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Well the saga continues.


The current Developer who is looking to buy the airport is making a presentation to Council tonight. It's a public meeting so we're encouraging as many people as possible to attend. We feel it's a good chance to show the new Council that the community actually cares about what happens out there.


We have had several run-ins with the Current proponent including one of our pilots being forced to move out of the way of his Landcruiser as it hurtled towards him along the grass runway. When our CFI approached the vehicle a little later to tell them to get off the runways/taxiways he drove toward her until she had to move and carried on with the windows rolled up.


This is not the kind of person we want in charge!


If anyone is free and would like to attend the meeting is at 5:30pm in Council chambers. It is a public meeting. The presentations should be over by 6pm I would imagine so it shouldn't take up much time. Some of us are taking small protest signs so if you would like to join us in doing this please feel free. I think it's time we started making a little noise. Tony Lamarra will be talking to Council also to implore them to retain the airport on behalf of all users.


Hope to see some of you there. Sorry about the late notice.



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Well the saga continues.The current Developer who is looking to buy the airport is making a presentation to Council tonight. It's a public meeting so we're encouraging as many people as possible to attend. We feel it's a good chance to show the new Council that the community actually cares about what happens out there.


We have had several run-ins with the Current proponent including one of our pilots being forced to move out of the way of his Landcruiser as it hurtled towards him along the grass runway. When our CFI approached the vehicle a little later to tell them to get off the runways/taxiways he drove toward her until she had to move and carried on with the windows rolled up.


This is not the kind of person we want in charge!


If anyone is free and would like to attend the meeting is at 5:30pm in Council chambers. It is a public meeting. The presentations should be over by 6pm I would imagine so it shouldn't take up much time. Some of us are taking small protest signs so if you would like to join us in doing this please feel free. I think it's time we started making a little noise. Tony Lamarra will be talking to Council also to implore them to retain the airport on behalf of all users.


Hope to see some of you there. Sorry about the late notice.

You guys and girls do not need egotistical developers whom only really care for themselves.


( aircraft giving way to a car, its an airport not a road way:censored: )


Has that developer brought the airport or is in the process of considering?




I have just read through this thread and I have to say it saddens me at the typical council actions as seen here. What is wrong with this country. You have locals and businesses like yourself wanting to nurture and foster a local community airport yet they would much rather play ridiculous games with the big boys.


I wish you all the best guys and I hope you make one hell of a noise.


All the best and well done.:thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up:



There is nothing 'wrong' with this country.

it is more like what is wrong with the people of this country.


they do not know how or want to stand up against the non performing and corrupt pollies and developers. they continually roll over and give up.


don't make a little noise. take your whistles and horns and every time a councilor opens their yap boo them down make a lot of noise. insist on having the result in your favor. time to put a few up against the wall and make an example of them.


get a few copies of the constitution and throw it at them. don't let the meeting close in their favour. barge your way up front and stare them down.


Australia the lucky country, yep for the few who can manipulate the system. every one else bend over.






I'm utterly depressed by the state of affairs in this town. After all the yelling and screaming from the public at the utter lies the presenter was dribbling forth the Council seem to have been hearing only dollars falling.


They will sell if he offers them the right price. As a well-known Goulburnite said on the way out "I wouldn't believe that man if he told me his middle name".


Bluehawk you may know a little more in this area? The guy wanting to buy had a tall New Caledonian standing by his left who wants to bring an "anti-terrorism and security centre" to Goulburn.


Not once in the presentation did he mention anything about the "International Transport Hub" that he talked to the Canberra Times about either.


It appears our only solution is to start again. Just as the founding members of our club first began constructing the Goulburn airport in 1928 it seems that 80 years on we must begin to do the same if we wish to fly in this region in the future.



I'm utterly depressed by the state of affairs in this town. After all the yelling and screaming from the public at the utter lies the presenter was dribbling forth the Council seem to have been hearing only dollars falling.They will sell if he offers them the right price. As a well-known Goulburnite said on the way out "I wouldn't believe that man if he told me his middle name".


Bluehawk you may know a little more in this area? The guy wanting to buy had a tall New Caledonian standing by his left who wants to bring an "anti-terrorism and security centre" to Goulburn.


Not once in the presentation did he mention anything about the "International Transport Hub" that he talked to the Canberra Times about either.


