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This should be illegal

That's a bit short and not very explanatory mark.

Ill reply as if you were referring to the act/stunt/process of flying a plane off a trailer.


I don't think there is anything wrong with doing stunts with an aeroplane IF the appropriate steps are taken to minimise risk to others AND ensure the safety of those around including the participants is looked after as much as reasonably possible without 'dulling' the stunt into nothingness. Does not mean I expect everyone to be doing it and its not something I would feel comfortable doing but I get a lot of enjoyment out of watching others doing it and I appreciate the skill and practice that goes into pulling it off.


I feel it's a lot like Motorcycle tricks/jumps it's not for everyone but why should we stop those that enjoy doing it IF they are doing it with reasonable care to others.


No different to watching an airshow or aerobatic displays



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FFS This is normal practice to land launch float planes and completely safe. This usually follows wintering in North America. Approaching winter they may land them on wet grass, winch them onto trailers and store them for the winter. Then in spring this is the way they are typically flown out.



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Guest Nobody
This should be illegal

What is wrong with pilots in Australia?... Someone posts a video of what is a pretty normal occourance every spring in one part of the world and somone else suggests that it should be illegal. People in Aus are so quick to point the at what others are doing without understanding or knowledge.




Ignorance - so it's allowed then by CASA


I can go and do this at YWOL with my recreational license then??


Or us there an endorsement I need to launch from a trailer or other moving vehicle?


Aerobatics at shows are by professional stunt trained pilots not your general aviator


Write all sorts of abuse at me --- that's fine


Yet plenty of people bag stupidity or unnecessary actions


So you don't like my comment - so what!



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Mark perhaps your comment would not have received such a reaction if you had asked "is this illegal?" Rather than make the statement "this should be illegal" .


I cannot see for the life of me why you would need a special endorsement for this. It varies very little from a standard takeoff, someone else (the trailer) is keeping you straight, it is a normal full power take off and when the tow vehicle is at takeoff speed pull the stick back enough to lift off and from that point it is normal. Not much different from a glider tow really.



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looks perfectly normal to me... why should it be illegal, when its normal procedure for launching a floatplane from a dry surface?


but sadly, Australia is the , you cant do that! if its not illegal, it should be country.


Imagine what would happen if you landed a ski equipped aircraft in the snowfields here!!



  • Agree 3

Can you land a Rec float plane on a dam in Australia where other users are boating, waterskiing or what ever?




As far as I know it is legal here I cannot imagine why not and I am reasonably certain it is done at Bankstown.




All that was done is getting a non amphibious float plane back into the air after maintenance. They were not doing it as a stunt or thrills. Laurie



What is wrong with pilots in Australia?... Someone posts a video of what is a pretty normal occourance every spring in one part of the world and somone else suggests that it should be illegal. People in Aus are so quick to point the at what others are doing without understanding or knowledge.

Why do you assume this is the opinion of all pilots in Australia????? "People in Aus" - do you know ALL of us? Is your opinion the opinion of ALL pilots in the US?



  • Agree 1
you can land a float plane in Oz anywhere its deemed to be a navigable waterway for boats.

I wish it were quite that simple. It depends who controls the waterway. If you want to do so on the Gold Coast broadwater or similar places which fall under the jurisdiction of local authorities you may well find that you also have to have the plane registered as a powerboat and hold a State powerboat driver's licence.


I got my powerboat licence in the Northern Territory and because it is a Territory the issued licence is a Federal licence not a State licence. In theory that permits the holder to operate a powerboat (or seaplane/floatplane) anywhere in the Federation of Australia which includes all the States and Territories however if you don't want constant hassle and possible voided insurance you have to put up with the local authority's revenue raising and buy one of their State licences as well.


Note the Qld boat registration on the side of the Osprey in the pic below -




Hmm, seems I started a fire storm here. 097_peep_wall.gif.dcfd1acb5887de1394272f1b8f0811df.gif








Guest Nobody
Why do you assume this is the opinion of all pilots in Australia????? "People in Aus" - do you know ALL of us? Is your opinion the opinion of ALL pilots in the US?

Neil I don't know everyone and to the reasonable open minded pilots out there I am sorry.


The fact is though every fly in I have been there has been someone complaining about some other sector of aviation and how they should be banned or controlled. Have a look at the Tyabb accident thread on pprune for the calls to ban trikes.


While participants in the sport are busy fighting one another CASA is pumping out more red tape and the developers are eying off the airports for more McMansions.





Neil I don't know everyone and to the reasonable open minded pilots out there.The fact is though every fly in I have been there has been someone complaining about some other sector of aviation and how they should be banned or controlled. Have a look at the Tyabb accident thread on pprune for the calls to ban trikes.


While participants in the sport are busy fighting one another CASA is pumping out more red tape and the developers are eying off the airports for more McMansions.



Don't disagree - but that situation is common everywhere (and not just in flying circles). It does not justify tarring ALL people/pilots with the same brush based on the physical location of the individual(s) that you disagree with. I am from the UK and was grossly offended a while back by somebody who, on hearing my accent, made the gross assumption I agreed with then UK prime minister Margaret Thatcher because I was from the UK. He was lucky to get away with his head still on his shoulders. The opinions of individuals are just that - individual opinions.



  • Agree 1

Sad but true Nobody ....


PPRune really is quite a vitriolic forum.




Don't worry about starting an unintended debate, it was a good post and obviously educated a few that didn't understand that is a normal procedure.



........... I am from the UK .....

Aha, that's an admission Neil, now we can have some fun at your expense (says he who is trying to add some humour to this discussion). Some of my best mates are UK boys ...LOL



Aha, that's an admission Neil, now we can have some fun at your expense (says he who is trying to add some humour to this discussion). Some of my best mates are UK boys ...LOL

Hi David,


I am used to it! Being small (sorry, vertically challenged if we want to be PC) I have spent my life on the end of heightist "jokes", and....wait for it.... my birthday is April 1st, so for the last nearly 60 years I have had the "April fool" jokes, which people somehow think they are the first to come up with....! In fact the only reason I started flying was so I could finally look down on my friends....008_roflmao.gif.692a1fa1bc264885482c2a384583e343.gif







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Sounds like we have the same number of birthdays LOL.


I was born in NZ 60 years ago, so born the brunt of sheep r@@ter jokes for years ... except no one hardly can tell now so every now and then I take the pee out of the odd Kiwi or two as well. LOL



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