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So you sound quite upset about it?

Bloody oath I am. I have a written undertaking from the then-RAAus Technical Manager that on completion of the build, my RV-9A will be accepted for registration with RAAus. Having spent tens of thousands of dollars on the aircraft, much blood (yes, really!) sweat and tears have been expended. I have been on the threshold of AIDS a couple of times because of it, it is now ready to go and not only do RAAus have the hide to accept the provisional rego number application and take my money, after that, the current Tech Manager now refuses to accept an aircraft that legally complies with their own rules based on nothing more than an "I don't like it". Let's say you build a J230 and then RAAus refuse to register it -even though there are dozens already out there. Or perhaps you build a Europa XS. These aircraft can meet the requirements of CAO 95-55, there are already examples on the register, but according to RAAus (and your) logic, they cannot possibly be accepted on the register anymore as their listed gross weight is in excess of 600Kg.


As you have said it is a more useful option in VH anyway. Why specifically do you want it in RAA? What is the advantage?

Now the RPL is available, there is not much difference. I'll be the first to admit that. However, when I had "finished" (builders will know that feeling) the RPL was still a pipedream. "Oh it's coming, it's coming...." Just like our CTA endorsement! Why RAAus now RPL is available? So I don't have to deal with CASA. So I'm not thousands of dollars out of pocket changing placards, rego stickers and orginisations. Anyone priced a CoA pack from the SAAA lately? a smidgen under $500. Plus nearly $200 to signup. Plus $400 each time you have an AP callout to look at your plane, plus his reasonable costs, plus the TC's reasonable costs - and this is before you get it to the airport and assembled. And My RV is ready to go now. But because of this debacle, I am now months away from flying. I need to take annual leave (in a weeks block & worth nearly $1000/day) to enable me to be home when the SAAA AP can look at my plane, whereas with RAAus I could have done it on my RDO's and been flying today!. Is that enough or should I go on?


If RAA rego 2 people @ 80 kg will leave you 7 kg fuel about 10 lt enough to taxy on the apron!

I'm well aware of the potential limitations, thank you. Do you really think someone would embark on such an endeavour without considering those issues. As above, I'm not planning on taking the missus flying. Solo I have the legs to go from Newcastle to Brisbane and back - at 180mph. If I can lose 10Lbs myself I can fill the tanks and go to Adelaide in 4 hours with 90 mins reserve. Try that with your average Jab! And FYI, my eldest is 35Lbs, with his carseat weighs 50Lbs. That leaves 23 gallons of fuel, or 3 hours flight time with reserves. That's still Newcastle-Brisbane or Melbourne one way in time to see the family for lunch, refuel there and fly back in time for dinner at home. Perfectly acceptable for my circumstances. So far as I can see, having my -9A RAAus meets my requirements.


If you feel you have been badly treated then you always have the option of writing to the CEO ([email protected]) and asking him to review the decision. Michael Linke is a fair man from what I have seen and will definitely consider your position. In the event that you feel that even then you did not get treated fairly then you have the right to ask the RAAus board to consider your plight.I hope that you take the opportunity to follow that grievance path, its there to ensure natural justice occurs as the ACT incorporated associations act requires.


You can contact me as a board member in the event of the need for a last review, but not until you have exhausted the opportunity to discuss with the CEO, or the current stand in while Michaels overseas.





With respect Andy, when my Experimental CoA comes through, I'll be washing my hands of RAAus. I'm done trying to tell your people their job and prove myself to people who themselves don't know the rules - and don't care about them in any event when shown. The RPL gives me the ability to fly into CTA and I can take the missus and Kid-2 flying in a 172 should I so choose. Having friends who were grounded for weeks, if not months due to RAAus's incompetence coupled with being led up the garden path leaves one with a very sour taste about future dealings.Until RAAus refused to register my -9, I was quite content to stay a member. Maybe even get my instructors ticket. The RPL is here now and I will be using it. But I shouldn't have to! I am being forced to, simply because one person in a position of authority doesn't like what I've done. And that is bollocks. As above, what if he decides there won't be anymore J200-series allowed?


