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Speaking of which I just "bought my wife" an iPad Mini 32GB Retina Display (WiFi only) and checked with OzRunways that all would work OK with the iPad getting GPS from my Dual XGPS160 and 3G from my iPhone (as personal hotspot).

The problem with using hotspot in the air is you now introduce a second possible point of failure. 2 devices being used to do 1 job. 2 batteries getting hot or 2 chargers running off the plane battery. The possibility of either device overheating and shutting down is real which means you then have no backup.


IMHO better to have Ipad/Ipad mini with 3/4g. Do a pre paid set up. run Ozrunways on that. If it overheats switch off pull out the phone that you prepared earlier with the same flight plan turn it on because it was off so it wouldn't get hot 107_score_010.gif.2fa64cd6c3a0f3d769ce8a3c21d3ff90.gif and hey presto. No problem.



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Including the Dual XGPS160, make that three points of possible failure.


I agree that the iPad with the cellular connection is the preferred option to WiFi/Bluetooth and Hotspot. Just wanting to let people know that the other setup can work.


I believe I've overcome the overheating/switch-off problem by having the iPad powered from the mother ship and protected from too much direct sunlight. A couple of Amps max is not going to sap the the plane's battery.


And I always have the luxury of two iPads (and the iPhone) on Board. A bit OTP I know but I hate fooling with maps (or ERSA) in the cockpit while I'm trying to fly the plane and look out the window.



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Geoff,Including the Dual XGPS160, make that three points of possible failure.

I agree that the iPad with the cellular connection is the preferred option to WiFi/Bluetooth and Hotspot. Just wanting to let people know that the other setup can work.


I believe I've overcome the overheating/switch-off problem by having the iPad powered from the mother ship and protected from too much direct sunlight. A couple of Amps max is not going to sap the the plane's battery.


And I always have the luxury of two iPads (and the iPhone) on Board. A bit OTP I know but I hate fooling with maps (or ERSA) in the cockpit while I'm trying to fly the plane and look out the window.

I concur. My iPad 2 + 3G is on a knee board. It starts fully charged and is on a charger shortly after take off. I have an iPhone also with ozrunways, as back up + paper ERSA. No overheat on knee pad despite sunny outback conditions.


Must admit iPad2 is tardy with latest iOS. Planned obsolesence? Gotta hate that! Must get latest iPad and throw away paper ERSA... Grumbling about silicon valley money vacuum...



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