it exits the cylinder and that can be caused by richer or leaner than optimum mixtures or late firing of plugs among other things.




Had nice flying weather today and we flew up from Marian to Heathrow (Qld) for a Mothers day pancake cook-up and catch-up with the Ian and Julie. Another great morning with flying friends. Also an N3-Pup completed the flight (50 miles each way) and Shane had a great time.













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We've just returned from another Outback adventure. We went from Watts Bridge, to Gayndah, to Carnarvon Gorge, To Longreach, then back to Bundaberg for 2 nights on Lady Elliot Island.


Here's a sampling of snaps from the first part, mostly Gayndah to Carnarvon and at the gorge.








Cracow gold mine




Carnarvon Gorge






More to come later, from Longreach, and Lady Elliot Is. Also, I'll be posting videos of the trip as I get them edited.

























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Albany to Bindoon today,


Would have loved to have taken a few pictures but the weather kept me busy so didn't get the chance to.


Had a nice tailwind which helped me along.


✈️ Cheers



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Last Sunday (Mothers Day) I was finally able to take my mum up flying. She has been waiting for this since she help me start flying 21 years ago....


Although it was a cloudy day, so my planned flight to the Glasshouse and then over Bribie became just a 1100' flight to Bribie and then over water where I could get up to 3500' at least and back. She really loved it.















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Heading back home from from YarrawongaFlightTraining before the wet weather turns up yet again






Last Saturday Kyneton had a fund raiser morning tea on so Peter G and I took the GSA club Gazelle from Lethbridge with the idea of attending and I was to use the flight as a map reading exercise from the right seat as I'm in the middle of doing Navex training. As is common this time of year though with the morning fogs and smoke haze from the burning off everywhere we struck a wall when we hit the ranges.


We turned east for a while looking for a way through and wound up over near Gisborne and under the 2500ft Melbourne step before we decided we'd had enough and turned for home. It was always clear behind us and we made sure we kept an eye on that for a way out as it wasn't good to the north unfortunately.


So what started out to be a practice map reading Navex for me turned out to be an adverse weather exercise. All good and back in time for the club BBQ at Lethbridge.



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Last Sunday (Mothers Day) I was finally able to take my mum up flying. She has been waiting for this since she help me start flying 21 years ago....Although it was a cloudy day, so my planned flight to the Glasshouse and then over Bribie became just a 1100' flight to Bribie and then over water where I could get up to 3500' at least and back. She really loved it.

Priceless!. Something to always remember



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Hey Guy's,


Just got back from a trip to Crab Claw Island and Dundee Beach Lodge in Darwin, got a call from a mate yesterday afternoon who was keen for a trip. The Drifter is still down for maintenance so I took the Foxbat for a run. A great night was had at Crab Claw and we did a beach run to Dundee for breakfast. Fantastic way to spend the weekend. Here's a few pics.

















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Flew from Bundy up to Old Station this morning. Here to help prepare for the Fly In this weekend.


Awesome flight up, cruise at 6500 ft over broken cloud, beautiful & smooth with a 15 knot tailwind too!









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That's a funny little thing, what is it?

It's a Dova Skylark. All metal, 115 knots at 18 litres per hour on a 100 hp Rotax. Docile at low speed, stalls at 36 knots with flap. Usable load 280kgs.


Not sure what you would find funny about it?


I shoulda closed the canopy before I took the pic!





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Dusted off the cobwebs and got back into the air today, a short trip to YCAB and back. The conditions were great




Cheers, Tony













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What a great day, my first Nav. YCDR, YWSG, YKRY, YCDR. As there was fog until 0900 at YKRY we left at 9am to make sure there was plenty of time for it to leave. Unfortunately I couldn't get into Wattsbridge due to the entire Somerset area covered in fog but confirmed I was on top of it exactly as planned. Then a nice flight to Kingaroy, a very nice big strip there. Then back to Caloundra. It's a great feeling when you plan the flight and it really does come together as planned.



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Interesting that an instructor would allow a first Nav to continue over fog.



Interesting that an instructor would allow a first Nav to continue over fog.

I say it depends how much ground the fog covered. The fog may have been covering Watts Bridge, but not enough to obscure landmarks, that is, less than broken, thereby being able to pinpoint your position, and maintaining VFR. That's why we plan for alternate fields and have holding fuel factored into our flight planning. That's probably why his instructor proceeded with the flight.


What would concern me more if I where his instructor is the decision making process. Just cause you have GPS (assuming this was the case) does that still mean you have to fly over that waypoint/landing field anyway?

When I did my Nav training last year there was no GPS in the plane.



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If you care to read the posters comments he said the "entire Somerset area was covered in fog" & confirmed he was exactly over it, can't do that in total fog covered landscape without a GPS, continuing on was foolhardy at best.

I did care to read it, but he didn't exactly state that it totally obscured the Somerset area. It must have still have been good for VFR flight. Do you really think his instructor would've continued the flight if it was less than VFR?
Well the word "entirely" when I went to school meant the same thing!I never said it wasn't VFR they are yr words. You can be VFR on top but is that wise to my orginal comment...engine failure?

Plenty of instructors have made poor choices, it's more the decision making that would concern me.

Was there enough visible ground around for an emergency landing? I don't know, I wasn't there. Planes have glide capability so could they have glided to a visible suitable landing area in case of engine failure? Again, I don't know, I wasn't there. Based on the conditions, the instructor made the judgement and decision to continue the flight, as did the pilot, so I wouldn't be so quick to condemn the airmanship of that instructor or pilot, without knowing all the facts.
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I am with nightmare on this one, we are a bit quick to assume the worst here sometimes.


The poster did say (from memory) that they left at 9 once the fog had lifted from where they were and being a first Nav using gps wouldn't have been an option so I would assume the fog had lifted enough by then to have at least gaps to see through to confirm their location.


Having said that it still is good to talk subjects like this over but we also don't want to scare new pilots away with a holier than thou approach. (Having said that I don't want to come across as holier than the holier than thou folks.......................)


Ok rambling is a sign I am late for bed lol nighty night all



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Hardly thinking a near 40 yr pilot is trying to condem the guy. My concerns are valid, if you wish to make yr own judgement on yr vast experience then that's yr prerogative. My comments where based on what was written. That aside the scenario could also be hypothetical, it's a learning excercise I reckon not just to continue on cause it was planed that way! I hope some other low time pilots 'read' my comments and think what can I take from these?

You know, if you really do have concerns, don't you think it would be more appropriate to PM BusaKaine and communicate directly with him about it instead of speculating and insinuating that he and his instructor acted in a unsafe way, publicly?And that is the end of my rambling as well.... I'm a low hour pilot



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