Didn't they effectively stop two seaters being registered as single seaters a few years back? I suspect yours falls under that rule change.

And what rule change would that be?


You are wasting money with RAA registration and devaluing your investment for no discernible advantage......

I beg to differ. What other RAAus aircraft offer the performance of an RV - even single seat? The Lightning looks fast, but only cruises at 120Kts. A Long-Ez? 125Kts. Still 40kts slower than an RV with a much lower rate of climb. A single-seat KR-2 with a Rotax 914 would come closest I reckon, but there's not an awful lot out there right now that can compete with an RV, particularly a lightweight one with an O-340 on the nose! 023_drool.gif.742e7c8f1a60ca8d1ec089530a9d81db.gif


FV You are quite right, it is none of my business why he wants to register it with RAA. I am just at a loss to understand why someone would go to a lot of expense and time to build a beautiful aircraft then limit it's usefulness. He can do what he likes I suppose, and he has shown it is allowed by the regs, so there does not appear a valid reason why he can't have it registered. Tom


The bit that makes me think RAA are doing the right thing to protect members is that an RV9 varies from around 750-790kg's (less with smaller engine) and it's being squashed into a 600kg max category). It's clearly not a 600kg aircraft.

Neither is a Jabiru 200 or 400 series, they're giving up 220Lbs of payload if you limit them to RAAus.
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Guest Andys@coffs

The letter to the CEO would not have been longer than the post above, and had some chance of a different outcome....the post above probably no chance.......but as you have said its your choice...





Bruce, please contact me to discuss your aircraft.Daz

Tech Mgr

Thanks Daz. Sorry, missed your post.

I'll call you Monday.








RAAus Tech brings great shame on the organisation when it chooses to launch random and unjustified attacks on individual members.


There has been a history of this over the years.


Deb, it is not for you, or anyone, to question KR's decisions and judgements.



  • 2 months later...
The letter to the CEO would not have been longer than the post above, and had some chance of a different outcome....the post above probably no chance.......but as you have said its your choice...Andy

Well, just a bit of a followup. As much as I would like to pursue the SAAA route, it looks like it is going to be far too time-consuming in the short term given my situation. That being said, I'm having the SAAA TC give it his tick of approval before I go to the airport.I took Andy's suggestion and contacted our CEO via email on the 09th January. I got an auto-reply that day and an actual reply on the 14th January, promising to get back to me once he's heard from his Technical Team and it should be by the end of the following week, so the week ending Friday 23rd January.


After not hearing anything, I emailed the CEO as to what was happening on the 09th February, with no reply. I emailed him again on the 23rd February, again, with no reply. The issue is being ignored.


So, the question now becomes "What is the complaints process for RAAus?", and the answer is "There isn't one, unless you've had disciplinary action taken against you". So the two NSW board members and HQ have just received a letter of complaint about the behaviour of our Technical Manager and CEO.


We'll see what happens now I guess. Until then, I've got the worlds most expensive kids jungle-gym.



Guest Andys@coffs

I have received the letter and have, as requested, raised it with rest of the board and the CEO. I wont post any further details about the issue here, however leave it to you to post as you see fit.







  • 11 months later...

A belated followup, but after having life get in the way, there are now not one, but two RV-9A's on the register. After nearly 5 years of blood (yes, really), sweat, tears and reaching the threshold of AIDS twice - but no drilled finger strangely enough - Aurora Australis is now, OFFICIALLY, an aeroplane.


It took only 8 days to process the rego with only a forgotten signature on the W&B form holding up the registration process for 24 hours, so make it 7 days to process. I was fully expecting another bunfight with RAAus about having "another RV" on the register, but after finalising the punch list items and sorting out the paperwork, it went incredibly smoothly, so a big thanks is owed to Leanne in RAAus HQ!


Until I get home to button up the access panels and prepare for the test flights, the registration is deemed "Provisional", with it moving to full registration once the test hours are flown off and the finalisation form submitted.





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That is really great news, well done for having the tenacity to see it though.




Jim G



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