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Yep stopped watching all them bullshyite crap shows after my old man appeared on hinch 25 years ago.We all know the saying" be a shame to let the truth ruin a great storey"


What channel is South Park on? Lol



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FACT. The BBC promotes EXTREME left wing bias, so much so that it is now becoming a national disgrace, and has lost it's reputation for sensible reporting of world affairs. I would vote immediately to have the mandatory "Licence Tax" of £145.00 sterling per annum discontinued, so that these overblown left wing managers and other non-jobbed personnel can no longer award thamselves salaries and bonuses which exceed that of the Prime Minister of this country.


The BBC is now currently regarded as a dumping ground for failed politicians ( plenty of those ) and pointless, talentless managers, in charge of endless repeat programmes and seemingly incapable of fairly reporting a balanced view of the world.


I can't comment on ABC as it's been a very long time since I've listened to it.


Here endeth the rant. . .





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I can't comment on ABC as it's been a very long time since I've listened to it.

The BBC sounds worse than the ABC. The ABC is way too far left of centre for a tax payer funded organisation. As you can see that suits all our red-raggers who are only interested pedaling their own version of things.



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Look fellas, I dont care which side of the room crap reporting comes from. All I know is when it comes it does nothing for aviation, and nothing for the victims familys.



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Left wing/right wing is very much in the eye of the beholder. Calling those on the forum with what you consider left-inclined views "red raggers" betrays an unhelpful political bias which, in my opinion, makes such a polarising judgement fairly pointless. In polite terms I would call it a somewhat "unsophisticated" viewpoint. And no, before you say it, I did not vote for Labor or the Greens at the last election, not that it'll make any difference to how my own political inclination is judged.


I have heard some people rant about "lefties" while espousing views that make Genghis Khan look like a dope-smoking hippy and conservative dictator Augusto Pinochet look like a very misunderstood nice old family man. Similarly for people ranting about the "right", who tend to bias their judgement of others towards their own political inclination.


The ABC have been guilty of some pretty shoddy journalism recently and I'm not excusing it. They have a problem, as do many other news outlets, but it's not something that stacking them with Janet Albrechtsens and Piers Akermans is going to fix. That would just swing the pendulum all the way to the other extreme. For example, you can find equally shoddy reporting in newspapers like The Australian and The Daily Telegraph, which are strongly conservatively aligned.



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Like everybody else you are entitled to your opinion some of it I do not agree with as I am entitled to as well. This stuff comes up on here with monotonous regularity and is a pain in the butt. I must remember to ignore the loony left.




I haven't watched 60 minutes for more than 10 years for reasons mentioned here by others.


Last Thursday on the 7:00pm ABC news someone in Perth was interviewed who said with complete conviction that the changes in course, altitude etc could only have been made by "Human Input". His claim to fame in the caption with his name in it which I can't remember is that he is an "Aviation Writer". What the hell does that mean? It must be that he makes up stories about aeroplanes to get himself noticed based on the drivel that came from his unauthorised, unsubstantiated, uninformed mouth. Idiot, & poor form from the ABC for putting it on the news.



The only successful thing the left has done in the last six years is drive a wedge between our society, we are now either left /green/union/climate believer or right / capitalist/ill informed idiot,,,,,,,,I find it sad that we've allowed a bunch of politicians to divide our country, there are people that I would be embarrassed to see face to face over some of the crap I've seen posted here , yet ,say , ten years ago it would never have been a consideration, and ,regardless of which way you vote , it's a sad state of affairs when we put our political affiliation ahead of the people around us...

I tried to let this one go thru to the keeper MM, but your assessments are so wrong. Abbott and some of his team drove the wedge. When the independents supported a Gillard minority government he reacted like a spoiled brat, but he had the Murdock press behind him.

Through the barrage of negative media coverage, Gillard led a successful government, getting quite a lot of legislation through. She somehow kept her dignity despite the vilification she copped, and even appointed Liberals to important positions and upheld long-held bipartisan agreements. By contrast, Abbott has been a wrecker since being elected. His missionary zeal to tear down anything introduced by Labor (even the very successful Clean Energy Finance Corporation) is a disgrace. He is bringing shame and ridicule on this country.


That's politics. I would still be happy to have a beer or three with you.



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Gillard led a successful government - really??????? Everyone to their own views I suppose.

Yep. Government carried on, people got paid, the country stayed secure (despite the threat posed by a few boats full of desperate people) and a lot of significant legislation was passed. All without a majority.



