rankamateur Posted May 27, 2014 Posted May 27, 2014 I don't think I will further overload the staff with my membership renewal, that will save them a bit of work! 1
David Isaac Posted May 27, 2014 Posted May 27, 2014 Sorry to hear that Rank ... I know it is bloody frustrating, but we are more powerful when we stick together, you have power as a member and NO power or influence as a NON member, so may I encourage you to hang in there for a bit. We do have some good people at the helm. It just takes time to sort out years of neglect. 2
Camel Posted May 27, 2014 Posted May 27, 2014 Quote Sorry to hear that Rank ... I know it is bloody frustrating, but we are more powerful when we stick together, you have power as a member and NO power or influence as a NON member, so may I encourage you to hang in there for a bit. We do have some good people at the helm. It just takes time to sort out years of neglect. The years of neglect is being policed by the people who neglected it ! The ex RAA people at CASA were responsible for part (most) of this mess and should be dealt with by CASA not employed as enforcers of the rules ! The CEO of RAA that came from CASA should also be dealt with for not doing what he should have ! The current problem is also very clear and no one should accept this ! Instead of whinging we should all stick together and write to the minister about CASA dirty tricks. I believe the issue has been raised with the minister and if more join in and write to the minister I would be sure the problem will go away. 2 4
flyhi Posted May 27, 2014 Posted May 27, 2014 Quote And just for good measure, I just received in the mail the rego card and in a seperate envelope an "Overdue Notice" dated the same day as the rego was processed.What a waste of time & resources!!! And my new rego runs out 51 weeks after it was issued. 51 weeks rego for the price of 52, now that's a good deal!?!? I got that RAA reverse Rego discount last year. 11 months rego for the price of 12 after the President at the time said it would not happen. 1
nomadpete Posted May 28, 2014 Posted May 28, 2014 I got my Pilot Certificate renewal in the mail last week. The cover letter reminded me of the dire consequences of letting it expire, and telling me that RAAus does all it can to help me keep a current financial certificate. It also reminded me that my current Pilots Certificate will expire in....... oh, that was two weeks ago!! So their proactive renewal would have been sent maybe a month too late to do what it intended to do. No, I didnt go flying in that time, or I would have noticed the expiry date. On the positive side, my prompt payment resulted in an email two days later to confirm that the money has been banked and I am now currently current. Peter 1 1
facthunter Posted May 28, 2014 Posted May 28, 2014 You could have done without now, or currently. (Can't help it) Nev 1
rankamateur Posted May 28, 2014 Posted May 28, 2014 Quote The cover letter reminded me of the dire consequences of letting it expire, What dire consequences Peter? I don't think my letter beat me around the head with the big stick. I haven't acted on it yet, I haven't flown either, so maybe I will be spared a GO Directly to Jail card.
chips Posted June 26, 2014 Posted June 26, 2014 Come on RAA. Rego going into 6weeks. Factory built. Very frustrating.
ozbear Posted June 27, 2014 Posted June 27, 2014 Quote I got that RAA reverse Rego discount last year. 11 months rego for the price of 12 after the President at the time said it would not happen. Me too I got a 10 for the price of 12 deal
Guest Andys@coffs Posted June 27, 2014 Posted June 27, 2014 Nah...that's the wrong way to look at it...what you got was 10 in advance and 2 retrospective....you merely need to sharpen your skills with regards to retrospective flying where you don't break any laws at any time....pretty simple really! Andy
Russ Posted June 28, 2014 Posted June 28, 2014 Me being sooper dooper smart....might just submit my license and rego paperworks 3 mths in advance of expiry date......now how smart is that:roflmao:.....
Cosmick Posted June 28, 2014 Posted June 28, 2014 Lodged rego on Pulse 04/06, received follow up overdue letter 26/06 and rang to confirm received 04/06. 24 days and counting, rego was due 18/06. Lovely flying weather outside, Ho Hum, La De DAh, Hmmmmm ................... might go mow the grass.
ozbear Posted June 28, 2014 Posted June 28, 2014 Quote Me being sooper dooper smart....might just submit my license and rego paperworks 3 mths in advance of expiry date......now how smart is that:roflmao:..... Let us know if it works if so I will do the same.