It appears our only solution is to start again. Just as the founding members of our club first began constructing the Goulburn airport in 1928 it seems that 80 years on we must begin to do the same if we wish to fly in this region in the future.

It sounds like they will attempt to restrict the airports activity with their plans of "anti-terrorism and security centre".


I hope I am wrong in this regard but my gut says otherwise.


My firm only wanted to use Goulburn Airport for Storage and Training, hence why we do not wish to interfere with current air operations.


But with the Unrealistic price tag and the lack of transparency of the council on the matter we decided to search other areas.


It is a shame that greedy,short sighted and self obsessed politicians can not listen to the public,There is an old saying "People should not fear Governments, Governments should fear its people! "


I really hope no air operations will be affected by this group although it seems you have had a taste of whats to come (referring to the vehicle incident on the airside of the fence) .


It appears our only solution is to start again. Just as the founding members of our club first began constructing the Goulburn airport in 1928 it seems that 80 years on we must begin to do the same if we wish to fly in this region in the future.

If this action is needed we would be happy to lend some assistance




did the pilot of the aircraft who had the incident with the car airsside note the vehicles details and file an incident report as requirered.




To be honest I don't think that anyone out there would pick a fight with this crew. It's a combination of apathy and fear.




If it was an incident then you are by law required to file a incident report.




The guys out there have been standing up for what they believe.


That's the reason all the Aero Club trophies have been smashed (some were over 70 years old), the Aero Club's building sold and now is soon to be demolished, peoples tyres slashed, numerous windows smashed etc.


The Club in its various incarnations has been fighting this for 18 years without rest and the fight has become very nasty at times. However when people's lives begin to feel threatened I can understand them slowly and quietly climbing down from the tree.


This isn't some Clint Eastwood movie it's the real deal. All the yelling and carry on that went on the other night at the Council meeting led the Councillors to make statements to the media that seemed to state that none of the people using the Airport deserved such a facility due to their behaviour.


I used to believe that goodness and doing what was right would overcome all obstacles. Abosulte load of baloney that whole view of the world proved to be.:black_eye:




I think my lastpost was kneecapped




I may have picked up some bad habits.


I'm certainly a lot more bitter than I used to be. Or at least that's what I tell myself...




When you start to show some grey up top you start to realise just how much more valuable your time and possesions become and you tend to fight a little harder and take less crap from those who abuse your rights. i too am more vocal and more defensive than in my youth.




My main concern was for the retention of the airport by the local council. If managed properly then the money would be a long tern gain for the people of Goulburn. The comment was made at the council meeting that the airport was a mess and if we wanted it then we should clean it up. I agree. We (the flying club) offered to mow the runways and keep the council areas maintained, (this obviously went against someone's vested interest in the future of the area) and council rejected the idea. I would not presume to tell the private hanger and business owners at the airport what they can and can't do with their holdings, but I bet the council could drop some very loaded hints (if they were so inclined) to get the area tidied up. The biggest mess is owned by one of the friends of the latest proposed buyer.


The next best thing would be to sell the airport but still have a covenant protecting the local flyers and their access to the runnways. Obviously without the developer pricing GA and ultralight access off the planet. The developer (Domain Rael estate Pty Ltd , Owned by Mr George Tsovaras) would not commit to looking after the locals and appeared to be an umbrella for all sorts of interested companies. Very little is known about this company.


The sale of the airport seems to be a straight money grab (this from a council that has admitted to loosing a million dollars in the stock market downturn.) What a council is doing investing public money instead of using it in local projects is another matter all together. We have now had initially, an open market attempt at sale, an austion that realised 3 bids (including the vendors) and now this offer, but what is offered money wise is not clear. (ICAC???)


Just my thoughts as an interested party





The guys out there have been standing up for what they believe. That's the reason all the Aero Club trophies have been smashed (some were over 70 years old), the Aero Club's building sold and now is soon to be demolished, peoples tyres slashed, numerous windows smashed etc.


The Club in its various incarnations has been fighting this for 18 years without rest and the fight has become very nasty at times. However when people's lives begin to feel threatened I can understand them slowly and quietly climbing down from the tree.


This isn't some Clint Eastwood movie it's the real deal. All the yelling and carry on that went on the other night at the Council meeting led the Councillors to make statements to the media that seemed to state that none of the people using the Airport deserved such a facility due to their behaviour.


