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I hadn't been up for a couple of weeks, so it took me a couple of laps with the instructor to get my eye back in. For some reason, when the instructor asked me to pull into the ramp, it didn't even occur to me that he was going to get out. I'm not sure why, but it was probably a good thing as I didn't have any time to think about it!


Anyway, he spun me around and I was on my way. Of the 11 or so hours I've done so far, I think I've only had one day with little wind. I had actually started to get used to how much of a challenge it can be to get the darn thing on the ground with a little gust coming in. Not today though, as we had perfect conditions. Barely a breath of wind, sunny skies and 25 degrees.


I wouldn't say I'm 100% automatic yet when it comes to circuits. There's been a couple of times when I forget to turn the carby heat off, a couple of times when I forget to switch the fuel pump off and only realise when I go to turn it back on again. So, in the back of my head, I was wondering what I was going to forget!!


And then..... for some reason, it all just seemed to click!


On my first circuit I spotted another aircraft coming towards me on the crosswind leg. I calmly called out that I had him visual and would go number 2. That seemed to make things a little easier as I just tucked in behind him and followed him around. He did run a really wide circuit, which was kind of nice as it gave me time to double check everything before decent.


First landing was spot on. Right on the centre line (which i sometimes struggle with) and nice an smooth


Second circuit was just as cruisy. Gentle landing, nice and easy roll to a full stop.


Now the trick is not to get complacent! I'm sure the conditions won't be so kind to me next time!





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He did run a really wide circuit, which was kind of nice as it gave me time to double check everything before decent.

:clap:My kind of guy, the glass is always half full!!.. Well done mate.. Enjoy:happy dance:




Great job Nick, its the best feeling isn't it?


On my first circuit I spotted another aircraft coming towards me on the crosswind leg. I calmly called out that I had him visual and would go number 2.

Yes I think that would be my instinct if I spotted another aircraft coming towards me on my first solo!! 008_roflmao.gif.692a1fa1bc264885482c2a384583e343.gif


Cheers! 026_cheers.gif.2a721e51b64009ae39ad1a09d8bf764e.gif






Congrats Nick. You will remember those two circuits for the rest of your life. I still remember the thrill of being up there on my own for the first time. You will be amazed at how your skills will improve over time, and with that, how much more enjoyable flying becomes.


All the best for the future. Are you thinking of buying your own aircraft? IMO it is far better to own than to rent, but more expensive.




Yep will be looking to buy in about a year I rekon. Not sure what yet. Ideally I'd like to find one or two others to split it with. If that happens I'd like to look at a pipistrel virus sw. If not and it's just me I'll probably go with a jab or a Morgan Sierra. Still got a while to figure it out!


Went up again yesterday in hot blustery conditions. Reminded me that I have lots of work to do!




Nobody finds hot blustery conditions easy.. If you have the right attitude to flying , you will learn forever. Never be complacent. Relate your checks to what the plane is doing. You are the "manager" of it. Nev



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