Stoney Posted June 28, 2014 Posted June 28, 2014 When I joined this forum last year, I was surprised to read so many negative posts from members regarding the problems, incompetence and systemic failures of our organisation. I had to wonder what I had got myself into. I too am involuntarily grounded because the registration renewal time has blown out to six weeks, due to an internal audit. The re-registration form is sent out four weeks before expiry. This is unacceptable! Can someone tell me why I can't fly my own plane when a lot of effort and money goes into making sure it is well maintained, airworthy, loan payments are up to date, hangar age and basing fees paid up, my pilot's licence and certificate are current, my medical is current and my charts and ERSA are current. I have a good mind to ask RAAus to pro-rata reimburse me for all of these expenses for the period I am not able to fly due to their delays. Would they accept a six week delay in paying my membership fees if I had an internal audit of my business? Rather than just complain, I would suggest that it would be a relatively simply, cost effective and expedient measure to either send renewals out eight weeks prior to expiry, or to allow a period of grace due to RAAus processing delays. I know that a submission should be put forward to RAAus, but I mention it in this forum to get further ideas from those in the forum that are wiser than I. Come on ladies and gentlemen, any more positive suggestions rather than whinges? 1
Aerochute Kev Posted June 28, 2014 Posted June 28, 2014 I think I recall from last year that any that were sent in early were held as they could not process until the actual expiry date. They were then held up further in the backlog. If this sort of thing is going to be continuing is there any reason RAAus could not issue a provisional registration when received until processing either is completed or rejected? The fact that some are grounded and then receive significantly less registration period than they pay for is clearly unacceptable. 5
turboplanner Posted June 28, 2014 Posted June 28, 2014 Quote The fact that some are grounded and then receive significantly less registration period than they pay for is clearly unacceptable. and probably illegal. 2
TK58 Posted June 29, 2014 Posted June 29, 2014 The Board determined early last year that registration renewals should be dated from the date the payment is processed (which is the last step before the certificate is issued) rather than the date of expiry. It has emerged that a different message was communicated to the staff at the coalface and they have been operating on the basis that dates were not to be changed. That has now been fixed and all renewals from late last week should be dated from the date payment was processed. We are discussing how to deal with those who were 'shortchanged' without imposing further workload on the office. An announcement will be made in the near future. 3 1
Aerochute Kev Posted June 29, 2014 Posted June 29, 2014 Good news TK58, any news on whether or not RAAus could issue temporary registrations until the rego is processed to avoid grounding aircraft? 3 2
Guest john Posted July 4, 2014 Posted July 4, 2014 Has anybody received reliable information in recent days that there are suggestions circulating within the Business Aviation community that a new recreational aviation organisation should be formed & commenced so as to obtain a new AOC from CASA in the event that the existing delegated recreational organistation is forced to cease normal operations , due to its current financial status & ongoing litigation matters that are before RAAAus, & furthermore if RAA Aus were unable to continue to operate under its present CASA AOC for whatever reasons, then the proposed newly formed recreational aviation organisation would be able to continue to operate under the proposed new AOC without being subjected to having to cease operations, if in the event that the unfortunate abovementioned issue were to occurr.
turboplanner Posted July 4, 2014 Posted July 4, 2014 Probably some clown dribbling on his boots again.
Peter008 Posted July 4, 2014 Posted July 4, 2014 I could not think of anything more certain to bring total chaos to the recreational sector of the industry.
TK58 Posted July 4, 2014 Posted July 4, 2014 Quote Has anybody received reliable information in recent days that there are suggestions circulating within the Business Aviation community that a new recreational aviation organisation should be formed & commenced so as to obtain a new AOC from CASA in the event that the existing delegated recreational organistation is forced to cease normal operations , due to its current financial status & ongoing litigation matters that are before RAAAus, & furthermore if RAA Aus were unable to continue to operate under its present CASA AOC for whatever reasons, then the proposed newly formed recreational aviation organisation would be able to continue to operate under the proposed new AOC without being subjected to having to cease operations, if in the event that the unfortunate abovementioned issue were to occurr. John, Not sure where you're getting your information from but the risk of RA-Aus collapsing any time soon is low and there is no expectation RA-Aus will be ceasing normal operations. Whilst there is a budget issue at present, due to a number of factors, the organisation has significant reserves and will not be running out of money. Further, none of the litigation matters currently on foot are expected to exceed the organisation's insurance cover. Whilst there are some who appear to wish for the demise of RA-Aus, they would be unwise to be holding their breath waiting for it to happen. Cheers, Tony 4 1
Ballpoint 246niner Posted July 4, 2014 Posted July 4, 2014 Quote Maj, I know of one case where a single aircraft school is now unable to operate due to rego delays. This particular aircraft was only first registered 1 year ago ( ie after the problems came to light and the auditing began ) so delays due auditing were not expected. The office was made aware a week before expiry of the circumstances of the school but it made no difference, rego expired and now a dozen students will miss flying this weekend. It is not a good thing to have to explain to these new members of our organisation why they are suffering this disruption to their training. That's funny I did mine in January this year and it was processed in 2 weeks, I did put mine in within 7 days of receiving the renewal notice because getting it done was important to me. I had issues previously with mine related to MTOW and it had to go LSA due to an incorrect type certificate quoted by the manufacturer/ distributor but that wasn't RA-Aus fault. Can you confirm how long this owner had the rego advice before it was sent in for processing? I recall the renewal notice covering letters are advising the quoted delay period.
irishjab Posted July 5, 2014 Posted July 5, 2014 Quote Well there is a choice ...go get a PPL, put VH on it and forever pay through the nose for your maintenance....Maj...
irishjab Posted July 5, 2014 Posted July 5, 2014 by the time raa have finished with level 1 2 &3 we will also be paying through the nose, and rego, i sent mine in on the 23rd may for rego due on the 17th june and it was processed on the 6th july, but still due next year on the 17th of may, when it should be the same date next year that it was processed on, no wonder so many members are leaving and so few new members are joining
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