I used to believe that goodness and doing what was right would overcome all obstacles. Abosulte load of baloney that whole view of the world proved to be.:black_eye:

Such acts are bad I agree but there has to be a line drawn sometime that says no more, no more intimidation, no more harassment, no more childish acts of vandalism.


It seems to me that certain Councilors may have received kickbacks to "support" the sale, This is no new thing as the Wollongong Council shows.


I know someone suggested a new airfield devoid of council and the trouble makers.


I am not saying this is the best course but call this Plan C


I know that you guys have been protesting to try and get sense and logic into the bureaucrats brains


but I do not know if you guys have read the Restrictions as to Usage in Information Memorandum package sent by Colliers International.



The Title will be encumbered by a restrictive covernant so that the airport may not be used for any purpose other than an airport


The proposed Section 88D Instrument establishing these covernants is attached to sale


Transfer Deed


Under the terms of the Transfer Deed, Council may not,without the written consent of the Federal Government,close the airport or sell,lease or otherwise dispose of the airport or any part of it. The attention of the prospective purchasers is drawn to the specific restrictions imposed by the way of covenants in this regard and to the specific terms of the transfer deed.

There is much more in the Information Memorandum sent by Colliers International.

The information I quoted above is in section 7 (page 12)


If people can not gain access to this I can scan it and email it.




I'd like to read the whole story ie who are the players who is connected to who. who is suspected of vandalisim ect.






A quick look at the ASIC website reveals that Domain Resources Pty Ltd, the Company Council is negotiating with is not registered for GST and does not appear to have traded for at least 2 to 3 years and not posted it's last annual return. George Tsovaras lists Domaine Real Estate Pty Ltd with his operation, but there appears to be no direct link to the other Company's.


Domain Real Estate is registered as a Business name of both the above Company's. George Tsovaras at the meeting mentioned a relationship with Sweeney and Mariner Developments. A Mariner person tells me they have no relationship with George Tsovaras.


Keith Sweeney speaks for himself - see SMH at


Developer linked to drugs and bikie gangs - National - smh.com.au






I'm thinking of writing an article for the local newspapers, as well as for some of the aviation rags - I think its time attention was spread a little wider on this one.


I should point out that I'm not a journalist and have no experience whatsoever with writing for magazines/newspapers. Also I'm biased as hell, being a user of the airport and a member of the Southern Highland Aeroclub.


That said it'll be fun asking questions. :big_grin:


Speaking of which, does anybody have any they particularly want answered? I may not get much of a chance, but i'll try.



I'm thinking of writing an article for the local newspapers, as well as for some of the aviation rags - I think its time attention was spread a little wider on this one.I should point out that I'm not a journalist and have no experience whatsoever with writing for magazines/newspapers. Also I'm biased as hell, being a user of the airport and a member of the Southern Highland Aeroclub.


That said it'll be fun asking questions. :big_grin:


Speaking of which, does anybody have any they particularly want answered? I may not get much of a chance, but i'll try.

If you want some help, pls let me know.




Daid Mariner who was trying to build an airport at Laguana Quays nth QLD??




No - I am not sure who Mariner Developments really is, but the proponent is the husband of Senator Ursula Stephens and the last Development Application was made by her daughter.


He says that he has nothing to do with Tzovaris or Sweeney.




I'm all for Plan C - the new airport.


Upper Lachlan Council appears to be very amenable to the idea in their area. They like the idea of self-funded retirees bringing their small aircraft to the region.


This airport, and the players involved, make Goulburn a very hard place to like at the moment.


I have seen copies of letters from users since 1992 offering to help Council clean up and maintain the airport. All answers have been a quick and resounding "No" from the Council. People used to do little things out there such as mow and maintain the "Goulburn" sign laid in the grass. They were told they were not allowed to do this anymore. Councillor O'Neill is being shown up as a moron (by the staff?) who have obviously never forwarded our offers to her.




Our local area had /has similar problems to what is happening down your way except it is for heavy residential development in semi rural areas. we found a great allie in the local green party council member. Suggest you speak to your local green member if you have one.



  • 1 month later...

Last night four of the seven Councillors in attendance voted to sell the airport.


Goulburn airport is now owned and run by Mr George Tzovaras of Domain Real Estate. He wooed Council with his plan to spend $25 million dollars on the airport land over the next seven years. What it will be spent on no-one knows.


It is a sad day for aviators and their friends and family in Goulburn. Just another indicator of how dead the sense of community in this town actually is.



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