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So, there I was reading through the new mag and I come across an article from our Tech. Manager (Acting) and read about yet another piece of silliness. It seems that , along with stickers telling the builder/owner how much his aircraft weighs and that he must not smoke that (who would ever know or care I ask?) we have to comply with a noise requirement ? The requirement was always there , sort of. CASA looks more and more like a bureaucratic version of King Solomons Mines, paper gems are being uncovered as we speak. Of course, as you might expect, as soon as you have this Noise Assesment doc. you get an automatic Noise Exemption Certificate. I kid you not.


So being anxious to please and comply. I go to the website mentioned in the article. There , I find that the in-fillable page does not cover anything that I can fill in? Nor any R.A.A. aircraft really that is not brand new....There is just no class in the first list that covers me. My aircraft, being ex G.A., Must have had a noise assesment cert to have been registered in the first place. I wonder where it is? Dear Pandora what did we do when we opened your box?



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We're not happy, till you're not happy. The safest plane is a non flying one. Simple logic? Nev



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Hi Geoff ,


I've just done my Zodiac which has a Subaru engine and it was quite easy. I think the form and hints is on the SAAA website. If you get stuck give me a shout and I'll see if I can help you.






I had to get a noise exception when I regoed my plane, it was just a part of the whole process . The thing that I see with the dramas of late is how little the average pilot knows about the regs involved with flying in Australia, myself included, going through the system to rego my plane was a huge learning curve, and I'd have to say the SAAA does this a lot better than RAAus, I was given a list of paperwork I needed to have and then just worked through it till I was ready to fly,,,,,and to RAA benefit the guy that did my C of A is now our tech manager, so I for one am looking forward to seeing things become a bit clearer. I also think we'll get aquatinted with the regs that we should've been adhering to all along, time to grow up I'm thinking!





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They'll be wanting a "Journey management plan" and a "take 5" before each flight.


Woops (I better not give them Ideas) !



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next it'll be your car trips ..


Don't laugh, there are airport owners charging some to have their aircraft in a hangar that they also pay rent for 029_crazy.gif.9816c6ae32645165a9f09f734746de5f.gif, just pray that councils don't get on the same bandwagon & charge you to have your car in your own garage 052_no_way.gif.ab8ffebe253e71283aa356aade003836.gif


Jake J



They'll be wanting a "Journey management plan" and a "take 5" before each flight.Woops (I better not give them Ideas) !

Also a Job Safety Analysis completed before each flight




Who has this job of being the noise certificate issuer and canceller. I want it.


This reminds me of bosses that used to get work experience kids to dig a hole and then fill it in. Crazy




I'm going into production for full wire enclosure for the props. Would you be Cancellor of the ex-checker? Nev



Also a Job Safety Analysis completed before each flight

Or even a SWMS - Safe Work Method Statement.

Hang on, we should also have a SSMP (Site Safety Management Plan) at each airfield so everyone can read it and knows the procedure for evacuation, and a whole lot of other very important stuff.





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Don't laugh Pud. Wyong Council made us do exactly that at Warnervale Airport. And to cap it off, all us pilots who have been around aircraft all our lives had to be inducted at our own airport (Renewed annually) and now have to have flashing lights on our vehicles and wear high viz vests when we are on the airside; and Warnervale is just a bloody ALA. PARANOID council and perceived liabilities ........


When are we ever going to learn that we will never be able to protect idiots from themselves.



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Guest Andys@coffs

We need to fight insanity like this. The council pooh bar who dreamt this up will of course in the course of his career chase bigger and better dollars elsewhere and of course without doubt implement this at the airfield in his new role. Before you know it. Bunch of airfields will be this way and a Year later they all will be. Demonstrable benefit minuscule to zero, mitigation of a risk full speed! Individual impact relatively minor....impact as a group....not considered or relevant!






The way it works is to drive people away from flying, making it more safe. It all becomes too hard and no fun anymore. Nev



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Learn to throw rocks at these idiots!




How about posting the offending regulation so we can see what the problem is.


Cars and trucks have had to comply with drive-by noise tests and in cab noise tests for about forty years.


The hearing of tens of thousands of people will be free of tinnitus as a result of the in cab standards.


The drive-by standards have eliminated thousands of resident claims of nuisance.


Motor vehicles are quieter than you might think - I did a lot of testing of Chev 350 engines and the two most interesting results I found were, a noise meter reads the loudest noise - 25 Chevys in a race are no noisier than the loudest car, and the commentator's PA system is always the think that gets up the neighbours nose; if I said nothing, but had the PA system turned down I was always thanked for putting mufflers on the cars.




Statistically a hospital is the most dangerous place to be. Misadventure? kills 10,000 people a YEAR. multiples of those killed on the roads annually where millions are spent. Nev




The world would be a better place if CASA ceased involvement in aviation and got involved with hospitals.



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Statisticaly your statistics will always be correct. So just make sure you through either statistics, analysis, research or lol in every post and you cant go wrong. We need a red tape ombudsman. O'Bar-mar is all over red tape in aviation in the US right now. Research shows they are even throwing out the need for a medical for all Recreational pilots. Quote "some forgotten source" End Quote




djp. cockpit checklists and procedures have been cited as a way of improving safety in operating theatres, but doctors appear to be resisting it as they don't make mistakes. Pilots reckoned that too, a long time ago. Nev



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Blimey you people go on with a lot of crap. See http://www.airservicesaustralia.com/services/aircraft-noise-certification/


If you own a factory-built aircraft it will normally have been put through noise certification by its manufacturer; I don't know what the paperwork process is, but the hard part of it is already done. If it's a homebuilt, you will need to apply for an exemption. They may not give you one if it has a pulsejet engine.


This is administered by Air Services Australia, it has nothing whatever to do with CASA. It's been the law for damn near 25 years.



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Wondering when someone was going to pick up on this.


Remember the thread i started a short time ago on noise certification when council and nasty farmer had a go at our Caravan.



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