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For those who have a few moments to check what they have written before posting, but may be confused about the correct spelling:


Your aeroplane (ownership)


You're giving me the sh1ts! (Shortened version of "you are")


Yaw the aircraft to the left (turn with rudder)



There is the airfield (where)


Their new aeroplane (ownership, as in "heir")


They're flying too low (shortened version of "they are")




An Apostrophe is used for ownership (Jabiru's most popular model)


-but is not needed to make the plural of the word (Several Jabirus flew over...)


Quite a good little plane.


Quiet, keep the noise down.


Practice (like ice, is a noun)


Practise (the verb)


Buy some new tyres


If by some chance you should read this...


Braking to slow down the plane.


Breaking the speed limit


It's- a shortened version of "it is"


This plane lives in its own hangar. (Ownership)



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Some people aren't confused about correct spelling. They can't spell or write with acceptable grammar and just don't care enough to do anything about it, including using a spell checker or reviewing what they have written before posting.



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They do pay a terrible price at times though, it's just that they are never told ( although there was a great deal of excitement at a recent mistake I made).




But Turbo you do care about this otherwise you would not have been concerned at the excitement. I once re-wrote a post from a forum member in English as it was almost indecipherable with poor spelling and grammar & almost entirely devoid of punctuation. I headed it "Interpretation". I got a couple of "Likes" but no comment at all from the poster who continues the same way he has always posted. Another member actually pleaded with him to post in readable English, use the spell checker etc and this was also ignored. Maybe there should be a "Grrr" or "Sic" button.



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Yes, I remember, not a lot you can do with those, but some are victims of parents who kept on changing schools etc, and I don't mind trying to help them.


What's the next lesson Ok?



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I would hate to criticise a persons use of spelling and grammar in a harmful manner as I know you guys above feel as well. It is great to offer help and if it seen in the spirit it is offered we can all benefit.


Some times it just needs the poster to wait a few minutes and check before posting, or read it after posting and go back immediately and make corrections, (I think we have 15 minutes to edit). We can all make mistakes and they have been amusing. I have enjoyed at least on two occasions where someone has suggested to me to go back and read what I have just posted, because they knew what I was attempting to say, and to my horror on re reading it read the exact opposite of what I was attempting to say.


English is a bitch of a language and at times it is frustrating trying to decipher what the poster is attempting to say.



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The worst thing is it is hard to tell the disadvantaged from the 'just plain lazy' as Turbs says we want to help the disadvantaged but the lazy ones (yes I'm one of those sometimes) are worse and don't accept help readily.


Edit: I was typing and didn't see your post David but you are spot on



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Of course there are some at the moment whose spelling and grammar are rather obviously engineered perhaps to mask their true identity. I say this because in subsequent or other posts this same person has perfect grammar and spelling.



...are you fair dinkum, Turbs? I'm still in my bunker in case of fallout!

You are safe buddy, it was an excellent constructive thread to start.



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Does it really matter ? If the first and last letter is correct anyone can still reed it



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Does it really matter ? If the first and last letter is correct anyone can still reed it

Interestingly you are correct, except that NOT everyone can. It is the grammar and punctuation that can completely alter the meaning of a sentence or paragraph.



from the poster who continues the same way he has always posted.

Lets not discriminate, there is also a she just as bad.



Lets not discriminate, there is also a she just as bad.

Damn Bex, you guessed right away who I was talking about in post #10 ... LOL.



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Ahhh I should qualify that it can be annoying but would rather have the people here than not if it's that big a deal for them ;)



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One mistake that is made frequently is using a word which does not exist in the English Dictionary - the word 'alot'. (Check it out, and spell checker on this site highlights it as an error).


Usually used to mean many, it is two words - a lot.


It is confused with allot which means allocate, as in 'to allot tickets to the event'.


Another error is to confuse 'an' with 'and'. Example: To fly an aircraft (correct), To fly and aircraft (incorrect).



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I put down bad gramar and spelling, to either ignorance or not caring. What really upsets me is, when people in authority make speeches or write using made up words, which may or may not mean what the reader or listener thinks they mean. One of the most mis used is words beginning in "eco". It is commonly considered good for the environment, but really it has educational connotations. Politicians are good at this as they are trying to con us all.



  • Informative 1
To fly and aircraft.

Well that could mean to do all things aircraft while flying!




Politicians and the like love to put "de" in front of nouns to turn them into a negative. They have found this in correct English and extrapolated it to cover almost anything as in deactivate (correct) to deinfiltrate (Huh).




Where is the spell checker on this site?


I am not new to the site but I don't got no spell checker and no emoticons neither!


I am wondering if they went the way of the alert buttons and the top of page button when the "You are using an out of date browser. It may not display this or other websites correctly.


You should upgrade or use an alternative browser." started appearing at the top of my page, thanks to Vista 64 no satisfactory update is available! Throw-away society is apparently becoming compulsory.


Funny thing is the buttons still work if you know where to point your mouse ( and click)



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