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I am new to the site but have been flying under an RAAus Certificate.


I started flying years ago in GA and then stopped for 10yrs.


Did everything except my final Nav Test. Passed PPL Theory. (Just ran out of cash building a new place)


Kids now grown up and discovered Recreational Aviation 5 yrs ago.


Have all the Endo's incl Cross Country.


The RPL will actually be good for me, as I am currently 1/3 share of a 172RG.


Bought into it 2 yrs ago with finishing my PPL as an incentive.


Went to a GA school who wanted to put me through my Navs again. 15hrs plus a PPL test.


Probably nearly $4000 expense to me.


I queried the fact that I had done all of this with RA. Its as if the RAA training is sub standard. (It isn't)


Welcome RPL


RPL will allow me to fly my 172RG and recognise the X Country along with every other RAAus endorsement.


I have a Class 2 Medical which gives me 4 pax .


I have done my CSU/Retractable Endo and CTA, so come Sept 1st I can do the RPL application and tick the boxes.


I will obviously do a flight review and some further currency training in the 172, and once completing that I should be free as a bird.


Would welcome comments as I don't think that the RPL seems that popular.


As I said,....It suits me.


Thanks for reading!!





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I must admit I lost interest quickly when I realised it was better to make the effort to keep the PPL current, so I'm a little hazy but seem to remember the RPL limited you to 2 pax,



I must admit I lost interest quickly when I realised it was better to make the effort to keep the PPL current, so I'm a little hazy but seem to remember the RPL limited you to 2 pax,

Yes it does limit you to 2pax, unless you have a class 2 Medical. I really cant see what difference this makes? Im covered though.




RPL won't work for me either.


I had a PPL many years ago from Chieftain at Bankstown.


Most times its just myself and the camping gear. (Wife won't camp).


Don't see the sense of burning 8 gals/Hr for that.


They won't let me fly my 19- registered aircraft into a controlled airport like Archerfield, or Bankstown anyway, so I stay with RAAUS for now.




Correct, if you have a class 1 or 2 medical, you can carry more then one passenger.



  • Like 1
Interesting re nav endorsement - RPL nav end. requires 2 hrs IF; RAA X/country requires nil. Finer details still to be sorted??

I have never heard of a 2hr IFR during an Nav Test, as the test is only 3hrs in total,... but as I say, I have done my 2hrs+ of IFR under the hood along with additional sequences of IFR during my numerous GA Navs. I have been in contact with a few GA flying schools, and they confirm that I have everything I need to qualify for RPL. Just waiting for September 1.






Not in the test, but during the training. In your case you have done the required IF. My point was only in general with reference to a RAA cert with X/country etc. only needs a BFR by an approved GA instructor yet an applicant without an RAA cert has to do 2 hrs IF.


It is only March so may well be reworded before Sept. but seems strange the way it is worded at present.


My only interest really is I have a couple of friends with RAA certificates and LSA aircraft who are keen to obtain CTA access (without doing a full PPL as they only want to fly their own aircraft) & this seems to be ideal for their situation.



  • Agree 1

So Dave, do you currently hold a GFPT because that is equivalent to RPL. In fact the RPL will replace the GFPT and if you have a RPL with Class 2 medical you can carry 3 pax (4 POB).



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DaveNot in the test, but during the training. In your case you have done the required IF. My point was only in general with reference to a RAA cert with X/country etc. only needs a BFR by an approved GA instructor yet an applicant without an RAA cert has to do 2 hrs IF.

It is only March so may well be reworded before Sept. but seems strange the way it is worded at present.


My only interest really is I have a couple of friends with RAA certificates and LSA aircraft who are keen to obtain CTA access (without doing a full PPL as they only want to fly their own aircraft) & this seems to be ideal for their situation.

Hi Frank

Thanks for your interest. I appreciate the comments. I never stop learning about flying and the associated rules and regs!!


Yes there the only way to get a CTA is via GA. RAAus still don't have that endorsement, and I cant see it coming in the near future.


The RPL might be perfect for your friends. It replaces a SPL, so they may be able to convert???


Ive done a bit of reading about it, as I was ready for the changes in Dec 2013 but they were deferred.



So Dave, do you currently hold a GFPT because that is equivalent to RPL. In fact the RPL will replace the GFPT and if you have a RPL with Class 2 medical you can carry 3 pax (4 POB).

Hi David.

Yes I have done the GFPT and have a GA Student licence, Class 2 Medical and a CSU/Retractable Endorsement.


All good for 4 POB


I currently own a 19 registered Aircraft.




Then you already have an RPL if you have a GFPT. You just need to do the Xcountry and CTA endorsements. You will be issued with an RPL when they withdraw the GFPT under the new licensing scheme.



