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Mountain Flyer

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Hi all. Whilst I am the proud owner of '81, (LW1 - 005) I also have in my shed, 25-324 which I bought in pieces about 9 years ago and unfortunately remains in pieces. It had suffered some damage in an incident, the details of which I do not know. It's fuselage has been straightened out very well but one wing was totalled, just a mushed up piece of aluminimum and fabric. The other wing remains almost perfect. Of course I have dreams of it flying again but in the meantime I was wondering whether anyone had crossed its path in the past. It is white with burgundy coloured stripes. It was powered by a 582. It spent a lot of time in Central Queensland back in the 90s. It has about 1400 hours on it from that time. It's logbook shows it to have been owned and used by a stock and station agent or someone similar. I won't name its previous owner as I am not sure of the protocols about putting people's names here without their permission. If, however anyone knows anything of its flying story or has photos it would be great to add them to the Lightwing story and I would love to see them. Pete



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Hi Doug, no unfortunately I only have most of the aeroplane parts and the log book for 324. I have no photos. One of the owners was most meticulous in his record keeping and obviously took his responsibilities quite seriously as I hope we all do. I was hoping that a reader of the forums may have come across it at some time in the past and may have been able to put me on the track of a previous owner one of which may have some photos. Thanks for maintaining an interest in all things Lightwing, especially the early aircraft of which we both have great examples (yours 32 and mine 81) . 81 first flew feb 1987 even though it was LW 005. I know the guys at the Sydney Ultralight Club, now the Sydney Recreational Flying Club (SRFC) put a mighty effort into getting it airborne as soon as they had the kit from Howie. It is early stories such as this that I would like to gather for 324 also as I am sure that it also has many tales, especially as so much of its life was around central and Western Queensland. Pete



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