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They should all be sacked. Luckily the public service generally gets on with the job despite the politicians.





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Gillard successful, you must be dreaming, she spent all the money on the schools project ,( our school at the time had no use for it but needed new classrooms,hall sat for 5 years before being used and only twice to three times monthly while the kids had to share classrooms gave me $900 as a successful business (thanks very much) and every other person who lodged a tax return, DID not spend taxpayers money very wisely, as said on another page Labor cannot manage money , for all there faults Liberal will get us in the black again, Labor should be banned from ever holding office again! my rant , my reasoning ,my view.


cheers Gareth



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Yes Gareth, you are right. Labor wasted a lot of money. And kept our economy out of the mess. All governments waste money (the Howard government sure did). What is worse: well-intentioned inexperience and ineptitude by the Rudd and Gillard governments, or idealogical zealoutry as Liberal governments sell off public assets and look after their mates in cash-cow industries like superannuation and mining?


Assett-stripping public entities has always been a favourite of the right side of politics. The big end of town gets control of the profitable parts of public enterprises and the taxpayer gets lumped with the loss-making residue.


The broad pattern seems to be for Labor to have a bit of long-term vision (which is apparently a crime in Australia). While Labor sees it as the government's role to invest in our future, the Liberals try to balance the books and leave the future to the big end of town.



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maybe , but my experience in 45 years of living in this great country is that i always did well under a Liberal flag, and Under labor did very badly, see loss of work (see confidence) loss of income , laying people off work(not a nice feeling) all politicians all persuasions are out for there own trip/glory, i survived 4 runs of labor, but under Liberal have prospered and grown, as did my employees at the time , i do not support any labor in any form they only look after people who are after the handouts.


religion,politics we can argue about it but as individuals we have the right to differ


cheers gareth



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I am watching a press conference with Angus Houston on ABC24, the whole press conference is being shown unlike on the commercial channels which like to just show short grabs. The level of detail even extended to him explaining the difference between indicated airspeed and true airspeed, whatever you think of the ABC you just don't get this level of detail on the commercials.



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Regardless of how well "I" have done under any government...the only mark of a succesful society is how well "WE" do...and I know without any shadow of doubt that a country that puts the needs of the many before the needs of the few is a better place to live...



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I tried to let this one go thru to the keeper MM, but your assessments are so wrong. Abbott and some of his team drove the wedge. When the independents supported a Gillard minority government he reacted like a spoiled brat, but he had the Murdock press behind him.Through the barrage of negative media coverage, Gillard led a successful government, getting quite a lot of legislation through. She somehow kept her dignity despite the vilification she copped, and even appointed Liberals to important positions and upheld long-held bipartisan agreements. By contrast, Abbott has been a wrecker since being elected. His missionary zeal to tear down anything introduced by Labor (even the the very successful Clean Energy Finance Corporation) is a disgrace. He is bringing shame and ridicule on this country.


That's politics. I would still be happy to have a beer or three with you.

Mate,,, I will let that go through to the keeper, because I'm simply over the whole watermelon thing,,,the majority has given them a big f**ck off!!!it's history !!!done ,,,over !!!and yep I'm happy about it ,,,,especially not having to endure the thrice daily press conferences ,,,,,,,,yep happy



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"I" have done well , and the "needs of the few" have reaped the rewards, ie community has , old peoples home a big carport for their bus, skate park for the kids a shelter and seating, driving pensioners in the community bus for medical/shopping , my wife and i gave in time and money, what i believe is that we hand out too readily to the "so called under privelaged " and not to the real needy ,and are we a better place? this is still a great place to live BUT it is far too easy to ride the freebie bus for people who rort the system, my family look after each other ,mum lives comfortably , but not on the pittance the government hands out, we subsidise her because we can and we all feel that it is the right and moral thing to do , i do not feel that i must forgo because some do not get off their axxses we will never be a socialist country thank God , look what has happened to the UK , and we as a country cannot sustain mass immagration , their is not enough usable land and resources .


its great that we can ALL have a view right or wrong (i do sense a little bit of US and THem here)


cheers Gareth



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(i do sense a little bit of US and THem here)

Yeah and don't forget the 'big end of town' they are the badest of them all.