  • Agree 1
Then you already have an RPL if you have a GFPT. You just need to do the Xcountry and CTA endorsements. You will be issued with an RPL when they withdraw the GFPT.

Yeah,......... well I will have one (RPL) after Sept 1

I have the X/Country and CTA already



  • 1 month later...
If you have a GFPT (RPL), X/Country with CTA & a class 2 medical you essentially have a PPL why bother with the RPL ??033_scratching_head.gif.b541836ec2811b6655a8e435f4c1b53a.gif

Yeah that's true but the local GA school want me to do more Navs!! Its as though the RAAus X Country isn't acceptable to them.

They said maybe 2 or 3 navs 2.5hrs @ $300, so $2000+) and then a Flight test which will cost $1000 by the time I pay to get the Testing Officer out here.


I refuse to pay for flying that I have already done and passed. I would rather spend that money in other ways.


I will wait until Sept and go RPL. I realise that my qualifications = PPL and I may end up doing it in a couple of years. Who knows.


Im happy to fly a 172 and have no ambition to fly anything heavier or faster.


Thanks for your comment.




The problem has always been that the X Country Nav requirements for PPL was twice the hours required for RAAus X country. That is probably why if you want the RPL with X Country and you only hold an RAAus X Country, I have always suspected you will need to do more X county to satisfy the GA Instructor who will issue the RPL.


If anyone has a class 2 medical and already done GA X country why on earth would you want an RPL when the Class 2 means you are PPL.



The problem has always been that the X Country Nav requirements for PPL was twice the hours required for RAAus X country. That is probably why if you want the RPL with X Country and you only hold an RAAus X Country, I have always suspected you will need to do more X county to satisfy the GA Instructor who will issue the RPL.If anyone has a class 2 medical and already done GA X country why on earth would you want an RPL when the Class 2 means you are PPL.

The problem has always been that the X Country Nav requirements for PPL was twice the hours required for RAAus X country. That is probably why if you want the RPL with X Country and you only hold an RAAus X Country, I have always suspected you will need to do more X county to satisfy the GA Instructor who will issue the RPL.If anyone has a class 2 medical and already done GA X country why on earth would you want an RPL when the Class 2 means you are PPL.


Yeah I have plenty of Nav time and Solo Nav time from GA. They still want to do the Navs and a Nav test. Ive been told this from others, and seems like they just want the money.


I have also just completed my CSU/Retractable Endorsement.






Correct me if I am wrong, from your posts I gather you last flew GA over 10 years ago and have only been flying RA recently.


If this is so then under the current rules I doubt you will find a GA school that will sign you off without making 100% sure you are still to scratch, hence the requirement for the navs.


There have been numerous changes just with the old GAAP airports and class D airspace alone in the past 10 years, at least 2 that I can remember.


Also your RA Aus X/Country will not be recognised by CASA under the current rules as it does not include flight into CTA, even if he did take you through CTA an RA Aus instructor cannot sign off on CTA


Also as far as your CTA endorsement goes, if this was done over 10 years ago was there not a "limited" CTA endorsement where you could be signed off individually for the various types of CTA's.


This was when the RPPL was still around. If so this was done away with and it became an all or nothing, in fact the RPPL was also done away with. It was a PPL with every thing or you had just a GFPT.


Just some of my thoughts.



  • Agree 1

I have just read the latest on the CASA site. It says that a RAA cert is automatically recognised the same as a SPL with GFPT pass. It says that all we have to do is apply online with evidence (photo copy of cert and it's endorsements, and photo of person) then have it issued. The only thing is that even with the licence a person cannot exercise the licence until a BFR is carried out. I have both a RAA cert and I have also passed my GFPT .


I think I am better off applying for it with my RAA cert because I also have x country and TW , radio etc . So I will get those endorsements as well.


It also says that the application will be available online .


Ps - just to make it clear. You don't have to have passed a BFR before you get issued with the RPL. But you have to pass a BFR before you can exercise the right to use it.






something tells me that a GA CFI wont accept the RAAus Xcountry endo without extra training. Remember the PPL X Country training is twice the hours of RA Aus. I think this area is going to be a problem when converting from RAAus to RPL.



Ps - just to make it clear. You don't have to have passed a BFR before you get issued with the RPL. But you have to pass a BFR before you can exercise the right to use it.

MOST GA BFR's are now conducted by doing a small cross country exercise (usually about two hours). My last review (CPL) was out of Sunshine Coast airport (class D so clearance required) to Gympie with touch and go, to overhead Maryborough then return to Sunshine coast. During this last leg we did some upper air work then a simulated forced landing onto Tin Can bay airstrip then the Class D arrival. I am sure that IF the candidate is up to speed then the instructor doing the review would sign the log book. He is NOT issuing a licence or rating.



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