Hopefully it's not US and THEM. Gareth. In this lucky country we can still debate and argue and sometimes find comm0n ground. I sure agree with much of what you say, particularly about everyone contributing and having a go. (I think child labour is a great idea; every kid should be able to contribute and feel valued, and learn to value what they have.) I find much of the aged care scene to be quite depressing- and unsustainable. We could learn a lot from migrant groups, who value their old people and live in extended families. Austalia subsides accommodation and childcare for single parents while lonely old people rattle around in big empty houses. What a crazy country.


Like Peirre Trudeau, I believe in socialism- in theory. In practice we need enterprising people to drive the economy. People in the US (and now "Communist" China) have a big incentive to work hard and save for the future: the ever-present poor. Do we want that here? Most Australians are happy to pay taxes to look after the needy and vulnerable. Separating welfare-dependant layabouts from the genuinely needy is the hard bit.


Our political pendulum swings back and forth a little bit, but I doubt we want to end up with the divisions and crime seen in America.



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Regardless of how well "I" have done under any government...the only mark of a succesful society is how well "WE" do...and I know without any shadow of doubt that a country that puts the needs of the many before the needs of the few is a better place to live...

Any chance that you could tell me where this country is?



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It amuses me no end to see first world political 'grypes". We sit in our comfy homes, getting hot under the collar as lefty's and righties chuck the usual (and tiresome) arguments about whos government did the worst job.


Meaniwhile, in the majority of the rest of the world, citizens have to worry about weather or not the governemnt will be there when they wake up. And if it is, will it decide to round them up and shoot them in the street.


What if the other guys get into power, they dont have guns and ammo, so the michettes get a run instead.


While we complain about some polly making a deal behind our backs that may see an endangered frog under threat, just over the pond families crowd into busted a$$ boats and attempt to flee the persecution, knowing they may not make it, and if they do, they will be locked up indefinitely.


While we carry on because our PM looks like a dikhead in speedo's, other people crouch around dirty water holes trying to force water into theor lifeless children.


This is one of the greatest countries on earth. We are more then lucky, we are the minority too. Fun fact..More then HALF the worlds population has never been on the internet:)



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maybe , but my experience in 45 years of living in this great country is that i always did well under a Liberal flag, and Under labor did very badly, see loss of work (see confidence) loss of income , laying people off work(not a nice feeling) all politicians all persuasions are out for there own trip/glory, i survived 4 runs of labor, but under Liberal have prospered and grown, as did my employees at the time , i do not support any labor in any form they only look after people who are after the handouts.religion,politics we can argue about it but as individuals we have the right to differ

cheers gareth

47 years of living in this country and neither Liberal nor Labor have made any significant difference to my personal fortunes. I have always been employed, and always through hard work and effort to get where I am now have made a decent income. Various flavours of Government have come and gone and I have agreed/disagreed (sometimes very strongly) with certain policies in both types of Government. Not even my taxes and expenses have changed markedly (allowing for normal inflation, the dollar, etc), because what a Government giveth with one hand, they taketh away with another due to the continuous requirement for revenue irrespective of who is in power.

But I'm also careful to look at what is going on around the rest of the world before I cast judgement on an individual Government. If the rest of the western world is booming economically but we are suffering, well it is reasonable to conclude that the Government has got something wrong. The same works in reverse. But there is nothing more frustrating than listening to someone rant about how hopeless Prime Minister "X" is because the ASX has crashed following Wall Street.


Off-topic Anecdote: was flying along one day relaying to my cockpit colleague about a trip where I had to sit and listen to a 4 hour post-election political rant, most of which was random and fairly aggressive while I was just sitting there doing my normal duties. By the end of the first hour I wanted to stab my own eyeballs with the fork I had on the crew meal tray just to distract from the psychological pain. Between that, and praying for an explosive decompression which would suck him out of the cockpit window, I managed to eventually survive, mentally exhausted. The colleague I relayed this story to said "aaah yeah, Labor supporters are such ****heads". I replied: "in fact he's a die-hard Liberal supporter, and I honestly never want to fly with him again." A fine example of someone filtering out all other possibilities due to very polarised political opinions.



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Liberals, Labour, DLP, Democrats, Nationals, Greens, One Nation, or whatever else - nothing will change unless the governing party has a decent majority plus real policies and the guts to act. One thing you can be certain of is that, unlike the pollies, the bureaucracy is with us forever. CASA isn't that much different to the DCA that I encountered in the early 60's, which morphed into DOT, CAA, and whatever else - before they had the Einsteinien idea to include the magic safety word in the title. Pure gold that decision, because we just can't argue with the forces of safety!! happy days,



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